Fatal Shot

Chapter 920: Match between gunners

"This guy actually lost..."

"This time, I really want to know how some people in the hound organization will react?"

I saw the body of Qin Fei who fell to the ground on the street.

There is nothing in the face of violence and no "bunny fox sorrow", but the eyes have some interesting expressions.


Then his ears suddenly moved.

Then, immediately bowed his head and a pair of eyes fell through the helmet onto the ring in his hand.

Above his finger, the black gas in the gem of the "Life Protoss Detection" ring, at this time vaguely formed two arrows.

A smaller arrow points to the direction of the wind, and the other one points to the side of the street.

"Hey, sniper!"

"In the opposite round, I chose a sniper. Is it an opportunity?"

After the end of the fifth game, the winning Spades Jack has already designated the next player.

This turned out to be a gunman pro.

"In this case, the next 150 will be played by you."

Seeing the opposite candidate, many people subconsciously believe that the wind will choose the targeted light armor warrior violence.

However, the wind is turning around and facing the 150th female scout player next to it.


The eyes of the 150th female scout player are bright.

Although scout players face snipers, they may not have much advantage.

However, compared with other professions, fighting with a big professional will undoubtedly become more familiar. More importantly, she can get the information of the other party more clearly.

The choice of the wind is obviously as special care as the little fat man.

"It's really important to have a good relationship with npc...but it's not going to let me play."

"And the next game will be played again, my victory will only be bigger."

On the other hand, after the violent unparalleled words heard the wind, there was not much overreaction.

Agent player this side, now the score is three to two, dominant!

However, there are only three players in the remaining assessments, and the female doctors No. 222 is almost impossible to win.

Then, it means that even if this violence is unparalleled, the next game will definitely be.

Moreover, the light armor, even if it is a starter, is not easy to be targeted.

Therefore, the violent unparalleled is not in a hurry now, but the eyes continue to stare at the larger arrow in the ring gem in his hand.

"Instructor, can you give me a red potion too!"

The 150th female scout said to the wind.

At the same time, she removed a shotgun from her tactical vest.

Moreover, it was the one that had never been used before in the battle.


The wind has long guessed that she should have legendary equipment in her hands.

Therefore, a pseudo-powerful agent is naturally ready.


"The opposite is actually a gunman!"

"Is there finally a showdown between gunmen?"

Rebel army players, when they saw the preparation of the 150th female scouts players, it was quite a playful mind.

Their total number is more than 20, and even if they are playing nine games, more than half of them will not be able to.

Therefore, those who know that they are definitely not playing, naturally look at this battle with a lively mind.

"Give ten seconds, get ready!"

For the first battle between the two gunmen, Spades Jack seems to be a little interested, even giving an exception to give ten seconds to prepare.

However, the result of the preparation is still no different from the previous four games.

The sniper player of the rebel army stood at the farthest point of the street.

The 150th female scout player, who directly chose the middle of the street.

The distance is still within 50 meters.

Of course, it is still slightly different.

It is the two gunners, naturally it is impossible to stand in the middle of the road like the previous groups.

Instead, they both rushed to the edge of the street and chose a shelter to hide.

Although, Spades Jack stipulated that it could not enter the interior of the building, it did not say that it was not allowed to use the external facilities of these buildings to avoid it.

So, this is not a violation.


At the moment when the words of Spades Jack sounded, the actions of the two sides were different.

The rebel sniper has long pointed the sniper muzzle at the position of the 150th scout player, and the finger is firmly pressed on the trigger, ensuring that he can shoot at the first time!

And if you can shoot the first shot directly, it is naturally the best.


Just, let him squint in the field of view he looked through through the magnified sight.

The 150th female scout player opposite the first time did not reveal any flaws. Instead, it was a small thing with a black circle with a cylindrical shape and a slight flash of about ten centimeters.

Suddenly broke into his vision.


And the rebel sniper's head has not fully figured out what it is.

This little thing has exploded in an instant.

The next moment, a whole street, even the sky above the entire street, and the buildings that were originally in a dim environment, and even the interiors of some buildings around the street, were lightly finished.

Flash bomb tactics.

"Hey, hey..."

Obviously, the opposite rebel sniper player was recruited.

However, his reaction is also very decisive.

Immediately, the trigger of the sniper rifle aimed at the hand was buckled, and two bullets were continuously fired, and then immediately retracted behind his bunker.

However, he would not even think of it.

In fact, the 150th female scout player on this side still did not rush out of the bunker after the flash bomb broke out.

Instead, it paused a little, after the two bullets fell.

