Fatal Shot

Chapter 948: Another mushroom cloud

To be honest, the wind has always been more interested in the ultimate strength of Ada Wang.

After all, as an "Ace Agent" of the Federation, her strength should be able to represent the top fighting power of npc to a certain extent.

At the same time, from her body, it should also be able to get some players' future development direction.

Obviously, the "defense" ability that this war Ada Wang has now shows has even exceeded the expectations of the wind.

In particular, because of the possession of special-purpose glasses, the wind seems to see that she does not seem to rely on the original force of a particular attribute, but more like the use of some kind of force.

If this is the case, does it mean that he can also use the Force to achieve this level?


When the wind fell because of the performance of Ada Wang, t-x changed the tactic again.

After discovering all of his own remote attack methods, it is impossible to kill the target that has already mentioned the highest level of danger in the current program.

T-x used its fourth weapon!

From the left hand without the flamethrower, two half-moon structures are ejected.

Subsequently, they are combined into a cutting wheel that emits blue light.


The thin cutting wheel is suspended in high speed in the palm of its palm, as if the air had been cut.

And because the liquid metal that burned the surface of the body by the flame showed a translucent red-hot t-x, then the cutting wheel was lifted and rushed toward Ada Wang.

Obviously, it started the melee program!

However, it doesn't matter if you are remote. If you want to fight me now, it depends on whether the two are allowed!

The impact of two heavy-duty large-caliber pistols in the hands of Ada Wang has proven to be enough to hit it to the wall.

The wind that finally eased from the high temperature, the hand has already put down the killing wolf, and turned to the wing of the death of the spare sniper gun removed from the weapon slot of the storm armor.

This rare sniper rifle has been upgraded from Old John to a 60th-level weapon.

Although the attack power can not be compared with the eyes of death, but after using the b-level armor-piercing projectile, the power will not be much less than the 50-level legendary equipment.

What's more, for the mechanical unit, the value of the attack power itself is not large, the important thing is to destroy his energy and control core!

Of course, in the case where it is impossible to determine its core.

The best way to cope is to destroy its weapons and mobility!


The black b-class double armor-piercing projectile that smashed from the muzzle of the Death Wing with the fascinating energy, slammed into the tx that rushed toward the two positions, which was translucent because of the high temperature. Above the body.


After experiencing high temperatures, the properties of the liquid metal on t-x appear to have changed.

This time, the b-class double armor-piercing projectile did not return as if it had killed the wolf before, but succeeded in breaking through the liquid metal that could limit the destruction of the solace.

Then, it was more accurately hit because the color became almost transparent, so that the wind can observe the t-x with a more detailed structure inside, which is equipped with a joint of the right hand of the plasma cannon and the flamethrower.


Destruction of solitude has finally played its due role.

Under the double armor-piercing attack, the half-color translucent red arm fell to the ground.


And, more importantly.

This blow seems to have just attacked some kind of energy device.

Even after the bullet hit, at the same time, from the broken position, a blue light similar to the "plasma gun" broke out.

This group of blue light directly engulfs the body of the t-x half, accompanied by a layer of current-like "nourishing, nourishing" sound, which swayed into its body.


The t-x body that was running was suddenly a meal, and the blue light that appeared in the eyes of the metal skull became a little chaotic.

T-x's "plasma cannon", in fact, the most powerful is not for humans, but for mechanical structures such as "terminators."

The "plasma gun" attack in the movie is similar to the electromagnetic attack in "War", which is a function that can greatly affect the function of mechanical units and even destroy them.

However, it is obviously impossible to destroy the computing core of t-x with this "plasma attack" which is just a little aftermath.

In particular, until now, the wind has not yet tested where its two cores are.

If you want to destroy, you can't talk about it at all.


After only a slight pause, the light in the t-x raised red-brown metal head returned to normal.

In addition, the layer outside the mechanical structure that is affected by the flamethrower affects the red color of the liquid metal, and has begun to appear dim and fade.

Once this layer of liquid metal is restored to silver, it will undoubtedly be greatly restricted by the wind or the attack of Ada Wang, and it will not pose a real threat to it.

Its dual core, where is it?

"The right side of the chest position, a slightly diamond-shaped structure, inside is an energy core!"

At this critical time, Ada Wang, who had not moved for a while, suddenly spoke.


At the same time as her voice fell, a sniper bullet with a black smashing sensation immediately broke through and accurately hit the diamond-shaped structure of the t-x chest that was "awakened" because it was transparent.


The liquid metal, which has been slightly cooled, has added a lot of resistance, but it has not completely consumed the destruction of the bullet.

The b-class double armored high-strength alloy **** successfully penetrates into the diamond structure.

The next moment, the running t-x action slammed, and the light of both eyes faded.

"Destroy one, but there should be!"

The wind naturally does not immediately relax the vigilance.

Because of the mechanical units above the command level, it is almost impossible to have no spare energy source.


As he expected, just a fraction of a second, blue light appeared again in a pair of eyes of t-x.

Moreover, the metal-shaped head was quickly turned to the wind.

This makes the wind have to move immediately to avoid the body.

After all, he is not Ada Wang can ignore the t-x counterattack.

However, what is strange is that t-x did not immediately attack as before, and even the body did not continue to move towards this side.

Instead, standing in the same place, the light from the eyes suddenly turned from blue to red.

At this time, the layer of liquid alloy on its surface has cooled and the color has returned to silver.

Therefore, the wind has been unable to continue to observe its internal structure.

"Hey, hey!"

However, at this time, Ada Wang’s agent’s glasses suddenly sounded a rush of alarm.

"Retire! Leave here!"

Aida Wang had always had some fascinating faces, and finally a change, a pair of black pupil eyes slammed round and shouted at the wind.

When she said this, she had inserted two heavy pistols into the holster on her leg, and then rushed to the hole that had been bombarded by the t-x "plasma cannon" without hesitation.

Then, when rushing to the hole, he did not hesitate to jump directly from the conference room on the second floor.


After the wind caught the ground and killed the wolf, followed by the figure that jumped down.

He did not ask why.

Because, a system of hidden spiritual power provides a sense of danger in the system.

It has flooded the entire conference room like a storm, and even spread to the entire presidential palace.


When the wind fell and Ada Wang jumped downstairs.

In the conference room, the red light standing in the t-x eyes that are still in place has become very strong.

At this time, the silver on the body was falling like a stream of water.

The exposed heart position of the internal structure, but vaguely visible, a diamond-like block structure similar to the energy source is rapidly brightening.

After a fraction of a second, the entire body of t-x has become more flaming and transparent than it was before being fired.

Then, a violent energy broke through the limitations of the skeleton of the metal structure, and it became a shock wave that destroyed everything with high temperature and high heat, covering the entire conference room.

Then, spread to the entire presidential palace!


Most of the white city, at this moment, was illuminated by a mushroom cloud that rose from the sky, and it was like a day.

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