Fatal Shot

Chapter 914: Stealing little fat man

" Lost!"

"What happened to this battle today, a game is more clean and neat than a game!"

"At least in the first game, there will be more and more battles. The second game will only end with three shots. This game will be directly sealed after the party has landed... and then it will end!"

After the death of white light on the No. 19 light armored warrior, the people watching the battle could not help but face each other.

"And, there is one more thing you didn't say."

"Today, the light armored warrior who should theoretically be the head of the heads-up is definitely cursed and has lost three."

"A heavy fighter is lost, a sniper loses, and now even the control of the squad is lost!"

"Is it true that the light armored soldier who is known as the head of the heads-up has actually fallen to the altar?"

In addition, many people have discovered it.

The first three games, whether they are first or second-hand, are all the same profession.

"The advantage of the light armor warrior for other professional melee is still absolute, but only a restriction should be added, that is, before the awakening of the Force."

"For those who awaken the Force, the Force attribute and the awakening talent, as well as the legendary equipment, will undoubtedly have a greater impact on the battle than the occupation."

"For example, the ability of this water system controller, in the case of sufficient force, even if several light armor fighters attack at the same time, fear that it will be killed by him."

The 150th female scout player, looking at the rebel army water controller who picked up the legendary alloy boots from the No. 19 light armor, had some dignified face.

"The ability to freeze people in this moment is really unsolvable!"

The little fat man also frowned. It is estimated that he is pondering in his heart. What should he do if he encounters it?

After all, although the ones that were frozen in this game were the No. 19 light armored players.

However, it does not mean that after the end of the gambling, the hands will not be played against the rebel army water controller.

Even the possibility of a melee after a while is almost 100%!

However, after thinking, several people still found that it is not easy to break the ability of this water system controller.

"It's not completely impossible!"

"Although he can condense people in an instant, the premise of condensation must be to satisfy a certain degree of energy element concentration."

“Therefore, it is only necessary to detect the concentration of energy elements in the area through the reconnaissance or energy meter at any time to avoid being sealed by him.”

The 150th female scout player, came up with a solution.

Of course, this method is actually not very stable.

Because both the energy detector and the reconnaissance device can detect energy fluctuations at a certain distance and concentration.

On the battlefield, if you fight it, the strong energy fluctuations of various skills will cause interference.

When it is found that it is wrong, it is probably too late.

"No way, just be careful, if you fight. On the 9th, you try to get the water system master in the first time!"

No. 150 scout female player.

These conversations are all communicated through the player channel.

However, the wind that is not blocked at all is naturally heard completely.

I have to say that the wind and the discovery of the 150th female scout player's thinking is indeed very clear.

And, very smart.

In these few games today, after showing their talents, they passed these conversations.

Unconsciously, in fact, it has vaguely established its position as a think tank in the ranks.

For those players who are very good at the game, it is almost impossible to become a leader.

However, as a think tank, it has undoubtedly achieved command status to some extent.

However, this rebel army, which is a taboo for several appraisers, is actually not a threat to the wind.

Because after the hidden attribute "spiritual power" has reached a certain level, the wind can feel the condensation of the energy elements in advance, avoiding the high concentration area, and naturally it is unlikely to be frozen by him.

Even with the ability to fall, even if it is frozen by the rebel army.

In fact, it is not completely unsolvable.

It is like, the No. 19 light armor warrior can finally break his bond with his feet in the case of his own force.

The winds with the explosive point skills can even break free from the parasites that infect the parasites. If the thickness of the ice layer is not reached to a certain extent, he will certainly be able to break.

Speaking of it, in fact, the 19 light armored soldiers died with some grievances.

If it is not the lack of the original force, if he feels the ice at the beginning and uses the original force to break free, he actually has the opportunity to fight back.

If the wind falls like the heavy armor of the 88th, and he is given a force recovery agent before the battle, he will not be so miserable.

Of course, if you really want to say it, this is actually a greater degree.

If it wasn’t for him to retaliate and throw the rich second generation into the infected body in order to retaliate, and then rely on the original force after his awakening, the process of forcing the person who was scared into an idiot to be fished back was consumed. A lot of force.

Or if you don't approach the vacant way at first, but save the original force and charge the ground.

Not too much, no struggling force.

Therefore, it is easy to bring a box lunch.


"Next, the fourth game!"

The failure of the No. 19 light armored player made the two sides win the game by two to one.

However, although lost, but the federal camp players will once again gain the advantage of the latter.

Who is it?

The wind is naturally determined by the person chosen first.


Several appraisers also squatted in the past, and the eyes had some unexpected tunnels.

This opposite is actually sent to the hands of the controller.

