Fatal Shot

Chapter 905: The biggest crisis

These cumbersome rich second generation are not arrogant, and the wind is too lazy to pay attention to them.

Let the 150th female scout player and the 222 female doctor accompany the mixed-race npc girl to find a room and put on a clean clothing.

He came back after he came back and said nothing, just after unpacking the equipment, standing in front of a window in the hall.

Staring at the hand, a string of identity badges taken from the fallen soldiers next to Lyon.

"I want to open a little."

"At least, they are dead in battle, worthy of the identity of the federal soldiers!"

The wind fell behind Lyon and looked out of the hotel, full of street openings of various bodies.

"I know... just, some can't figure it out!"

"They are all the best soldiers in the Federation, but they have not died on the real battlefield, but have died in the hands of these infected bodies that were originally civilians."

Lyon shook his head, his eyes fixed on the twenty-seven soldiers badges that were strung in his hands, and his voice was low.

The wind knows that in fact, Lyon really feels unacceptable.

It is the death of these precious federal elite soldiers to save a group of parasite-like officials!

This kind of death is not too valuable.

"The sentence before the intelligence bureau guy was still right, and the situation is not safe."

"You need to cheer up, at least, to bring all the rest of the people back safely!"

The wind fell and thought about it, opening the way.

This sentence obviously still has some effect.

Lyon was the most eye-catching, but now there are some embarrassing eyes, and there is some light in the words.

"Not bad!"

"I want to bring them back!"

Lyon reached out and tightened the chain of identity badges in his hands.

"That plus a private plane can be reached in about half an hour. By then, you will let them bring the rest of the soldiers back!"

"In any case, the diplomatic corps has been completely killed. Their mission can not continue!"

When I saw that Lyon had recovered, the wind fell and then opened.

"Private aircraft... The arrival of this aircraft is not necessarily a good thing."

Lyon first had a bit of irony in his tone, and then there were some frowning.

The wind fell to understand the meaning of Lyon.

How many people can a private jet carry, and how many people are in the hotel?

Not to mention these weapons and bodyguards, even those who do not have weapons, now seem stable.

At that time, when I know that there is a rescue plane, what will happen?

In order to survive, even a goat without fangs may bite the wolf. This is an unstable factor that is likely to be a potential outbreak.

It’s just that the wind is standing in the player’s position, and it’s not very easy to banish these people out forcibly.

But with Lyon's character, it is obviously not possible to sit down and do it.

So, the wind did not say anything, wait until time to say it!

"The second group rescue team is back!"

At this time, the No. 9 Northern City sniper player who was on the alert outside said the wind in the communication channel.

"There are only three people left, and there seem to be some over-the-counter rescue targets."

Subsequently, he added one sentence.

"Know it, let them in."

The face of the wind has not changed, just answer it in the communication channel.

The second group is Qin Fei, and there is a group of people who are violent and unparalleled.

Why is there only three people in a group? The wind is naturally clear in my heart.

As for why it is three people, not two?

The reason is because...

"Come on, go in yourself!"

In the eyes, there was a panic, and the footsteps of the running were scattered. The second-generation youth of the 2nd target surnamed "Lin Mu" with blood on his face was pushed forward to the hotel lobby.

Behind this npc rich second generation, walked in is the No. 19 light armored warrior player carrying the alloy sword.

When I was assigned to two groups to perform the task, I felt that the situation was different because of the ugly face. The back of the No. 19 light armored soldier revealed a kind of smug and vent.

Even with the wind and the "evaluation instructor" confrontation, the line of sight is no longer evasive, and the face also reveals some provocative look.

"Tm is really luck, this guy actually awakened the Force in the battle."

After a few steps behind, and the violent unparalleled walk to the back of Qin Fei's face, it is very uncomfortable.

The words whispered in the mouth reveal the reasons for this situation.

In his "perfect" calculations, the people in the same team were killed by the rebels and infected bodies.

Only he and the violent unparalleled two returned with the goal, and then split the high task reward points.

However, I don't want the breakthrough of the 19th light armored player in the battle to "awake", which directly caused his calculations to fail.

What made him feel more uncomfortable was that the No. 19 light armored warrior had a conflict with the second rich second generation.

As a result, after awakening.

Even the guy who broke the mouth directly grabbed the collar and threw it toward a group of infected bodies, so that the former rich second generation was almost scared.

Of course, after this guy awakened the Force, the strength did have some tyranny.

