Fatal Shot

Chapter 979: Double gun sniper!

"There is an energy shield!?"

One hundred and two hundred meters away from the wind, on a military-style energy buggy, a scout player with a telescope shouted in surprise.

"I am going! Not only can you wear the armor of the warrior, but also the energy shield with the controller, this is a metamorphosis!"

"His dare to stand directly in the same place, and he did not evade and attack all the time. Of course, there is a snuggle."

Next to him, a sniper player with a medal badge on his chest dropped the large-caliber sniper rifle with his left hand and one hand, and there was no expression.

It was the previous "Oasis Town First Sniper" left hand reflection!

In the process of speaking between the two people, the driver of this off-road vehicle has quickly turned the off-road vehicle in the direction of the off-road vehicle, hiding behind the car of a certain guild player, and blocking the angle of the wind and the anti-sniper.

"Mom, the legendary equipment is awesome."

"Head, you really shouldn't refuse the Sanmu consortium to sign your proposal."

"If you accept their master contract, get the legendary sniper rifle they promised. You just might have lost the leaves of the wind in a shot."

"In the battle, slamming the first sniper of "War of War", you can definitely become famous!"

The scout player put down the reconnaissance glasses, and the expression was a pity.

"Even a legendary sniper rifle can't get him off in seconds!"

The left hand reflected and shook his head.

"No! Head, you have two guns!"

The scout showed a skeptical color, indicating the right hand of the left hand reflection.

In the hand of the left hand reflection, in addition to a sniper rifle on the right hand, the left hand actually held the same sniper rifle.

In the game, people who use double guns are not uncommon.

However, there are absolutely few people who have seen two sniper rifles at the same time.

This is either a skill or a gift!

"The damage that two guns can cause is not necessarily higher than a gun... In this distance sniper, I can hit up to 50% and hit both shots."

"And the chances of hitting the two shots are as much as 20%!"

The left hand reflected his head and shook his head. His eyes looked at the player's team that had already rushed to the distance of one kilometer from the wind.

"No. Head, how do you evaluate the leaves of this wind so high?"

The same is a gunman who drives the car. When I hear this, I look back a bit strangely.

"Not high, but the fact that I have specially studied his battle video. Although he can't get too accurate information because he sets the shooting limit, it is enough to see something."

"The strongest place in the leaves of the wind is not the gunshot, but his head."

"Speaking terriblely, I encountered his ambush in the oasis town. I even felt that this action may not be so wonderful!"

The left hand reflected and shook his head, although his face was relatively dull, but the words showed some dignity.

"Head, you are a long-term ambition to destroy your own prestige."

"Even if the leaves of the wind are really strong, it will only be a person, and at most we can kill some of us without us."

"Once you enter the range of the counterattack, even if you have an energy shield and an alloy armor, you can't stand the counterattack of thousands of people. It's useless to make your head strong!"

Scout players obviously still don't think.

"Let's wait!"

The left hand reflection did not continue to say anything, but instead cast a line of sight on the side of the team.

In that direction, it is a group of traffic vehicles carrying a variety of miscellaneous cards. The total number of people in the “Desert of the Desert” guild exceeds 400.

It took only two minutes from the first shot from the wind to the present.

But the 24k attack, as well as the white wolf guild, caused a lot of death caused by white light.

Although the desert gang and the team of the sand wolf are not in line, they are especially divided into two ends. At this time, it is impossible to react.

The attacked by the Shalves Guild, the ordinary players of the Desert Ge may be happy to see, but as the commander of this action, the machine gunner "Gago" who wants to be the "Allies" must naturally make some representations.

"The leaves of the wind are really bold enough to take the initiative!"

"Everyone is scattered around the four, he has only one person, so many of us just surround him, he will not fly."

"Whoever is, as long as it can kill the leaves of the wind, reward a rare piece of equipment and 200,000 credits."

The machine gunners were announced in the command channel and announced loudly.

Sitting with him in a luxury off-road vehicle that was newly purchased after financing, he was wearing the "Dragon Vice President" wearing sunglasses next to the machine gunner. When he heard this, he frowned.

200,000 credits, a rare item with a lot of attributes?

This kind of reward is naturally a heroic member of the sand "Mengzhige Mercenary Corps" that used to be a hundred people.

However, it is too stingy for the “Desert Going Society”, which now wants to compete for the first guild of the Oasis Township and the Dominion of the Sand.

In particular, in the case that the guild has just received the financing of 50,000 million stars from the Sanmu consortium!

However, although Vice President Long frowned, he did not say anything in the mouth and did not correct it.

Except for these two days, after the machine gunners became the "temporary ally" of all the guilds in the oasis town, the words for him were no longer like the previous words.

Also because for him, whether it is the oasis town or the desert, or even the night city...

In fact, he did not pay much attention to his heart.

Even the one that guided him to form the "Shark Covenant" was just a pastime of work.


"Attack, attack!"

After the other guilds heard the instructions of the machine gunners, they began to move a little bit toward the wind.

The people of the Shalf Guild are finally the ones who have entered the range of one kilometer.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Just rushed to the shooting range, several snipers couldn't wait to get up from the off-road vehicle and shoot towards the wind.

However, with their technology, it is obvious that there is no way to accurately slam on the off-road vehicle. The drop of the nearest bullet is still half a meter away from the wind!



Instead, the wind fell and raised a hand, and once again, the sniper player of a sand wolf guild was dropped.

The 19th kill, the 12th sniper!

