Fatal Shot

Chapter 899: Swimming pool killing party

Blood volume is 33%!

And in the case of six people constantly attacking, in just a few seconds. .

The blood volume of this tyrant t-200 has dropped to only one third.


Then wait for the tyrant t-200's arm to recover from the impact of the 88th heavy armored alloy shield.

The shadow of the light armor flashed.

The "killing the wolf" in the hands of the wind that has seized the opportunity to quickly advance has already taken the best angle of not wasting a little power at all.

It pierced the chest of the fragile chest under the dual role of the special sniper bullet of the 009 sniper youth and the defensive agent bullet of the 222 doctor player.

And, infected parasites in the heart position!



Tyrant t-200, blood volume, 4% left!


With the legendary sniper rifle in the hands of the No. 09 sniper player, the last bullet hit the head of the tyrant t-200!

This hp has more than 100,000 t-v virus-level infections plus parasitic units, and almost no one can effectively make a counterattack, and they have a box lunch.

["You participated in killing the tyrant t-200, level 51 command, killing contribution: 34.2%... gaining experience points... merit points..."]

In the eyes of everyone, the system prompt was brushed.

"It's too easy!"

The little fat man canceled the condensed hand, but because the tyrant t-200 has been killed, there is no use of the energy of the wind blade.

A look of surprises stared at the tyrant's t-200.

This battle is indeed very easy.

It can be said that the tyrant t-200 was solved without any injury.

And the whole battle, which is over in less than ten seconds, is almost too fast to be fast.

Each of them has good equipment, and even everyone has at least one legendary equipment.

Really speaking, there are also the ability to single out some low-level commanding units, but it has never been so easy.

The reason for this, naturally, is largely due to the tacit understanding of each other's struggles in the previous battles.

Of course, it also benefits from the wind and the No. 88 heavy armored warriors, the front row for the tyrant t-200 restrictions.

This tyrant t-200 broke out with an anti-viral serum, and still plays the role of np, naturally it is not involved in the distribution.

Finally, several people assigned this antiviral serum to the best performing No. 88 heavy armor in the battle.

Then, drag the body of the tyrant t-20 out of the elevator.

A group of people entered the elevator and took the elevator up.

In order to avoid some troubles in the middle, the intelligent "Hummingbird" program of the agent is also used to modify the control program of this elevator.

Make it impossible for others to use before the wind falls.

After the tenth floor, things are much simpler.


The smart metal traction anchor shot from the agent's king was accurately fixed on the higher railing of the opposite hotel.

Then, six people directly leaped a distance of about ten meters between the hotel and the residential building in the height of tens of meters by the cover of the darkness.

"You go to the target location to save people. Immediately after the rescue, you will protect the target and return to the first floor."

After a rollover landing force, the wind turned to the five-person.

The sniper player of the rebel army must have to solve the problem because his location is above the target room.


Five nodded.

Then the wind fell directly from the wall, and turned from the tenth floor of the hotel to the top of the eleventh floor.


Compared to the place where it is very quiet, there is no infection on the tenth floor.

The same location on the 11th floor is an open-air hot spring swimming pool.

In the moment when the wind fell and fell, I heard a dull scream.



The icy metal gloves hold the knife with one hand, killing the wolf's blade and directly swaying.

A knife will pounce on the head of a Caucasian male infected body that is only wearing a swimming trunk and looks handsome.



Then, the wind fell on the right foot of the alloy boots, directly squatting on the chest of the male who was wearing the head but still moving, infected with np.

The explosive power and speed attributes, under the bonus of "Master Fighting", kicked the infected body back into the pool.

So he spit out a bunch of blood mixed with internal organs, the bones of the chest were broken, completely sunken and the body twitched in the pool for a few times without any movement.


However, more infected bodies are rushing from the shore of the pool and the water to the wind.

The number is at least twenty.


Even the wind fell and noticed.

In the pool that was dyed red, a few infected parasites rushed out and rushed over to him.

God knows how these things ran to the 11-story high-rise building.

Is it because this layer has this swimming pool, and the infectious insects cultivated by these tyrants are afraid of fire, but they like water?

Speaking of it, the wind feels that I really admire these np.

In the snow city of the White City, there is an open-air swimming pool, and there are so many people in the pool to open a swimsuit party in the evening.

Sure enough, it is a city with a fighting nation as its background!



Killing the wolf's blade, unscrupulously cut off a blonde against the wind, and has a pair of very long white legs, the body is absolutely perfect np white girl's neck.


Then, the body of this **** female np was kicked into the pool and splashed with a pile of water.

However, for these a large number of wearing swimsuits and body is very good, braving blood in the water struggle, like the help of the infection of the np.

The wind fell again and swept his eyes again, and it felt a pity in my heart.

The girls of the fighting nation, before the marriage, the body and appearance are indeed very attractive.

These few times, the wind fell very hard.

The infected body on this pool party is estimated to be caused by a large number of parasites in a moment.

As a result, these people have become infected, but there is no "food" source, and they cannot get enough energy to evolve into a leader.

It is only an elite infection.

Undoubtedly, for the downfall of a legendary tyrant armor, it is completely threatened.



In the end, he solved a female long-skinned blond hair with a long blond hair, a leopard-print swimsuit, and penetrated her chest with an alloy knife, nailing the parasite inside.

The wind has already reached the transparent glass door of the swimming pool with hand-printed blood and closed locks.

Obviously, this should be the reason why these infections are so concentrated.

Of course, for the wind, it is not difficult to crack this door.

However, the wind fell on the door.

Because, he is going to solve the sniper player.

But it's not a matter of one.


On the other side of the transparent door, a black hole slowly forms.


"what sound?"

On the eleventh floor of the hotel, close to the square side of the room, the rebel sniper players seem to hear what sounds.

Some doubts on my face looked sideways!

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