Fatal Shot

Chapter 908: The talent of the 150th female scout

"Black, it's black!"

"I said, the first game we are the final choice!"

After seeing the casino manager show the cards.

All the agent evaluation players, including Qin Fei and the No. 19 light armored players, all sighed with relief.

Although they don't know the other side of the camp, there is a player with a special investigative talent.

But all know that the post-selection is definitely more favorable.

Do not say anything else, at least in the profession, you can choose to play against restraint.

So, what is the first job of the other party?

"You, on behalf of us, go to the first game!"


The casino manager points the corner of the playing card in front of one of the players behind him.


The rebel player who was accused only slightly frowned, but did not get the first unlucky expression.

Instead, he turned and spoke a few words to a doctor player around him. He began to unpack and let him inject a few potions.

In this fast single-challenge fight, several short-term powerful gains and recovery agents can undoubtedly take a big advantage.

"There was a light armor warrior!"

After seeing the first player selected by the other party.

On the side of the federal camp, all the brows of the players are a little wrinkled.

The first player occupation designated by the casino manager is the light armored warrior, a black alloy armor with almost the same shape and color, with a slender but dark black-grey alloy sword in the hand!

The light armor in "War of War" is undoubtedly the most powerful occupation.

In particular, the length of the straight line of this street does not exceed 100 meters.

Even if the distance between the two is the farthest from the beginning, as long as the light armor warrior has started the "charge" skill, it is also possible to be close to two or three seconds.

At this time, it is only enough for the controller to issue a shorter lead skill.

Obviously, although the wind fell into guessing the card and won the first opportunity, the choice of the casino manager was a bit of a taste that could not be targeted.

He is a card, and he depends on how the wind responds.

"Light armor warrior..."

The sight of the wind fell on the opposite side of the light armored warrior, and did not immediately determine the candidate, but to think.

Judging the combat effectiveness of a player, the most important thing is naturally the equipment.

If this is a gunman, with the wind's understanding of the gunman's equipment, he can have a good grasp of the player's general strength.

However, for the equipment of the light armor, his understanding is not very detailed.

It can only be said that from the style and overall consistency of his equipment, it should be seen that it should be a complete package.

"How many levels is this? Is it awakening players?"

Not far from the wind, the No. 88 heavy armor is asking the 150th female scout player through the player channel.

"There is no reconnaissance, it should be a system limitation!"

The 150th female scout player frowned and shook his head.

"However, my talent can get some physical information about his equipment and his own."

When she said this, her eyes were staring closely at the rebel army light armored warrior.

The whole person's expression is focused, exuding the keen temperament of the cheetah when the wind first saw her.

"The armor's defense coefficient is about c+, and the materials of each part are almost the same. So, it should be a complete set of rare armor, and it is the kind of excellent property."

"The material of the alloy sword is very good, it is estimated to be at least b-level, and the probability of 70% is legendary equipment!"

"The muscle density of his body is very large. The basic strength attribute of non-equipment should exceed 100 points, which is the main attribute. From the perspective of leg muscle shape, the secondary plus should be agile rather than physical!"

In the mouth of the 150th female scout, he quickly reported some words.

"Wow, is your eye scanning the rays?"

"This talent is absolutely amazing!"

"In this case, we will not be able to maximize the strengths of their candidates in the case of post-election, and the odds will increase."

These words of the 150th female scout player were also heard by the other three in close range.

The little fat man was surprised and surprised.

"This talent is really good..."

This kind of player channel dialogue, of course, can not be shielded from the wind, but also a few surprises in the eyes.

In the course of a long time of action today, he certainly has inferred the talent of the 150th female scout player through some details, which should belong to the eyesight.

Otherwise, it will not be the first time to find a reconnaissance beetle.

However, I did not expect her talent to be actually not a simple eyesight, but rather a tendency to reconnaissance.

This is indeed a good talent, and the talent that is opposite to the rebel army players is definitely different!

However, it can also be said that some of the disadvantages have been regained, and the odds of winning are not enough.

"Instructor, let me go to this game!"

After hearing the information provided by the 150th female scout player, the No. 88 heavy armor took the initiative to ask for a few seconds.

This kind of venue, the light armored warrior is really strong.

However, it is not completely impossible to deal with. The heavy armored fighters are able to restrain the light armored fighters to a certain extent.

