Fatal Shot

Chapter 918: Seeking things in people


This time, it was the turn of the rebel army heavy armored face to change color.

Obviously, he did not think of it at all.

This can be said to be a "must kill" trick, but did not cause any damage to this machine gunner.

Instead, it is because of this slightly sigh of God.

His body was not slowed down, and he was again hit by the golden bullets fired by Qin Fei's legendary machine gun. The amount of blood that kept going was even less than 50%.

"-120, -118, -129..."

Moreover, although the previous alloy shield was severely damaged, it was actually able to cut some damage.

Now, without the shield, these damages with the light gold bullets hit back to the three digits.

"Defensive Force!"

"This machine gunner is actually a defensive type of force."

"This game is actually a confrontation between two players who have awakened the same type of Force, which is very rare!"

Watch the rebel army players.

At this time, I also realized that Qin Fei had the same defensive force.

Even his defensive power seems to be even more powerful than the rebel heavy armor.

After all, the heavy armor warrior opened the original force.

It can greatly reduce the damage, but can not completely avoid the blood.

And Qin Fei can be completely unharmed!

"How come... this heavy armor is actually a defensive force!"

But I don't know. At this time, it seems that the face is cold and the machine gun continues to attack Qin Fei of the rebel army heavy armor. In fact, there are some anxious eyes in the eyes.

Others only saw that his protective layer had blocked the shield thrown by the heavy armor.

I don't know, this actually consumes a lot of his original force.

The Force Shield protects a large area around it and even protects the machine gun.

But this wide-ranging space protection is obviously more expensive than the rebel heavy armored fighters who only protect the body.

Both of them are defensive forces. As a result of this battle, whose original strength can last longer is undoubtedly an important factor.

"No, I want to burn his blood as soon as possible, and I still can't let him have the opportunity to throw things away and consume my original power!"

Qin Fei’s heart turned sharply.

The eight barrels of the legendary machine guns in front of them were attacked more and more, and a golden bullet was shot at the rebel army heavy armor!

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Just, there is no alloy shield.

Although the rebel forces’ heavy armor is affected, the flexibility has increased a lot.

Moreover, a closer look reveals that his original force is defensive, but it is more accurate.

It should be a "hardened body" type.

This No. 12 rebel player has only breastplates and arm guards belonging to legendary equipment.

Therefore, the rest of the armor, when hit by a machine gun bullet, was quickly penetrated like the shield.

However, these golden warheads hit the muscles after running through the armor.

It is not the sound of hitting the flesh like the average person hitting, but the sound of the metal hitting "叮, 叮".

It gives the impression that his entire body is as indestructible as an alloy, yet maintains a highly flexible action.

This kind of force, and Qin Fei can stay away from the original force of the protective cover in vitro.

Obviously, each has its own strengths and will not be lower.

"It feels really a bit sloppy, two powerful defensive forces."

"This heavy armored warrior will be gone, but this defensive force appears on a machine gunner, what makes people feel good?"

The No. 88 heavy armor looked at the two men on the field, and his face was really envious.

For any heavy armored warrior, this defensive force is undoubtedly the most hopeful.

In contrast, although his original ability is actually not bad.

The damage that can be absorbed by the user for a sustained period of time is converted into an explosive output in a certain proportion, and has a powerful killing ability from the surface.

However, it is a professional position with the heavy armor, and there is a certain deviation.

Of course, the agent has now been qualified for transfer.

Perhaps, you can consider choosing a "second career" that is more in line with this force.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Above the street, this matchup is still going on.

The body of the rebel army heavy armor is like metallization, even if it is a golden machine gun bullet with a force effect, it can not cause high damage.

However, the rebel army heavy armor also has no way to get close to Qin Fei.

Because, although it can resist the damage, it does not mean that the impact of the bullet can be ignored.

In particular, once he tried to rush toward Qin Fei, the speed of the eight-barreled machine gun suddenly increased, and a large number of bullets were superimposed, directly letting him back again.

This battle has been going on for more than the first three games.

"No. 34, I am afraid I have to lose!"

At the entrance of the hotel, the little fat man suddenly said.


Next to the 222 female doctor player, some doubts asked.

"Although he controlled the rate of fire, and he used a special extended version of the bullet chain, but now a bullet of a chain will certainly consume most of it."

