Fatal Shot

Chapter 963: The troubles of the point

"He is coming!"

"Is he riding an energy motorcycle? How does the outer layer look like an energy shield, and the vehicle can have an energy shield?"

Eleven never-night city players, after seeing the Tomahawk No. 1 in a layer of light blue water energy shields driving towards this side, the light of the inquiry was again revealed in the eyes.

Of course, in at least two-thirds of the male players' eyes, there is still a craving for light.


The Tomahawk No. 1 shrouded in a light blue water-based energy shield, with a gorgeous and domineering attitude, is flexibly parked not far from the two off-road vehicles.


The water-based energy shield quickly retracted, and the exposed inside raised the helmet mask, revealing the wind of the face.

"Ah... how come..."

"Light armor, how is a light armored warrior. Isn't it a sniper?"

"There is no badge on the chest. Is he the person of our guild?"

After seeing the body wearing a full set of Storm Armor, the wind that slanted across the Tomahawk No. 1 was behind.

This group of players is not as excited as the players last night, but the face has some doubts.

Even the headed heavy armored warrior showed some vigilance!

"Oh, it seems that the installation failed..."

The wind fell first, then reacted, slightly awkward.

Because he has always habitually concealed the guild badge, and whether it is "Storm Armor" or "Tomahawk No. 1" is a new equipment that is only activated when participating in the mission.

Even some core players have never seen it before, and it is naturally impossible for these people to recognize him through equipment and vehicles.

Moreover, although these people have the badge of the city that never sleeps, but there is no person he knows, it should be the new players who joined the mission in the White City.

"Well, you guys..."

After understanding the reasons, the wind is preparing to cancel the hiding of the guild badge.

"The president, it is really you... I originally guessed that it was yours... Hey, the light armored warrior is cool!"

However, when the wind has not yet started, the little sultry little beauty doctor player has already shouted with a bright eye.

Even, jumping directly from the top of a two-meter-high off-road vehicle, a look of excitement.


The words of the little beauty doctor directly let the rest of the players face each other, and then the eyes are lit one by one.

"Yeah, can you have the same kind of shooting method. Besides the president, there are not many people in the whole game?"

"And, is the president's second career not a light armor?"

Soon everyone reacted.

Especially when they finally noticed the eye of the **** of death on the Tomahawk No. 1, they were completely skeptical.

Players who never sleep in the city have a feature.

The number of snipers is far greater than the average guild.

What is the reason for this, naturally no need to say more.

There are many snipers and a lot of masters. There are actually a lot of sniper players who are very accurate in the city.

This is why they are not directly affirmed that this "God-level sniper" is the reason for their own president.

However, there are both light armor and sniper occupations.

In the whole game, obviously there should be only one person!

"The president, you can see you as a real person."

"President, your shooting method is more powerful than what they said. Forty-five seconds, pick thirty, don't say anything is going on with the wind, even death roar is absolutely impossible..."

"President, you are so handsome..."

A group of players who never stayed in the city, all jumped out of the car and surrounded by the Tomahawk No. 1.

The language one by one is more exciting than the ranks of the players who met at the airport yesterday.

This is natural. Yesterday, those players themselves belonged to elite players in the city that never sleeps. The level is higher, and the worship of idols will not be too serious.

And some of these players are newcomers, especially if there are even a few players who are not full.

More importantly, the legend of the guild has always been the president of "the dragon is not seen at the end", and even saved his own people, which makes them feel more excited.

In addition, there are other reasons, such as...

"President, I am the veteran of the Maple Leaf Support Group, and I have always been your loyal fan!"

The little beautiful doctor’s eyes glow, and I can’t wait to reach out and touch the stormy armor.


The wind fell a little sweat on the forehead.

He almost forgot these days, and he has a "Maple Leaf" fan group based on female players.

Of course, I want to forget. It’s because of the name of this fan group, it’s quite a bit...

However, in the face of their fans, the members of the guild, the wind is naturally a little smile.

"someone is coming……"

Fortunately, someone will soon be released.

In the distance, there was a rising sky and yellow sand, and then some black spots at full speed, representing off-road vehicles.

"How is the situation, we will be there soon..."

From the guild channel of the city that never sleeps, there was some anxious voice from Muzi.

As the driver of the original animal husbandry, Muzi got a legendary reconnaissance bracelet because of the task of the Zerg laboratory, and transferred to a hidden occupation. Today, in the city that never sleeps after the expansion, it has become a member of the top.

The base of this one-night city next to the Zerg base is mainly responsible for him.

However, he came so fast.

Obviously, it should not be at the stronghold, but it is already nearby.

"It's okay, the enemy has already solved it! But, Muzi, you come over and come down..."