Heavy armored shields and even armor can best resist the physical attack of pure light armored warriors, and the close-range control skills such as "shield hit" can pose a great threat to the light armored warriors.

Of course, the No. 88 heavy armored fighters took the initiative to fight, and another important reason was that he was the player who awakened the Force.

Even this player is also a light armor warrior who awakens the Force.

He also has the confidence to win the first game!


The wind fell into a meditation and nodded.

This first game, it is best to take it directly.

Because, although speaking, you only need to win five games to win.

However, there are only eight people left on his side.

So, instead of winning five games, it is better to say that it can only fail three games.

Even, it should be able to fail only two games, because the 222 player is still a doctor, and it is almost impossible to win in this heads-up.

Therefore, this first game is of great importance.

"Give him these fighting potions!"

After getting the wind down consent, the female doctor player No. 222 also quickly took out several gain potions to inject the heavy armor.

The wind fell but shook his head to stop it.

Then, he reached out and took two light blue injections and a red spiral test tube medicament from the body of the storm armor and handed it to the female doctor player!

"this is……"

The female doctor 222 took over the potions and immediately saw some surprises.

“Advanced Rare Gain Pharmacy?”

To be precise, it should actually be "intermediate evolutionary virus gain agent."

Although Lin's name is "intermediate", it is commonly referred to as "advanced" medicine among players, because it is the strongest level of the current version of the potion.

The term "rare" is due to the limited production of this agent.

The general exchange can't buy it at all, except for the auction house, it can only be exchanged through the military.

Therefore, almost all such things are generally not used by others for use.

Especially for doctor players, most of them use their own made potions, and the attributes are undoubtedly far less than the evolutionary virus agents that come out of the wind.

"Thank you."

The No. 88 heavy armor is naturally also a person who knows the goods, although he can't see the expression through the helmet.

But in the voice, it was also with a slight surprise to the wind.


However, his voice of thanks has not fallen.

"This turned out to be..."

On the other side, the female doctor No. 222, but the eyes were more pleased to pick up the last red spiral test tube, whispering out.

"It turned out to be... the Force to restore the potion!"

"The Force Restores the Pharmacy!"

The sound of the No. 88 heavy armored soldier was also obviously surprised.

Although the intermediate evolutionary virus gain agent is rare, it is far less than the rarity of the original force recovery agent.

Because this kind of use is the production of g virus, the number of people who are awakening the original force is now completely "in short supply."

The price has not only not fallen, but has risen a lot.

More importantly, there is no market price, only through the Haoyu auction house.

For the purpose of this transfer task, No. 88 Heavy Armor has specially prepared a spare.

But in today's battle, he is constantly consuming the original force and has already used it before the most intense battle.

And his current force is actually only a little enough, not even enough to start the additional skills on the equipment.

Therefore, this force recovery agent is undoubtedly a charcoal in the snow, so that he is more grasped by the resort!

"Thank you, instructor!"

The tone of the heavy armor warrior is more sincere than before.

"Get ready soon, the first game, you must win!"

The wind fell on him.

When the No. 88 heavy armor took off his clothes and was injected with medicine, the sight of the wind fell without looking at his side.

Instead, I turned my head and stared at the people behind the rebels.

On the side of seeing the federal players is a heavy armor, and the opposing rebel players naturally responded.

Many people have a sigh of relief on their faces.

These people are undoubtedly glad that they are not the first to appear, not targeted.

The second is because there is only one heavy armor on the side of the wind, then they will not fight the heavy armor.

The heavy armor warrior is actually a player who doesn't like the duel for any player.

The players of the rebel army are almost always relaxed, but the wind has found a player who is watching the No. 88 heavy armor. The face has some dignity and even the forehead is a little sweaty.

And this personal occupation is a light armored warrior.

Obviously, this person should be the rebel player who has the talent to feel the target "dangerous".

"Do you want to...save him directly!"

In the heart of the wind, a thought flashed.

Then he shook his head and shifted his gaze.

"Mr. Link, can you start?"

After the opposite light armor was ready to finish, the casino manager shouted at the wind.

"let's start!"

The wind fell and nodded.

"Come on!"

No. 88 heavy armored warrior opened the whole body alloy armor, holding a black one-handed shield to the middle of the street, and the female doctor player No. 222 behind him and the little fat man said something.

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