Fatal Shot

Chapter 985: Real killer

"How could this be!"

"Damn, Ge Gongchang, the people who never sleep in the city are already prepared."

"What are our intelligence personnel doing, and such a fatal problem has not been detected in advance!"

Players watching the city that never sleeps rushed out of the stronghold to launch a counterattack against the oasis town players who fell in the canyon. The off-road vehicles in the oasis town outside the "canyon" were blocked by the "canyon" and the attack distance was insufficient. It is impossible to make an effective block.

The presidents of the guilds at the rear are all in a hurry.

No hurry, I thought I was winning, and the situation suddenly changed dramatically in just a dozen seconds.

Look at this situation in front of you, don't say that it is to win the city that never sleeps. If you don't want to do anything, not only those people and cars that fall into the "canyon", but even the dozens of off-road vehicles left outside may be shackled. The range advantage is completely eliminated.

"Let's go on like this, maybe we will be ruined by the city that never sleeps, then we will lose people."

"Gee President, I want to think of a solution!"

Therefore, these presidents naturally ask the machine gunners who are "allies" in the command channel.

"Wait, aren't we still have two teams? There are more than two hundred people in the wolf and the left hand!"

"The people of the Sand Wolf Guild are better than us in equipment and combat power. Although they don't have snipers, they have a full set of 20 machine gunners. Together with hundreds of full-gun professional in the left hand, they still have the ability to take Under the night city!"

A guild president saw a direct stop at the edge of the battlefield, a playful sand wolf guild, hurriedly in the channel.

"The left hand reflection refused to join the command channel at the beginning. And we just fell out with the lone wolf. At this time, do you want to ask them?"

Another president of the guild clearly felt very embarrassed.

After all, just everyone else is the one who kicked the two guilds by default.

"Is it difficult to say a few soft words compared to the whole army?"

"If the lone wolves continue to stand by and watch the show, we lose all the equipment on the battlefield."

The guild president who spoke first sang in the command channel.

"Los, do you think we will lose?"

The face is darker than anyone else, and suddenly he speaks coldly.

"Yes, we are overcast by the city. It is almost impossible to have this bunker to rely on us now to win the city that never sleeps!"

"But, do you have to use such a high height to see the night city? Even if we only have half of the people, with the fighting power of the players who never sleep, will there be the ability to fight back and kill us?"

"Oh, I hope they really swell up and see if they can't go back!"

Looking at a gunshot, the explosion of energy exploded, and the battlefield of dead white light flashed, and the machine gunner bit his teeth and followed.

"And, the rest of these people can't get the city that never sleeps. Don't you increase the number of soldiers? We have five thousand combat players in Oasis Town. This is the base that can be used to build the city that never sleeps!"

"Everyone, this time, Mr. Matsuki is watching, if we can't show the potential to suppress the city that never sleeps. Then, it will only be a luxury to get further investment from the Miki consortium."

"And as long as you win the city that never sleeps, the shares of the guild that you still hold in your hands will be able to at least ten times in the future."

"Well... we will let the resident people come over again, and we must win the stronghold of the city that never sleeps!"

The rest of the guild president heard this, although his face is still not good-looking, but he can only accept this method.

After all, it’s already this step, there is no way to retreat!

As long as you win the city that never sleeps, then the loss is just experience.

Otherwise, the loss will be the equipment that thousands of players broke out, and the “Tianxing Coin” given to them by the Sanmu consortium!


"I went, the city never sleeps, but I still have such a hand!"

"Hey, you won't have expected this to happen, so deliberately let us fall behind?"

Until this time, the off-road team with the double-handed sniper's left-handed reflection appeared late on the edge of the battlefield.

However, in the case of seeing the battlefield, the full gunners in the off-road vehicle, each face is a bit strange in surprise.

"And, let the six sons split up and go out to scout the situation. Head, do you think there is any other design in the city?"

On the military-style energy buggy, the scout player holding the telescope has a look of admiration.