Even in a pile of infected bodies, the npc was taken out without injury!

However, the points of the two people in the plan have become three points, which makes the points doomed to catch up, but it makes Qin Fei's face really ugly.

In the face of this No. 19 light armor with a provocative gaze, the wind is staring at him with a blank expression.

For this conscious increase in strength, I want to get back to the 19th evaluation player of the game. I really don’t know if this person is stupid or arrogant!

These rich second-generation npcs enable the special divisions to change their plans to save.

Then the background of the people is able to influence the top of the special department.

Not to mention that the npc in the "War of War" will avenge the enemy, he said that he is offended by the gold master of the special service department.

I really thought that as long as I was qualified, I would be able to transfer to a special occupation.

Or after the transfer, it will never be fired...

The wind fell in sight with the No. 19 light armor for about two seconds.


The wind suddenly changed his face, and then he did not care about this guy, his eyes suddenly became empty.

"what happened?"

Lyon heard the tone of the wind falling, and asked in a voice.

"The trouble is big!"

The face of the wind is dignified.

Because, in the field of reconnaissance beetles.

I saw the tall "black man" standing on the street in front of the police headquarters that had been completely destroyed.

At this time, I suddenly looked in one direction, then nodded.

Then, in a **** and corpse, he walked in one direction, and following him to move, there were still more than a dozen squad-like infections and some grades. High elite infection unit.

The most important thing is that he is heading in the direction of the villa hotel that is not far from the police department.

Just a coincidence route, the goal is not necessarily a hotel?

The wind will obviously not think so.

"What should I do? Or we will change places soon!"

When I heard the wind and the situation, Lyon’s face immediately became serious.

"I'm afraid it's too late!"

"Although the two people were killed, the people of the rebel army are sure that there are many people in this hotel. Even in some hidden places outside the hotel, there are definitely some people who are remotely monitoring."

"So, since they have already started to act, then we should not have enough space to transfer!"

The wind shook his head.

He said so, of course, not just speculation.

Because, at the top of the hotel, quickly moved into the sky to see the sight of a scout beetle.

This one is in the edge area of ​​zone b. Except for the snow-capped mountains behind the cliffs, the other three directions have already shown signs of moving the body to this side!

There is no good choice at all if you want to move elsewhere.

“Really, this is the best place!”

“One of the hotels is an independent building, and there are open spaces on all sides. These infected bodies are surrounded by a certain amount of defensive space.”

"Second, the rebel army is, like us, an outsider, not the official of the Republic of Raf."

"Although we used the power of the official to succumb to us, but now the Resident Evil has spread like this. The top level of the Republic of Raf is estimated to be violent."

"So our enemies are just them."

"The most important thing is... those rich second-generation family members, since they spend money to let the three parties agree to send planes to pick up people, then at least until the plane arrives, the rebels are unlikely to desperately attack, or directly Use heavy weapons to destroy here!"

The wind fell and analyzed.

"Retreat 10,000 steps, it is on the edge of the city. It is not good, we just enter the snowy mountains from behind the hotel!"

"Also, there is a final retreat."

"This is feasible!"

Lyon thought about it and agreed to nod.

"However, since the infection is surrounded, you must be prepared to fight."

The wind fell.

"There are a lot of infected bodies moving closer to here. Everyone, speed to the defensive position, fast!"

Then, the wind fell directly through the hotel's communication station.

If the wind falls, everyone in the hotel will be alarmed.

After understanding the situation, everyone changed his face.

Two npc rich second generations, including the Jin surnamed youth, were once again not calm, and hurriedly urged their men to go to the hotel to defend with the wind.


And when the wind fell, they laid the weapon.

At the end of the street in front of the hotel, there was a burst of gunfire.

Several figures appeared, and while running, they fired at the back!

"Don't attack... it's Sam they!"

Seeing that everyone’s muzzle was immediately aimed at the past, Lyon, who saw these people from the night vision equipment, hurriedly shouted.

These people who are shooting, to rescue the No. 5 target special soldier squad, is not the kind of special gun-infected body.

"There are several advanced infections behind them!"

However, the next moment, the 150th female scout player who sounded an alarm on the reconnaissance instrument changed his face.


Two tyrants, the t-200, and three corrosives turned around the corner of the street and rushed directly to the five fleeing figures.


The figure of the two special soldiers in the running was immediately thrown to the ground by the faster corrosives, and then the mouth was opened by the petals of the open mouth.

The big blood is splashing!

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