After winning this kill, the third impeachment of the wind has already been emptied.

The people of the Sand Wolf Guild have already entered the counterattack distance, and the wind is certainly not ready to continue to stand here as a target.

Although the opponent's sniper's shooting method is too general, these people who have entered the range can not pose too much threat to him even if they shoot at the same time.

"Well, time is just right!"

The wind fell away from the back of the body, and the sand dunes blocked a series of snipers from the sand wolf guild.

Then I looked back and looked at the sand dune in the back. The first desert spider that had already rushed out and crawled over the little spider, smiled.


Then, greeting 24k, the wind fell over the Tomao No. 1 parked next to it.

Wait until 24k and a hundred beetles can fly up, the nearest desert child spider enters a range of 100 meters.

The wind fell decisively to start the Tomahawk No. 1, and after the roar of the wheel, the sand was lifted to drive the body of the reloaded metal toward the side of the dune.

In the process, a thick earthen energy shield emerged from the Tomahawk No. 1.


The wind fell and started the Tomahawk No. 1, but did not immediately choose to withdraw.

Instead, move along the side of the dune at a speed that is not too fast.

When the speed was increased to 100 kilometers per hour, the car was driven to the top of the sand dunes and appeared in the view of the people of the Sand Wolf Guild.


Although it was smashed for a moment because of the energy shield, it has already rushed into the sniper of the Sand Wolf Guild in the 600-meter range.

Still reacting, immediately shot at "Toma No. 1".

However, although the speed of Tomahawk No. 1 did not open to the extreme, but at this distance is the two sides are driving, the hit rate of the Sand Wolf Guild Sniper players is naturally lower.

A bunch of people fired continuously and hit the sand above the sand dunes. As a result, only a few bullets hit the earthen energy shield and then flew directly.

In addition, there are two bullets, which are hit by the first desert spider that is more than one meter away from the wind!


The desert mother spider, who had been pursuing the Tomahawk No. 1 , was screaming after being hit by a bullet.

However, because the distance from the sand wolf guild is too far away, it is unclear, but it is thought to be caused by the wind, so it is more angry and rushing toward the wind.

Moreover, at this time, the second, third, and fourth desert mother spiders arrived, and ran across the sand dunes to chase the Tomahawk No. 1.


"What is the summoning creature of the wind-falling pet?"

However, because the sky is still a little dark, plus the previous bullets and energy motorcycles made the sand dunes a bit of dust.

The snipers who led the Sand Wolf Guild did not have the first time to see what these desert spiders are.

Instead, it is misunderstood that these desert mother spiders are the combat-type "wild monsters" summoned by the "suspected boss pets".

Therefore, several people could not help but put a few bullets at the muzzle against the desert mother spider.


The sniper bullet hit the body of these desert female spiders, and the powerful impact force directly blasted the fist-sized "child spider" on them!


After the explosion, the large amount of green liquid from the spiders made these desert spiders more violent.


At this time, the Tomahawk No. 1 of the wind and the wind was soaring in speed, and it accelerated to the extreme in just two seconds.

The direction of the turn rushed toward the back of the sand dunes. In the process, the pale yellow earthen energy shield disappeared first, and then after a burst of air, it disappeared from the view of all the desert mother spiders.


The desert mother spider chasing the motorcycle suddenly slammed.

The target of the desert mother spider chasing the target is not entirely visual, but also able to rely on a sensitive sense of smell.

It was for this reason that it was because of the wind, and it was also caught up at this time.

However, since the wind fell, I thought that it would be natural to use the desert spider, and the "wind" is theoretically a kind of air.

The wind energy shield is not only hidden by the visual, but also the odor is greatly diluted, so that the desert mother spider can not find him.

After pursuing a goal that was once again difficult to catch up again, it was completely disappeared. The only choice for these desert sons and spiders is to change the target to someone who has been less than 500 meters from the sand wolf guild!

Because, from the smell of the creatures that attacked themselves by the wind, they feel the breath of the creature that hit the nest.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The sound of the high-speed friction sand of the arthropods sounded intensively. Nearly a hundred desert spiders turned over the sand dunes and frantically rushed toward the team of the Sand Wolf Guild!

"Hey, it’s a desert spider!"

"Getting into trouble, stop, stop."

"Attack, attack fast. Don't let them get close, they have a strong melee ability, and they can also be poisoned!"

This change directly caused the sand wolf guild to become a mess.

Equivalent to dozens of head-level units of attack, one is not good, it is estimated that the group will kill them!

"Hurry, everyone, attack together."

Not only the people of the Shalang Association, but also the rest of the Guilds have changed their color. Gogo’s forehead is even sweating.

At this time, I couldn’t care about the people who cut the sand wolf guild, but hurriedly shouted in the command channel.

However, the desert mother spider and the sand wolf guild's team are facing each other, and they have already collided with each other in just a dozen seconds.

A head of the desert spider is detached from the body of the female spider, and is completely blended with the people of the sand wolf guild. Even if you want to use energy, you can't do it.

The scene suddenly became out of control, and all kinds of spiders jumped.

And the people at the Sand Wolf Guild attracted the hatred of the Desert Letter Spider.

The legendary energy motorcycle in stealth easily retreats a kilometer by the cover of the sand dunes.

Then, the wind and the shadow reappeared on the top of a sand dune, and the eyes of the **** of death were attacked again.



The eye of death fired again.

Across the distance of two kilometers, the head of an oasis town sniper player who was forced by the desert alphabet spiders was blasted.

The 20th kill, reach!

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