Fatal Shot

Chapter 965: Base and hound


"Wind brother, you are back."

The wind is followed by a large transport truck that transports “food” and arrives at the Zerg base from the base.

Unlike many newcomers in the stronghold, the players who are at the entrance to the Zerg base are all old players who never sleep.

The entrance to this base is only accessible by the wind, and even if the ordinary people want to go in, they can't pass the level of the beetle.

However, after a conversation with the animal husbandry.

The wind feels that perhaps the protection of the base should be strengthened.

At least, it is certainly not possible for the people of the "Miki Group" to know the existence of worker bees in advance.

At the same time, we must also beware of the possibility of people who have sneaked into the Zerg base in these days.

"Well, everyone is fortunate."

After the wind fell and smiled and greeted the player who was guarding the base, he walked toward the inside of the base with his 24k on his shoulders.

Among the Zerg bases, the size of the base insects has become very large.

The inside of the huge crust that was originally scary and empty has already been one-tenth of the area, and it is covered with the base insects.

On the ground, there is a thick, moist carpet, and the various fleshy and carapace forms a similar "architectural" structure.

"Hey, hey..."

And a zerg "worker bee" is busy "food" that dumps the transport truck from a specially opened passage, and uses the body and claws to transport it to a base like a "digestion tower". .

In addition, in some structures similar to the "incubation pool", there are some Zerg worker bees and worms, and larvae such as dragons are greedily sucking the nutrient solution after being converted by the base.

[base insect · Leviathan (special type boss)]

Rating: 40

Hp: 4000000

Youneng: 40000

Talent: Species Assimilation (s)

Incubable: worker bees (50th grade elite), worms (50th grade elite)... Hydralisk (55th level elite)... Feilong (60th level elite)...

The Zerg base incubates the Zerg and needs to meet three conditions.

One is the need to generate hatched "buildings" and the necessary resources, and the second is the corresponding zerg eggs.

However, there is a third hidden condition that is the level of the Zerg base.

In addition to the worker bee hatching pool that comes with the base insect, the rest of the incubator of the Zerg unit requires a certain base level.

At present, the level of this base has reached 40, and it has been able to incubate many conventional low-level "arms" of Zerg.

However, the middle and senior arms such as the beast and the queen are still unable to meet the incubation conditions.

Fortunately, the function of assimilation of species is a gift.

Even a level 1 base can do it.


The wind fell out of the backpack and took out a safe. After the fingerprint and iris were unlocked, something was removed from it.

A motionless, black flower-like creature!

[v-type infected parasite (motherbug] intermediate]

1. After the parasitic target, the physical quality of the target can be strengthened.

2. Have the ability to influence targets that are parasitic by low-level parasites.

In the White City, this kind of "parasitic female worm" that emerged from the tyrant's otter is absolutely fascinating.

However, the situation of those parasitic npcs is enough for everyone to stay away from it, and it doesn't make sense for the body to be no longer manipulated by itself.

However, if this problem can be solved, it is no doubt that this parasite is no less important than the "life parasite" of peanuts.

Even, in a sense, it must be even stronger.

For example, in the past two days, the second boss-level pet in "War of War" caused a wave of enthusiasm.

The owner, it is the "seven kills", and the pet, is a boss-level "parasite mother"!

By combining with the body to greatly enhance the combat power, but it will not affect the boss-level infected parasites of the mind, the seven kills are on the top five of the character list.

And he directed the thousands of infected bodies to directly destroy the video of the police headquarters, and was directly pushed to the hottest position on the forum.

"That's too abnormal!"

"I have friends who have participated in the task of transferring agents. He said that these infected bodies are at least elite units, and many of them are leading units. Thousands of infected bodies, even if they are singled out bosses, can definitely do it. Come on!"

"This is the combat power of the boss-class pet. How do you feel that it is several times stronger than the boss-level pet that was screamed by the World Group at a great price!"

Of course, the content of these hot discussions is various, first of all, it is amazing.

"What the hell, this game is completely unbalanced, the combat power of a boss-level pet is even better than a few hundred players? Then let others play."

"Do you think that after the second update, the balance of the game is getting worse and worse. The person who awakens the original force will not say it if he picks up the ten. Now, even a pet has a thousand picks?"

"What does Tianxing Game Company do, and only wants to make money, so that the individual's combat power is strong enough to give the local tyrants a thrill?"

In addition, there are many dissatisfied people.

After all, the combat power shown in the video has already exceeded the maximum limit of many people.

"10 billion Stars to buy parasites... first and then..."

"Is there a beauty, can you play with your friends?"