However, the khaki energy robes show that this round of occupation is a soil energy controller.

"Since the other side is in charge of the earth, then our best choice should be the machine gunner and the light armor..."

The 150th female scout player, some of his face is not very nice.

Although the commander of the earth system is at the bottom of the four series, the defensive power of the shield is the highest. When the shield is opened, it is almost no weaker than the heavy armor of the open shield.

In the face of this situation, there are only two better choices.

First, the most explosive machine gunners in all occupations, directly relying on a large number of bullet piles to damage the shield, as long as they lose the shield's ability to move slowly and the output is insufficient, it is naturally difficult to protect themselves.

However, the machine gunner can restrain the earth control master. An important factor is that the skill attack distance of the soil control division is the lowest in the four series, and the basic limit damage distance is only about 200 meters.

The effective damage rate of the machine gun is 600 meters, more than three times the distance, you can break the shield outside the distance.

However, there are some differences in the land today.

The distance of the entire street is less than 100 meters. Once the war is started, the soil controller can completely stand in the position that the machine gunner can't reach.

Then, after the guidance, the shield is punched out, and the use of changing terrain skills can greatly limit the output of the pile guns to the passive.

Therefore, machine gunners are not a good choice.

The sight of the wind fell from the eyes and actually took away some of Qin Fei’s body.

Then, he fell to the violent unparalleled side next to him.

What really means to be able to restrain the earth-based controllers is actually the "light armored warrior" who is known as the head of the heads-up.

The light armor warrior's "Sunder Armor" skill can break the turtle shell of the earth control master at a faster speed, and the turtle without the shell is definitely not the opponent of the wolf!

"Instructor, just in my head, suddenly heard the national anthem of the Federation."

"I wake up, it's time to dedicate myself to the Union!"

However, when I saw the wind and the eyes between Qin Fei and the violent unparalleled, the little fat man next to it was really anxious.

Immediately stood up and stood up.

"Federal National Anthem?"

The wind fell back and looked at him with a strange look.

"Yes, the federal national anthem!"

"Not only did I hear the national anthem, but I also saw countless federal martyrs, throwing their heads and sprinkling blood in the process of establishing the federation."

"I saw the countless predecessors who died in rebellion against the rebels. I even heard their entrustment to me. I must be..."

"Okay, let's go to this game!"

The implementation of the wind is quite a bit unbearable to give this little fat a shot, squinting and swearing, but even his eyes are red but not red.

Just rushing to this point, the wind decided to still give this back to the hand will be given to him.

In fact, the wind is in the heart of itself is also intended to play this round of fat fat or 150 female scouts.

First, because these two people are his "family" after all.

Whether it is Qin Fei or violent unparalleled, it is actually an enemy.

In any case, this kind of advantaged post-game is definitely the best for yourself.

Of course, this still needs to be built on the chance to win.

The reason why the wind fell to agree to let the little fat man, there is another important reason, because through the lips of those rebel army players.

He has determined that the player of this earthen controller is No. 10 in the opponent's camp, not one of the "No. 3 and No. 12" among the awakened Force players mentioned by the former Gray Light Armor.

Of course, in fact, the wind has only need to guard against the other's number 12.

Because the water system controller who just played, is the one that the gray light armor warrior said, the more dangerous one.

"Thank you, instructor, thank you instructor!"

The original face of the little fat man was replaced by a happy color for the face of the country.

"Instructor, can you give me some of that too?"

Then, he licked his hand again with a smile.

"Get it!"

The wind has naturally not taken care of this plan.

What's more, this little fat man can be regarded as one of all the appraisers, the first one to rely on him as "npc instructor".

Moreover, the number is still number 99, the number he used before!

"Ah! It turned out to be this... No wonder the second bottle of that stuffy bottle can easily win..."

When the little fat man saw that there was a "pseudo-original potion" in the medicine that was taken out by the wind, he suddenly glanced at the young sniper No. 9 who was still expressionless.

"Hey, this time, you can save one!"

Subsequently, the little fat man quickly rolled up his sleeves to accept the injection gain of 222 and the doctor's player, while secretly stealing.

The wind will definitely not think that if this little fat man's backpack is opened, you can find that his player's backpack actually put seven or eight pseudo-powerful agents.

This is largely due to the fact that he only made money in the casino for the first few days in this mission.

Unlike other players, doing the task consumes the reserve items.

Of course, even if you see these pharmacies, the wind will definitely not feel that you are losing money.

Because the game says that all the pseudo-original medicines are all made by Lin, and because the market is deliberately maintained, the price has always been very high, and it is absolutely profitable.

The little fat man bought so many belts from the auction house, which is equivalent to providing more than n income to the wind.

This one is a gift!

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