The wind blew in the guild channel.

"Wind brother!"

The sound of Muzi improved, revealing a feeling of surprise.



A few minutes later, four off-road vehicles stopped in front of them.

Muzi was the first to reload the off-road vehicle from the head of a "Desert Tiger vi" worth more than three million credits.

Then, what was drilled from the cab of this car was a sniper Aurora Bore, who was familiar with the wind, and who did a hidden job transfer with Muzi, and then joined a few friends to join the city that never sleeps. Second generation players.

As a hidden pro, and also full of legendary weapons and equipment, his badge on the chest is already the gold of the core players.

"Wind brother, have you completed this mission?"

Muzi swept the battlefield and his face was a little surprised.

Then, after seeing the wind straddle the eye-catching "Tomahawk No. 1", it showed a theoretical expression.


"The things in this place are just bursting out?"

"It should be, the white light above has not disappeared, and the attribution restrictions exist..."

"One two three four... six off-road vehicles, the other side should have more than 20 people. However, the equipment in this place, how do you feel that even forty people burst not only..."

In contrast, the rest of the night city players who also got off the bus, many of them face the face again and again.

Mainly, the ground has not yet cleaned up the loot and the body of the sand wolf guild player, too shocking.


"President, hello..."

Of course, after the shock.

Next, they rushed in groups and greeted the wind and laughed.

These people with Muzi are not new people, and most of them are seen by the wind.

Even a few, or the old players he picked, responsible for the defensive Zerg base of the Night City Club.


"This time, it is a lesson for the Shark Guild!"

In the group of small beautiful doctors, I learned about the things that passed through Muzi and the Northern Lights. Standing in front of the wind, the face showed a very unresolved look.

"The Sand Wolf Guild..."

Looking at them, it’s not a coincidence that the wind knows this thing.

Because of the agreement with the pastoralists, the wind has not paid too much attention to the development of the city that never sleeps.

In addition, after going to the White City for a period of time, it is naturally more backward for the information obtained here.

However, it is clear from the words and expressions of Muzi and the expression that the city that never sleeps should have encountered some troubles.

"These spoils, you eleven individuals choose one. The rest, take it to the guild's equipment library."

At this time, the time limit for the ownership of the ground equipment has passed.

The wind did not pick up, but a dozen newcomers like the little beautiful doctor who was delighted with the face.

"After going back, let me talk about the situation!"

Then he said faintly to Muzi.

"Wind brother..."

Muzi’s face showed some unexpected colors.

As an old man who never sleeps, especially with Muzi and Fengshuang, the relationship is very good.

He naturally knows that the agreement between the wind and the animal husbandry is actually just a name, and he is not willing to manage the affairs of the guild.

However, the wind is so natural, it is representative, there is some "concern" about this matter.

Of course, this is a good thing!

Speaking of it, he was the head of the stronghold who was rushed to the shelves of the ducks. These innocent people were overwhelmed by this matter.

Otherwise, it will not be patrolled around the stronghold under such weather, and the rescue will rush to support.

However, even if the fighting power of the twenty people in the four cars he brought together is obviously not as good as the wind, it is more deterrent!

In the game, Muzi is definitely one of them who really understands the implementation of the wind.

After ten players, all kinds of faces were happily selected after a rare piece of equipment that excited them.

The rest of the equipment, picked up by the Muzi arranger, is ready to be brought back to the guild's equipment library for the "redemption" and "lease" of the guild's internal points system on weekdays!

The value of this place adds up to at least five million credits.

Killing is definitely bigger than killing monsters!

"Hey, hey..."

In the end, after a few broken off-road vehicles were completely turned into scrap iron, the players who never sleeped in the city began to return.

"President, can I take the tower with your energy bike?"

After the wind fell on the "Tomahawk No. 1", the pungent little beauty doctor asked some expectation.

As a legendary vehicle, the shape of the Tomahawk is indeed very domineering. The deformable alloy emits metal light, enough to kill any off-road vehicle.

This point, from both new players and old players, can not help, from time to time to steal a few eyes to know.

Of course, no one will directly throw the identification of this car, so no one found out that this turned out to be a "legendary" locomotive.

Otherwise, it will definitely be more exciting.

Because the Tomahawk No. 1 can carry three people, in addition to this doctor's little beauty, there is also a female player who is quite happy to take a ride.

Although, among male players, there are actually many people who want to experience it.

However, naturally it is embarrassing to grab with two female players.


The number of people who have more than 50 people in the city that never sleeps, all the way to the rolling dust and dust toward the stronghold.

With so many people acting together, even if it is a boss-level creature, it will undoubtedly not actively provoke it if it is not necessary.

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