Fatal Shot

Chapter 974: Will count

"Big Brother, when you return to your position, you must come to us!"

It has been severely deformed, but after some repairs, the energy-importing vehicle that can still drive normally, the doctor who painted the light makeup is waving to the sunsickly.


Standing on the top of the tower, the sunspot smiled and nodded.

However, after the off-road vehicle started and left with a dust, his face immediately became cold.

"how is it?"

On the shoulders, holding a quasi-boss nucleus that is less than yourself, is worrying about how to make a 24k windfall, and walk out of the underground passage to the side of the sunspot, looking at the off-road lane.

"Wind brother, there are people who have problems. And, there is more than one person!"

After the sunspots spoke, they went to the place where the players had rested, reached out from the corner of the ground, and picked up a grainy thing with two fingers.

["si-80 ultra-micro bugs!"]

The **** of the black tactical gloves picked up a grain of yellow that looks like sand everywhere in the desert, but slightly larger than some "gravel."

However, the mid-level agent glasses worn by the wind will pop up a prompt immediately after scanning.


"I thought it was just a boss to test the virtual reality of the base. I didn't expect any other means."

"Even if the eavesdropper is used, it seems that the other party is playing the game more seriously than we expected!"

Looking at this gravel, it is rare that the wind is falling.

This thing, between players, is really rarely encountered.

"The female doctor player is definitely a problem. She always wanted to put out information about the base from my mouth. However, her technique is still too tender..."

"The other four people, the three fighters should be unaware. It is estimated that it is a newcomer to our guild, and the result was taken over by the woman."

"And this bug is the scout player who secretly put it in the corner when the female doctor player talks to attract my attention. The two cooperate very well. If it is not my talent that gains the visual field bonus, it certainly cannot. I noticed his movements the first time."

"However, according to what you told me, although I found out, I didn't make a surprise."

The sunspot expression was a bit disdain first, and then a little dignified.

"Oh, I see!"

The wind nodded and the two spoke in front of this "gravel", and the voice did not deliberately depress.

Because the sunspot has already turned on the jamming function of the reconnaissance device, even if it is an advanced bug, it is impossible to hear their conversation without transmitting the signal.

However, this ultra-micro bug is made in the form of "gravel", and it is obvious that the most suitable position for the release is definitely not a relatively clean place like a bunker.

It can be guessed that there are sands everywhere in the base, and there must be other "gravel".

This kind of appearance and color, almost the same as the sand of the wire, is absolutely impossible to find out with the naked eye.

However, the person in charge of the other party’s arrangement of this action obviously did not consider one thing.

It is the occupation of the wind that is "special agent."

The junior agent glasses have the function of specifically detecting the monitoring equipment, while the intermediate agent glasses have been strengthened. At least the monitoring equipment that the player can get at present is impossible to escape the detection of the intermediate agent glasses.

Soon, the wind and the black boy found seven tiny "grains" along the path that the five players passed.

"I checked it in the forum. The price of this thing is about 200,000 credits. The people of the Shark Guild are really doing the money."

The black child mouth slammed praise.

"The more you are willing to pay the cost, the bigger the picture will be."

After confirming that the last bug was found, the wind commanded the sunspot and began to dismantle the sand along the road.

However, one of the most hidden bugs was left behind.

The wind caused the sunspot to close the information interference, opened his own communication device, and sent a text message to the animal husbandry.

After waiting for a while, standing next to the bugs, I had a conversation with Pastor.

"The Zerg base was attacked by a quasi-boss. Then, I found that there was a miniature eavesdropping device in the base. I suspect this was done by the Sharks Guild."

"The people of the Sand Wolf Guild are doing this. Obviously they are prepared to completely rip their faces with us. We can't continue to let it go, and we have to give them a deep enough lesson."

"And, because of the sand wolf guild, our water source has also been cut off. Although the water can still be used for three days, we must recapture the water source as soon as possible, otherwise, the experimental projects of the npc in the base cannot be carried out smoothly."

"You immediately let the Phoenix bring a thousand people."

Standing in a position not far from the hidden bug, the wind fell to the animal husbandry opposite the communicator.

"Phoenix may not work. They found a large relic that was not explored in a serial mission. There may be more than one legendary equipment inside. She and the big pineapple and bullet marks took people to the desert."

"It’s not a good deal to call them back at this time."

The voice of the animal husbandry sounded a little embarrassing.

