Fatal Shot

Chapter 952: Being an official?


This badge is consistent with the basic attribute type of the 50-level "Military Badge" on his body, but almost doubles in numerical terms. .

However, what really surprises the wind is the rank of the rank above this badge.


The rank of "War of War" is very valuable.

The ranks of the three levels of soldiers are relatively average.

However, the corporal is actually an "officer" rather than a "sergeant" in the game.

A senior officer can already serve as a military chief in a town, and a school official is already a senior military officer.

As for the legendary generals, the federal government with a population of several billion, it is said that the current generals are less than a thousand, and the gold content is naturally full.

This is also the reason why many players are keen to brush their merits to exchange their ranks.

Although the player gets only the "honorary rank" after the exchange, the freedom of "war" is definitely not an army system that does not have the opportunity to actually enter the game.

In fact, the player with the highest rank in the forum is now the star player who has reached the "less envy", and has already mixed into a special squad of the military, and also served as a small captain.

However, the wind has now jumped two levels of the "military ranks", directly from the sergeant to the lieutenant, has already pressed the first player in the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, the "Lieutenant" rank attached to the special occupation is undoubtedly weaker than the military's direct exchange with the military.

Although it will be recognized by the military, it is possible to command np soldiers unless it is under certain circumstances.

"However, even if you can't command the army, there is no relationship."

"The lieutenant rank of this special agent department is definitely more useful than the military rank that everyone can exchange!"

The wind fell quite satisfactorily in this palm-studded agent badge in the palm of his hand, and his eyes lit up slightly on its second additional attribute.

"It is possible to spend points and permissions, and ask the secret service department to help investigate the information. This is definitely a function worth a thousand dollars!"

The importance of intelligence, for ordinary players, may not feel that it is of value.

In particular, this is still in a game. What is the intelligence, is this necessary?

Whether it is necessary or not, only from the top guilds, almost all of them have invested a lot of money to construct their own intelligence agencies in the game.

Also, the collection of intelligence is mainly referred to as the "hunting dog" of the first mysterious organization in the game.

In the informal evaluation of the forum, it has always ranked first in the most worthwhile investment target.

These two points, you can get an answer without any suspense.

In "War of War", intelligence is definitely a very "burning money" and also "value"!

This feature of this agent badge is absolutely significant for both the wind and the city that has developed to a certain extent.

Even, it can far exceed the value of this rare badge itself.

The first internal reward is that it is so powerful.

For the second reward, the wind is naturally full of interest.

The second thing is a "chip" chip, a biochip that is very ordinary in shape and very common in color.

[Multi-professional fusion chip]

Level: Rare

Requires level: 60

However, when the wind saw the properties of this ordinary chip, the eyes were more bright.

These two days, it seems that the new biochips are a bit of an endless trend.

The skill chip, the ai chip, and the chip that is now lying in the box in front of the wind, each of which will greatly affect the game's existing gameplay.

The function of this "multi-professional fusion chip", as its name suggests, allows players to remove the restrictions between occupations and truly "integrate" different professions.

Well, it seems that there are some that are not quite clear.

for example.

Although there are dual occupations in the wind, the sniper and the warrior occupation are controlled by two biochips.

He is in the middle of the battle and needs to switch between two professional chips.

Otherwise, you can't use another professional skill, and it also has a certain impact on the equipment.

The wind falls in the case of wearing a storm armor. If it is switched to a sniper occupation, blood volume, defense, and even agility will be reduced.

Because, in the sniper occupation, there is no special effect on the light power armor.

In the same way, in the case of wearing combat uniforms, switching to the warrior profession, can not play all the melee strength.

However, after all this with this chip, it is no doubt a problem.

Even the advantages of dual career “fusion” can be obtained.

For example, he is now able to shoot a heavy machine gun directly while wearing a power armor, while running and jumping.

The reason why the machine gunner had to put the machine gun up was that the machine gun's recoil was too large, and the machine gunner could only operate smoothly with the body strength of the combat uniform.

However, the strength of the warrior's power armor, combined with the strength of the soldiers, is absolutely easy enough to carry the machine gun.

While "rushing", "sweeping".

Moreover, because the gunner's "General Generalization of Guns" is superimposed at the same time, the damage he uses to attack with a machine gun is absolutely not to be underestimated.

However, what needs to be mentioned is.

The same type of specialization bonus for different occupations is the same as the same type of body enhancement class skills, and will not be superimposed, but with a higher calculation.


In fact, in the original plan of the wind, his a-level authority for this mission was originally intended to be used to redeem the "third profession."

Even, even what profession he thinks, is the "mechanical division"!

The reason is very simple. For his attributes and combat habits, the occupation of the division is undoubtedly not considered.

The heavy armored warrior is completely unnecessary at all, and the gunman scouts are not very useful to him except for a "reconnaissance".

Machine gunners are a good choice, but for those who already have a light warrior career.

If you choose it, the weight of the backpack will undoubtedly be a serious test.

Whether it is a machine gun or a box of ammunition, it is extremely heavy for backpacks. Many of the machine gunners are guilds.

It is because when you are fighting monsters and tasks, you can help bring some ammunition by other professions. The lone machine gunner has a weak ability to continue to fight.

And choose the mechrist, the wind is of course not want to drive a large mech, mainly because of fancy, can be transferred to take the "human armor" ability!

T-800, t-900, t-1000, Terminator, Reaper...

For the "Terminator" plot that will definitely arrive, there are naturally some plans for the wind.

Of course, because it does not get a-level authority, it is naturally impossible to get the third professional chip of the mech-trainer.

Fortunately, in the White City, he got two "primary mech ai chips."

If you really want it, you can take one for yourself.

Well, yes, it’s two instead of one.

Because, on the ruins after the explosion, the wind fell and found a "ai chip" belonging to the spoils mode.

Then he remembered that the adjutant in Tatrina's **** was two, not one!

"It seems that our internal high-level officials are indeed very satisfied with the results of this assessment."

"However, the top management of other departments should be very uncomfortable?"

After the wind fell on the rewards given by the two departments, the face naturally would not be depressed again, but instead asked curiously.

"The two agents who have been organized together in two consecutive departments have not been able to get a newcomer. The person in charge will not look too good."

"So, the other two departments have already requested from the agent's headquarters, and then take the initiative to recruit adventurer agents."

There was a smile on his face.

She is naturally happy too.

After all, the two assessments were sealed on the other two sides, and she had half of her credit.

"This is, I am not going to play with us!"

The wind fell and smiled on his face.

Of course, it’s just a ridicule. The other two departments recruit player agents, certainly not to “play”, but to better let the adventurer “play” with the adventurer.

After all, compared to players who are not afraid of death, np agents do have some weakness in their minds.

Therefore, the best way is to use players to deal with players, but also the inevitable trend of game development.

However, for this, the wind falls, of course, will not feel any pressure.

After all, they are currently the top ten players in the Bureau of Investigation, and everyone is considered a leader among players.

Moreover, it also takes a huge lead.


"Right, there is one more thing."

"Because you have a large number of people now, consider choosing one of you to be the captain."

"I recommend you to serve, it is my deputy!"

Then, the eyes later said a word that made the wind fall unexpectedly.

Ok. Is this the official?

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