Fatal Shot

Chapter 944: Simulation, robot?

"Two of the federations, your behavior is really arrogant."

"At this time, in this way, we broke into the presidential palace of our Republic of Raf. Is this the real attitude of the federal side to this talk?"

The presidential palace, a brightly lit meeting room for more than a dozen people.

The shoulder-length golden brown slightly curled long hair, blue-green dress, as the wind fell, the first look of the mature vice president, looking at the two uninvited guests who suddenly came in from the door, the eyes were sharp.

"The federation is too much of a dream!"

"Guards, guards!"

At the conference table, many of the high-ranking RAF republics were ugly.

What happened today is really making them feel bad.

First, there were mutant creatures in the sewers. Then the president was assassinated, and then the turmoil that swept the whole city broke out. Even the police station had completely lost contact.

If it is not in the presidential palace, there are still a large number of troops, and they are estimated to have fled the city by plane.

The "no-fly order" is only for civilians, not for the high-level of them.

However, what happened in the past half hour has made them feel that even if they are fully prepared, the presidential palace is not safe.

First, two people sneaked into the underground base that only the president had the right to enter, and rushed out before the presidential soldiers surrounded him.

Just now, another soldier reported with amazement, saying that a large number of infected bodies were swarming toward the presidential palace and had to choose to transfer the soldiers around the original guard room.

Now, the people of the two federal government diplomatic missions are coming in from the door of the conference room!

“Is this all a federal conspiracy?”

I have to say that a series of things have made the high-level npcs of these Raffles Republics, many people's hearts are chaotic.


"Yes, there is indeed a conspiracy."

Ada Wang’s words made these high-level npc faces more discolored.

"As for what kind of conspiracy is... I think your female president should be very clear!"

Her face was a faint smile, staring at the female vice president who had not changed much except for her gaze.

"Miss Alice, what do you mean by this?"

After she said this, some people in the high-level of the Republic of Raf took the initiative to take over.

After all, most of the high-level officials of the Republic of Raf are biased towards joining the Union.

After hearing the obvious words of Ada Wang, many people’s faces were puzzled.

Even some people are turning their eyes.

Now, in this case, the White City is not expected to be a place suitable for life in the future. If you can immigrate to the federal territory, it is definitely a good choice.

"Communication with the outside world has been blocked!"

The wind fell but took a look at it, and the communication channel appearing on the agent watch was disturbed.

However, he is also very curious, what kind of information did Ada Wang get, and he is sure that this vice president has serious problems?

Also, even if this female president is really problematic, and Ada Wang is exposed in the face of the high-level of these Raffles Republic.

How about the female vice president who can change this compared to other npcs?

After all, according to the information provided by the intelligence, only the president of the Republic of Raf has the power to command the army.

This female vice president not only has control of one-third of the entire country’s army, but also “consumed” most of the troops that belonged to the real president in today’s events.

Under such circumstances, even if Tatrina is revealed, the top leaders of these Raffles Republic are estimated to stand on her side.

Even if it is proved that she is a spy of the rebel army, planning all of today, these high-level hearts, it is estimated that after considering the dawn, help her to hide from the people.


But, the next moment, the action of Ada Wang is directly stunned by everyone.

The high-rises of the Republic of Raf in the conference room were all in amazement, and "Tatrina" still waited coldly for Ada Wang to explain.

The beautiful agent, violently raised her hand, raised a heavy pistol that was bigger than her arm, and directly pulled the trigger to the female vice president who was sitting in the conference room.


A large-caliber bullet that is comparable to a shotgun, a bullet directly hit the chest of the opposite female vice president.

Less than ten meters away, the impact of the bullet's almost no attenuation has no suspense to fly this "Iron Lady" two meters away, attached to the wall of the conference room.

The large-bomb special bullets are then blown up into a large group of flames.


A high-rise npc of a woman in uniform gave a shrill scream.

Even the wind fell a bit and looked at the Ada Wang with a gun and a relaxed look.

The wind is naturally prepared for the battle, but he will never think that Ada Wang is not prepared to prove anything, but directly shoots at Tatrina.

Isn't this going to kill people?