"That way, my little demon brought people over... Discuss with the military, first use the military aircraft to transport people to Stormwind City, and then use the fastest speed to come to you."

"If everything goes well, it should take only two days or so to arrive."

Subsequently, the animal husbandry considered it.

"Well, let them speed up, I need to let the people of the Sharks Guild know that the city is not a small guild that they can afford!"

The wind is in a cold and cold manner.


"The military's research base?"

Ten minutes later, the Desert Gossip Residency stationed.

The machine gunners looked at the captain of the scout who reported him to the "Desert of the Desert" and looked a little surprised.

“Well, it’s really a research base.”

"The quasi-boss that our people have introduced has completely entered the base range, but there is no movement inside. It is wrong to say that there is a boss unit. The boss has a territorial consciousness. If there is a boss, it will break into the territory. Nothing can be done without any reaction!"

The captain of the scout nodded with a sullen look, secretly glanced at the machine gunner, and after seeing this, his frowning deputy president.

"This... tricky, it turned out to be the base of npc!"

"Why is it so good luck in the city that never sleeps? Found a dungeon in the depths of the dead desert where all forces are unable to stand. Do not say that the military is building a station. The military has even helped them to build a stronghold in the middle of the dead desert?"

"These npcs are trying to divide the entire death sand into a city that never sleeps!"

The machine gunner's face is not very nice.

"President, do you want to modify a plan. If the stronghold of the city is not to cover the secret base of the military, then we will definitely offend the npc military."

The scout player asked.

"No, there is no need to worry."

"Attacking a night city doesn't mean attacking the npc military, just as attacking us is not the same as attacking a green town."

"The npc generally does not interfere with the habit of fighting between players. As long as we do not attack them, it is unlikely to be subject to the military's accountability. Otherwise, these Tiansha wolves will fight against the people who never sleep in the city, npc will be early. They have warned them."

The vice president of the dragon surnamed, but suddenly opened his mouth.

"It is entirely feasible to pull out the stronghold of the city that never sleeps. Even, it may be unexpectedly harvested."

"For npc, the adventurer's power is not much different. Since the city can be used as a cover for the military, then we can naturally. Even more suitable than the city that never sleeps, after all, we defeated the city that never sleeps!"

"Of course, this premise is to establish a military secret research base there. The news is true..."

"This, it should not be a fake. After all, whether it is the scout or the leaves of the wind, it is said in the words!"

Scout players are slightly hesitant.

"I can't tell you, the leaves of the wind are not ordinary players. The top ten masters don't have ordinary people... Well, the inside line that the night city headquarters bought over, did you find him to confirm the information?"

The vice president of the surname shook his head and then asked.

"Confirmed, the phoenix of the top ten high-handed, as well as the big pineapple and watermelon rind, the masters of the city that never sleeped, did leave the guild headquarters with a group of elite players yesterday morning. The news inside the line is that they are going to do a mission, that The task is that many people know it in the city that never sleeps. It should be no problem."

"And now, the high-rise city high-level city has revealed in the guild channel the news of recruiting people to the base here, the number of recruits is one thousand."

"But there is no need to worry about it. Even if they are fast, it will take about two days for those who want to get there."

Scout player.

"There is nothing wrong with it."

"I was still thinking about whether I would wait a few days, and wait until the people who stayed at the city night and the sand wolf squad would fight and lose their troops."

"Now, since they have reached the reinforcements, then they are still quick to follow the previous plan and directly remove the strongholds of the city that never sleeps."

"As for the secret base, let's see the situation again..."

The machine gunners thought about it and finally took a breath and made the decision.

"Right, how many people have been determined by the guilds now?"

Later, he asked the scout player again.

"At present, it has been determined that at least 1,500 people can participate. Three of the four thousand guilds have reported two or fifty hundred people. However, the 'bullet' guild only reported 100 people, and they are all gunmen. ”

The scout player replied.

"Only one hundred people... The reflection of the left hand is that the pure gunners team that makes 100 is unconventional, can attract the attention of the Sanmu consortium?"

"However, for a single career of one hundred people, it is impossible to compete with two teams with reasonable teams."

Machine gunners, with some ridicule on their faces.

"Would you like them to send more people?"

The scout player asked.

"No, let him, the worse they perform, the more opportunities our people have to show their faces."

The machine gunner shakes his head and his tone is authentic.

"One thousand five hundred people, at least twice as many as the city that never sleeps, plus elite players, 100% can win the city that never sleeps!"

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