"Oh, don't you accept the younger brother? I will call for fuel..."

Of course, there are no people who use soy sauce.

The discussion on the forum was fierce, but the wind did not feel that the seven-kill boss-level infection was "too strong."

Because, although the combat power in the video far exceeds the quasi-boss pets that appeared before, it may even exceed the 24k of the whole army.

However, it has a fatal limitation that has prerequisites.

Since it is only possible to control the target parasitized by the secondary parasite, once there is no parasite around it.

In addition to strengthening the body, this boss pet is completely meaningless.

In addition, the people on the forum apparently did not know that the seemingly invincible seven kills in the video, shortly after the next.

It was taught by a "npc" that was also shrouded in black, and it was a blast.

During the war, it was clear that the parasitic parasite was blasted out by the "symbiotic" life protozoa.

In addition, in that post, someone exposed seven faces and bodies under the black clothes, the kind of tyrant-like infection, so that most people immediately felt sick and retired. .

It also makes many people feel that they admire the courage of destroying this force for strength. After all, not everyone dares to play so embarrassed!

Of course, the seven kills that are so embarrassing, the harvest is quite large.

After exposing his boss pets, the ranking of the seven kills on the hound's power list directly entered the rebel army's first place from 10,000, the third position of the game.

It is worth mentioning that on this round of updated combat power list, the ranking of the wind has once again rebounded, and returned to the second, which is just above the head of the seven kills.

Obviously, this improvement should be due to the combat effectiveness and single-handedness of his work in this special agent mission to solve the record of Spades Jack!

However, this task has been down from beginning to end, hiding their identity.

However, after the hound, the hound dog quickly raised his evaluation.

This undoubtedly makes the wind fall with some frowns.

For the organization of the hound dog, his heart is actually with some vigilance and even disappointment.

After all, no one wants their own game information to be noticed by others.

The wind has even tried to use the agent's authority, and wants to check the details of the other party, but the result is told that his authority is insufficient, because he can only query the information below the c level.

The hounds are a mystery, but some of the information they give is now more and more accepted by players.

For example, although the rankings have risen again, the winds still do not exceed the reason of the death snarling, the first person in the war.

It is because of the level of the pet in the information of the hound dog, with a "?" in the back of the boss!

"24k because there is no way to get pet information by reconnaissance, so there is no way to know the level of it. Obviously, the source of the evidence to prove the hound is not the direction of the system."

"So, you can rule out the Star Game Company's main ambassador..."

"In addition, if there is no accident, the hound should not know about the life of the original protozoa before this mission."

"And, the epic level of the mysterious poker box should not be exposed. Because, before that, even the information given by the eyes only mentioned that he has playing cards, not poker boxes..."

The heart of the wind is secretly analyzed.

Less than a million, the wind never reveals all the fighting power.

The evaluation of the hound dog, as long as it is not through the system, can not really grasp all his information.

"However, there should be hidden things in the death roar. The hound can put his battle in the first place, there must be some reason."

Of course, the character of the wind has never been blindly arrogant, and he does not feel that he is definitely stronger than all the players in the game.

Because in the game, combat ability is on the one hand, luck is another.

In the case of such a large population base, it is obvious that there is not only one who is lucky.

The rise of the wind itself is mainly related to the "evolutionary virus" and "reproductive crisis" plots, and has obtained a large number of permanent attributes, which is why he can strengthen more than the players with the same equipment.

And Death Roar is the first player in the game to reach level 50. The first player to change to a hidden occupation is obviously very good luck.

Moreover, from the things in the last test area, he obviously has already had an intersection with the "Terminator" plot.

The wind will not be underestimated. This one who last dealt with is not too happy to end.

Of course, it won't be too dignified.


The black calyx, a structure resembling an egg, is wrapped and then moved toward the base.

The wind is not worried that the "evolutionary virus" that may be dyed on the flower buds will cause damage to the zerg base, because he has tried it before, and the evolutionary virus has a certain influence on the common beetle.

However, the Zerg base can easily eliminate these viruses.

It is even possible to "assimilate" it together and then extract the gene fragments.

At this point, the wind is considering when to talk to Lin, perhaps, for her research.


From the "translation" of the small paws waving from 24k.

The wind knows that the "assimilation" of this volume of "parasite" does not take long.

However, because there is no "Queen" unit, even if it is assimilated, a new Zerg unit is created and cannot be manufactured.

The Zerg Queen is a 75-level quasi-boss unit. If you want to use the base to hatch, you need the level of the base insect to reach 55.

Therefore, the most important thing is to upgrade now!

And wanting to upgrade also means...


What is the fastest and easy to get money?

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