Another shotgun in his hand was flushed laterally from behind the bunker.

After the process of rushing out, the other hand shook, and five black cylindrical things were thrown continuously on the street between the two.


These things, after falling to the ground, quickly rolled a few laps.

Then, a lot of yellow-white smoke emerged from it!

After a flash bomb, there are five full smoke bombs.

In a twinkling of an eye, the street that was just 50 meters bright between the two people was all covered with a smoke cage.


Subsequently, the 150th female scout player opened the "quick stealth" skill that can weaken the footsteps.

If a true cheetah who preyed in the night, rushed into the smoke zone.

As she rushed into the smoke zone, in the field of view of the mid-level agent glasses, an orange light was emitted from the barrel of the shotgun in her hand.

Then, this battle is not very meaningful!

In this dark night environment, a sniper was caught off guard by a powerful flash.

Even with the powerful adjustment of the biochip, he restored his vision within a few seconds.

But the sniper's eyesight is even better, and it is impossible to see through the area covered by five smoke bombs in this dim environment.

For scout players who have a reconnaissance device.

To accurately grasp the position of the other party, it is not a problem.

Not to mention, this scout player also has a pair of eye-catching eyes and an activated legendary weapon.


In the yellow-white smoke, a deafening gunshot sounded.

Then, among the almost completely opaque smog, there were hundreds of bright trajectories like electric thunder.

These "Electric Light Thunder" all rushed to the position where the rebel sniper player was. After the hit, it was violently letting the area ignite a large group of flames.

The smog in that area was greatly dissipated, revealing the rebel sniper players who were already blackened.

This battle between gunmen ended with the process of no suspense.

"The only thing left, the last win!"

The wind fell on the battlefield, and the pupil under the glasses showed a purple-red color.

In addition to the large dynamic vision, the “Super Hawkeye” skill has a very useful function, which is to greatly reduce the visual interference.

Coupled with this more than a month, the g-virus intermediate enhancer and the "evolutionary" talent obtained visual negative resistance.

The impact of the flash bomb on him was almost non-existent.

In fact, even any player who awakens the Force can have more powerful body adjustment.

This flash tactic is not very obvious for players who awaken the Force.

However, the flash bomb is really useful for the average player.

In addition, there is obviously no small impact on those infected bodies.



In the continuous glare and smoke bombs and the final gunshots give the turn.

At the end of the building and the street near the hotel, some infected npcs that had not been attacked again showed signs of temper and loss of control.

Some corrosives even opened their mouths to reveal a mouth-like structure, sticking their bodies on the walls of the building, and there were signs of rushing.

"I go!"

"The people of the rebel army will not look at losing, so they are angry and ready to attack directly, no longer going to the next game."

After being stunned by the tears, the little fat man recovered his eyesight and saw the situation hurriedly gripped the energy converter.

And other people, including those npc special soldiers.

It was also immediately the weapon that had been guarded in his hand, and his face was alert.

"be quiet!"

However, at this time, a voice with a low voice.

Then, a whole body shrouded in a black coat, a person who was more than two meters high, and walked out from the bottom of the street opposite the former rebel army player.


After he appeared, those infected bodies that had been violently violently stopped the commotion.

A corroded person who had already rushed over here, directly slammed his body on the ground and made an action like surrender.

"Hey, this person..."

A few of the players in the assessment, suddenly focused on the size of the tall and incomparable black man.

"Four to two!"

"Mr. Jack, it seems that my winning face is bigger."

"This ring, presumably you can't take it back."

However, the sight of the wind fell on the opposite side of the Spades Jack, revealing the colorful lucky ring on his finger.

In fact, the wind fell to agree to use this ring as a bet.

It's not simple. Because of the command from the top of the special department, there is another important reason, that is, the additional attributes and additional skills of the ring in his hand are hidden.

This shows that this thing is likely to belong to a story task item, only to complete the hidden conditions before it can "unblock" all the attributes.

And this hidden condition, before the Spades Jack asked the wind to fall with him again.

The wind will understand.

This is the real reason why he promised to play a game.

"Mr. Link, your confidence is very good."

"However, I have to say that the strength of your people is really good."

"Just, the next game, I am afraid I will let you down."

Although he has lost four games, the Spades Jack expression is still quite dull.

However, in the tone, it is obvious that there is still a bit of thorns.

After saying this, he turned around and looked at the tall black man who walked slowly into the rebel camp in the case of pointing at countless weapons.

"Seven kills, this game, I am in trouble."

When he said this, he obviously didn't feel like a normal player, but more like talking to an equal collaborator.

This is undoubtedly the first time.


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