"It is indeed doubtful that the leaves of the wind slammed the off-road vehicles on the way but did not focus on killing. This is a doubt in itself!"

"However, even if there is no doubt, in this case of marching, people should also be arranged to scout around at least ten kilometers and ask this question. You one by one forgot the ones that I taught you." ?"

Looking at the battlefield with his left hand, he lifted a ** and looked at the top of the No. 1 tower through the sight. He was using the eyes of the **** of death to smash the wind of the off-road vehicle.

"Yes... head..."

A few gunmen around, the look is a little serious.

"But, head, it's just in the game."

"The night city is nothing more than a player guild. The battle with them is not a military exercise with the rest of the Marines. To deal with them, do you need these military tactics?"

The scout player standing next to the left hand reflection said.

"Call... not good, head!"

However, his words just said here, in the guild channel, suddenly a voice with a sharp gasping.

"Call... We met the players who never sleeped in the city, the old knife and the little Mo, they were all killed, and the car was exploded..."

"How is it possible that people who are not in the night city are not in the stronghold? Is it that they really separated a small group of people in advance and want to harass us in the battle?"

When you hear this, these gunners have a look on their faces.

"Call...not a small shareholder, although it is impossible to directly check the exact number of people because the reconnaissance device is disturbed. But there are more than 200 off-road vehicles, at least thousands of people."

"And, the equipment is very good, definitely the elite player who never sleeps in the city!"

"Mom, I got off the run and was hit by a sniper with a shot. Although they were hiding behind the sand dunes, they couldn’t attack for a while, but they couldn’t hold on for a long time. Head, you are going to prepare, they are going It’s coming in the direction of the city!”

The contents of the gasping voice made the players feel shocked.

"Thousands of people, how could suddenly appear thousands of players who never sleep!"

"The city never stopped sending troops to this stronghold yesterday, and it was detoured from Stormwind City. We are not saying inside, they are still marching outside the desert of death!"

Scout players shouted in disbelief.

"Calling...not from the periphery, we met them in the depths of the dead desert, and one of them was dropped by three in one face!"

The gasping player replied.

"Deep? Deep..."

"I understand...the night city is a good calculation...they left the group of elite players the day before yesterday. They are not going to open up the ruins. It is directly on the base, and it is directly from the deep monster area. of."

"Obviously, the high-rises of the city never guessed that there might be such a battle, so arrangements have been made in advance."

"We thought the attack was very sudden, but we didn't know that people were prepared."

In the left hand reflection mouth, I read a few words, and then the eyes were exposed.

"Six sons, how far are they from here?"

The scout player asked a little anxiously in the channel.

"Call... only five kilometers from you!"

The opposite player continued to gasp and replied.


In the communicator, the sound of the off-road vehicle has already been heard. It is obvious that the person who is not chasing the city has already approached the position of the "six sons" hiding.

"No! Head, time is completely out of reach, even if we join the sand wolf guild to join the battlefield, it is impossible to have enough time to win this stronghold."

"Unfortunately, if it wasn't for the half-hour delay on the road by the leaves of the wind, we should have won the city that never sleeps. Then they are not worth mentioning even here!"

The scout player’s face looked quite ugly and looked at the left hand reflection.

"Nothing a pity, it was suppressed from the beginning of the tactics. When the leaves of the wind alone stopped us more than a thousand people, the situation has been reversed."

"All have, withdraw!"

The left hand reflection face is not much changed.

First of all, through the scope of the **, I once again looked at the wind above the No. 1 tower in the distance, and then shouted behind me.


The rest of the off-road vehicles, players heard this, regardless of the ongoing battle on the battlefield, neatly turned off the energy off-road vehicle ready to leave.

"Six sons, I wish you less equipment to go out..."

Since there is no need to fight, when the retreat, the gunners who are more relaxed than the players in the guild channel ridiculed the unfortunate "six sons".

"My day. What a ghost, how many of you are?"

However, at this time, the "six sons" tone suddenly came out of the guild channel with a surprised voice.

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