Fatal Shot

Chapter 972: 24K exception

The quasi-boss that were blown up in the air, during the fall, directly smashed a lot of spoils.

Energy grade spar of various grades, consumption-type pharmacy of various colors, rare-grade materials of various shapes... There are five pieces of equipment-like items that emit white light...

The faint white light emitted by a pile of spoils and the black smoke still on the sand form a sharp visual contrast.

"Wind brother, you actually killed the quasi-boss in the underground. This is simply, too god!"

Ten seconds after the quasi-boss was killed, the base door, because of the height, revealed a piece of the tower on the ground.

The scout player jumped out of his head and looked at the ground in the face of the boss.

"It's better luck, if it's not a crit, it won't be lost!"

In contrast, the wind falling behind the towers behind him, looks a lot better, the body of the storm armor is still spotless.

Of course, this is mainly the 24k credit of the wind and shoulders.

The omnipotent shield can protect the sand from the air.

"Wow, it’s a big explosion!"

"The equipment that the quasi-boss burst out is likely to be a rare level, and at least a million credits for five pieces of equipment!"

"There are still energy spar, so a lot, at least worth 50,000 or 600,000 credits."

Not only this place, but also a few other towers, but also ran a lot of players in succession.

Although they are all gray-faced, they look very excited.

The outer circle of the Zerg base gives the impression that it is a ring of naturally formed circular sand dunes, but this is actually a disguise, and there is an underground passage underneath the sand dunes.

This channel is in some locations and has a vertical structure.

It can be turned on in an emergency, directly letting the above people fall, avoiding some deadly attacks.

If it is not because the boss's last big move came too fast, and many people forgot the station in the attack.

This battle itself may even be victorious.

However, even if seven people are dead, this battle is worth a thousand.

After all, this is a quasi-boss.

Because of the super-combat power of the boss in "War", it is no exaggeration to say that at least half of the players in the game have never successfully killed the boss.

Even if it is just a quasi-boss, it can be a matter of excitement if it can be successfully killed.

And, because the boss was killed, not being destroyed.

Then the lost player loses only the first-level experience. Compared with the land that the quasi-boss broke, the level 1 experience is naturally not worth mentioning.

"Save, save us..."

However, in the hearts of a group of never-night city players walking toward the boss's body, there was a weak voice in the regional channel of the guild.

"I almost forgot..."

The crowd suddenly remembered that although they escaped the fate of being buried because of the arrangement of the base, the player on the off-road vehicle was buried under the sand.

Obviously, because of the off-road vehicle blocking, the players in the car are not killed by the same as the seven resident players.

However, because the sand is pressed against the door of the car, they can't climb out from it alone.

"It’s only after the sand has been dug up."

The scout player went on a reconnaissance and showed the location and restrictions of the underground buggy on the scout.

"Magic, use the tornado to **** the sand away!"

The wind fell to a wind controller.

If it is the real world, it is absolutely difficult to dig up such a large pile of sand without tools, but in the game it only needs one skill to get it.

Of course, if the wind is used to collect beetles, it will be even simpler.

However, the wind is obviously not intended to be used.

Even the energy beetle, which had just played a key role in killing the quasi-boss, turned back to the underground base after the quasi-boss died.

This is undoubtedly a little bit strange.

"Wind brother, these people, will there be any problem?"

Leaving the wind department to control the person to save people, the wind and scout players continue to walk toward the body of the quasi-boss.

However, in the process, the scout player suddenly fell close to the wind, and lowered his voice to say something.


Upon hearing this, the wind turned quite unexpectedly and turned to look at the scouting player who was a little serious.

The nickname "sunspot" of this scout player is a security guard in the reality of the night entertainment city. Although it is not a military origin, the combat consciousness and strength are very good.

However, he just said this before and he quickly thought and responded to the approach of the off-road vehicle.

But let the wind feel that his head should be even better.

"Do not rule out the possibility of this problem. After you rescue it, you will test them."

The wind fell and replied.

"it is good!"

The sunspot nodded.

The quasi-boss has a lot of things, and the five pieces that are most likely to be rare are naturally very conspicuous.

However, the most conspicuous thing is another thing.

Approximately the size of a fist, only the unit above the command level can burst out of the energy nucleus.

Killing bosses is "easy", but it is very difficult to break out the energy nucleus.

Because most bosses will choose to self-detonate the nucleus and the player before they die.

This variant of the desert fox is because the remaining 15% of the blood is directly lost by the wind, and there is no chance to blew it out before it can completely blast out the nucleus.

However, this nucleus seems a bit strange.

It is not as "a khaki" corresponding to the energy of the quasi-boss manipulating the sand, as expected by the wind.

It is a delicate, translucent golden yellow.

In addition, there is not much strong earthen energy fluctuations on the top, but a faint blue light is shining in the sun.

"Is it because there is a variation attribute in this boss name, so a special crystal nucleus is bursting, and I don't know how the quality is."

The wind fell in the heart and thought of it, ready to pick up this crystal to view the properties.

However, the shoulders were suddenly light after his hand had just been extended.


Then, as if a golden light passed through the air, 24k fell one step ahead of him to the mutated desert fox quasi-boss energy nucleus.

"Hey, hey!"

Then, with six claws, he hugged the energy nucleus that was smaller than himself, and raised his head and called it twice in the wind.

"Do you want this nucleus?"

The wind fell on the face and looked at the message from the 24k spiritual link.

The main food of 24k is energy spar.

However, it also eats energy crystal nucleus.

In particular, in the description of the 24k s-level talent attribute "phagocytosis", there is the ability to devour energy nucleus and some special things to "evolve".

The wind has once purchased a lot of energy crystal nucleus, let 24k be eaten as "sweet beans".

However, it has eaten dozens of crystal nuclei and even includes a boss-level energy crystal nucleus.

24k has never seen the so-called "evolution", the first evolution, or because of eating a "noble crystal" to open.

Therefore, the wind gradually declined to feed the crystal nucleus.

In addition, in the Zerg base, a large number of "yellow crystals" are obtained, and now the "sugar beans" of the crystal nucleus has become the second-level choice for 24k.

Now, will it take the initiative to ask him for this crystal nucleus?

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