It will not be Ada Wang in the war, in fact, as in the "Resident Evil" game, there is the possibility of "double scale spy".

In order to achieve some goals, choose to kill this female vice president in the high level of these Raffles Republics?

Or, there is some entanglement between Ada Wang and the mature vice president.

After all, although the female vice president is a little older, the temperament of a mature woman is definitely more attractive than the average player.

The wind has to admire, and now he is thinking fast in his head. In a short while, he has already flashed a series of thoughts in succession.

"Guards, guards!"

"Help, come on!"

In contrast, the top leaders of the Republic of Raf are obviously unable to turn their heads so fast.

Except for the female npc, the rest of the people returned to God after a gunshot, after a full second.

I rushed to the table under the table, and shouted in horror.

However, this screaming obviously does not make much sense.

Because there were not many guard soldiers left in the presidential palace, all of them were sent out to defend the infected body.

Although they entered the conference room forcibly in the wind, someone has already returned.

However, from the wind falling into the conference room, the total time for Ada Wang to shoot was less than half a minute, except for the stun needles that had been launched by the special watch at the door to knock down several soldiers. The rest of the soldiers were the most It’s almost up to the stairs.

"You, you don't look at your president first, she has nothing to do!"

Ada Wang suddenly spoke and said in a tone like a smile.


After hearing this sentence, the high-ranking RAF Republic’s high-level officials directly doubted their ears.

However, the next moment, they may feel that they should be more suspicious.

Because, indeed, as Ada Wang said, their "vice president" has nothing to do.

The impact of the large-caliber bullets on the wall with the female vice president, this time, has actually slowly stood up.

The original cyan dress jacket of her upper body has been hit by a special attribute bullet of Ada Wang, and a flame has burst out to burn a hole. On the chest exposed in the hole, there is a big bowl full of mouth. The blood hole, the air is filled with a blood and muscles that are scorched by high temperatures.

However, at the very center of this somewhat blackened hole, it is not the broken bone or heart.

Instead, it reveals some metallic color, a little silver mechanical and chip-like structure!


"This... what is going on!"

"How do I feel... my head is not enough!"

Looking up slowly, there was a big hole in the chest, but the look was very cold, the vice president of the mature woman, and the high-ranking RAF republics even forgot to continue to escape under the table.

"This story... who can think of it!"

Even if it is a wind, this time can only vomit a sentence.

The stone is shocked!

The female president who today has created a lot of trouble for the Federal Republic of Raf Republic, turned out to be a robot!

Even if the wind has already considered various situations, it is impossible to imagine that there will be a robot in the final stage of this Resident Evil mission.

Moreover, it is a true "super-high simulation" robot.

A robot who has been in contact with him more than once in these days, but he has not been aware of it at all.

"No, it seems that in the last agent inspection, there have been simulation robots."

The wind fell to the head and suddenly remembered that the last agent inspection, on the death hunter island, the final stage of the mission also appeared in the simulation robot, model "hunter t-750".

It is also because of the chip that the wind fell from the agent's assessment task that the digital cat succeeded in creating the "Terminator t-750"!

This female npc full of mature women's charm is actually a simulation robot.

Although I can't see the specific model attributes, but what is the task chain that belongs to her, the wind is naturally 90% sure.

In particular, after the t-800 and t-850 were encountered in the "mechanical test area" of the Capital City.


The door of the conference hall was opened heavily, and a team of female soldiers armed with firearms rushed in.

The face looks pale and expressionless, headed by the female adjutant who had previously ordered Tatrina to ask the wind to fall off their isolation and check that had never had any expression.

"Da da da……"

With almost no hesitation, this female adjutant has directly held the firearms in his hand and fired at the entire conference room.


However, the trigger of the gun in her hand was just deducted.

A large-caliber bullet has been knocked on her head, and a large-caliber bullet hit her head. After scratching a layer of skin with muscles and blood vessels, she exposed the spark of hitting the metal. And the impact sound.

"Tatrina has a special soldier **** with a total of 50 women in her hands."

The wind fell into the head and quickly flashed a message of the information provided by the eye.

This war, I am afraid it will not be easy!

(This chapter, written very slowly, is very troublesome... but it is still not very good, only can be sent...)

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