"Although a spare chain has been placed, the heavy armor will definitely be able to rush when the chain is changed."

The little fat man stared at the battlefield at this time.

His face has become more and more ugly, and his eyes are obviously anxious.


Some of the 150 female scouts next to the two did not speak.

The cheetah's generally transparent eyes, staring at the chain that Qin Fei deliberately hides in the ammunition box, reveals some meaningful expression.


It seems to be the proof of the little fat man.

The speed of the legendary machine gun in the hands of Qin Fei suddenly slowed down.

Then, after a few tenths of a second, an empty sound of rotation was emitted, and the blue fire snake that emerged from it stopped abruptly!

"He has no bullets!"

Rebel army players have a bright eye, and many people subconsciously speak out.

And almost at the same time, the heavy armor warrior who has been in a defensive state, moved!


The body of the rebel heavy armored warrior is covered in a thick black power armor, like a running metal beast, and Qin Fei rushing to the bullet.

However, the distance of fifty meters, the time required to open the heavy armor of the charge is also three or four seconds.

In the process of the charge, his legendary breastplate, which was also unscathed under the shooting of a legendary machine gun, also issued a wave of force belonging to the Force.

In the field of view of the wind wearing the intermediate agent glasses.

It is clear that the original force that emerged from his breastplate turned out to be in front of the body of the rebel heavy armored charge, forming a head like a high-speed vehicle, and rotating the elliptical "bit" .

And after this "bit" original force cover is turned on.

The heavy armor warrior seems to overcome the resistance of the air in general, and the speed suddenly rises again.

After Qin Fei emptied the chain, but after more than two seconds, the rebel heavy armored fighters had already rushed to a distance of 20 meters.

At this time, Qin Fei even just picked up the spare chain from the spare ammunition box, and had not had time to hang up...

Looking at the heavy armor who immediately rushed to the front, his face has become conspicuously flustered.

"This time, the outcome should be divided!"

This thought is emerging in the minds of almost everyone.

However, the next moment is another unexpected situation.

Qin Fei, who changed to half of the bomb, suddenly loosened the spare chain in his hand, turned and regained the legendary machine gun that had not completely stopped spinning!

"Da da da……"

The next moment, the speed of the eight tubes of the legendary machine gun increased dramatically, from which a large number of energy ammunition bullets with golden energy emerged!

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Originally thought that Qin Fei had no bullets, so the rebel heavy armored fighters who were fully charged, no doubt could not escape at this distance.

Hundreds of gold machine gun bullets per second hit him like a rain.

"-160, -145, -135!"

In an instant, on top of the head of the rebel army's heavy armor, there is a much more intensive and higher damage value than before!

More importantly, the impact of a bullet that hits all of this close range is obviously greater than the force of his body charge. The rebel heavy armored warrior, who had already rushed to a distance of 20 meters, was involuntarily pushed again by the bullets of the machine gun, and the whole body slammed back.

"I am going, what happened? He is not empty bullets!"

At the hotel, looking at this scene, the eyes of the fat man who predicted the success of the failure directly picked up.

"It’s not that the chain is empty, but there is a void in the chain in the ammunition box!"

The eyes of the 150th female scout player stared at Qin Fei, who could not see the inside, but the ammunition box that could not stop her talent.

"Empty... I am going, this guy is also very unusual."

The little fat man’s eyes are straight again.

Especially when looking at the face, there was no fluster, but the eyes became round and squeaky, and the teeth were all slammed against the impact of the bullets.

As a film-level acting school, he just did not find this guy acting!

Obviously, Qin Fei took into account at the outset that in the event of a chain that could not kill the opponent.

Therefore, this plan has been designed to pretend that the bullets are empty, in fact, paralyzed and create a chance to kill.

"There is no heart in mind. This is the case. The heavy armor is afraid of being hurt."

Seeing this situation, the winners and losers in the hearts of the spectators changed again.

"Da da da……"

"-160, -145, -135!"

This kind of super close-range shooting, the bullets fired by the legendary machine guns were completely missed on the rebel army heavy armor.

In just two seconds, the damage caused can be said to be comparable to the sum of the previous ten seconds.

The blood of the rebel army heavy armor has slipped to below 20%!

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