Fatal Shot

Chapter 987: Big Mac

How does the wind fall in the pile of off-road vehicles and find the one that the lone wolf is riding?

Don't forget, observation, but the first element of the sniper.

Especially like the wind, now the mind is running faster than ordinary people, and the observation power is even more amazing top snipers.

Just before he spent so much time with the team of the Sand Wolf Guild, there was no attack.

Of course, it is not really difficult to be disturbed by the response of the Sand Wolf Guild. Instead, it is constantly going around and observing the Sand Wolf Guild Racing Team!

Although the solitary wolf specially took a very ordinary off-road vehicle, but in the face of the wind, the sand wolf guild still unconsciously will protect this broken off-road vehicle in the middle.

For the wind and fall, it is not too easy to use these subtle vehicles to distinguish the lone wolf.

Other off-road vehicles were destroyed, and the people of the Sharks Guild were probably thrown away, but the solitary buggy was destroyed, but it was enough to delay the retreat speed of the Sharks.



"Fast, cover the president to change the car!"

Several SUVs' off-road vehicles hurriedly turned back to the car where the lone wolf was. The controller was the sight to turn off the skills to block the wind, and wanted to let the lone wolf change the car secretly.


However, the wind has no meaning at all.

Instead, he greeted 24k, and the eyes were slightly hollowed out through the scout beetle that had already flown into the sky, locking in the off-road vehicle that the new wolf had replaced.

After seeing the wind falling and not continuing, the people of the Sand Wolf Guild sighed and rescued the lone wolf and the little scorpion scout player, and the team hurriedly continued.

However, this has already wasted a lot of time.


The Shawo team continued to run, and the wind was driving the Tomahawk No. 1, and continued to travel around the team!


After about a minute, it was another stun bullet that hit the engine of the off-road vehicle after the replacement of the lone wolf.

"The president was hit!"

"Fast, save the president!"

Once again, all sorts of panic, a bunch of people protecting the lone wolf and the chunky ugly scout player hurriedly changed another car.


However, just after a few tens of seconds, another bullet hit the energy engine of this car!

"Awful, what is the name of the wind!"

"Does he want to play with us?"

Directly because of the sidecar that was knocked over in the turn, under the protection of the Shakesman's heavy armored warrior, the squat ugly scout player who was stunned and stunned, some gnashed his teeth.

The lone wolf is a gloomy face, and even has been too lazy to correct this little mouth that is always a mouthful.


Seven hundred meters away, once again the "Tomahawk No. 1" winds, if you hear this sentence, it is estimated that the face will be calm, showing that it is really humiliating.

In fact, he shook his head in secret.

The reason why he did not continuously destroy the vehicles of the Sand Wolf Guild, but attacked the car of the Lone Wolf once and for all, the reason is not a bad taste at all.

It is because of his solace and the "special fire bomb" and "liquid metal bomb" two kinds of special seed bombs are almost used up.

For a sniper, it is certainly impossible to carry tens of thousands of bullets in a backpack like a machine gunner, especially these high-grade special seed bombs.

In this battle, the wind fell by a single sniper rifle, killing hundreds of people and destroying hundreds of off-road vehicles.

Now there are only a few special bullets in the magazine, and the secluded energy is about to bottom out.

The sand wolf guild should actually be grateful that if the ammunition of the wind falls, the wind is definitely not a taxi but a hit!


A minute later, the engine of the fourth off-road vehicle was destroyed.

"You go, don't care about us!"

The sand wolf among the off-road vehicles, the cold voice for the once again surrounded by the sand wolf guild players.


The chunky ugly scout player who is anxiously preparing to change the car is a bit dumbfounded.

"Give me away, I didn't hear me talking!"

The lone wolf simply ignored him, but yelled at the players around the sand wolf guild.

"Go out, use your mouth to bring the leaves of the wind!"

After the hesitation of the surrounding sand wolf guild players, when the off-road vehicle was launched, the lone wolf whispered to the chunky ugly scouts.

"Sister husband..."

"Go out!"


"The leaves of the wind, your guns are really bad enough, so many guns in a row. Even the individual can't hit, what the first sniper..."

The chunky ugly scouts rushed out of the top of the off-road vehicle and shouted as they pressed their voices down.

Moreover, the sound is sent out in the regional channel!


A 12.7-caliber armor-piercing projectile was drilled from the left temple of the short ugly scout, and then rushed out from the right side, and the rest of the space was not stopped, with a puff of blood flying out!


Death white light appeared.

In the direction of the bullets, behind a dune about three hundred meters away, a huge black off-road vehicle appeared.

"It’s a city that never sleeps, and people who don’t sleep in the city catch up!”

The off-road team that has not been able to drive out the sand wolf guild has been rioting for a while, not just the sand dunes behind.

In the front position, there were more than twenty off-road vehicles between the dunes.

Directly blocked the three directions that the Sand Wolf Guild can escape.

In the last direction, the wind across the Tomahawk No. 1 appeared cold and cold, and the eyes of the **** of death were lifted up, and a bullet was shot in the off-road vehicle of the lone wolf!



Opened the top of the off-road vehicle, once again a white light of death!

"Hey, hey..."

24k flew over the shoulders of the wind, and screamed angrily in his mouth.

Command the energy beetles shrouded around yourself and attack the SUV's off-road vehicle!


"-2500, -2500, -2500..."

A machine gunner from a sand wolf guild, just drilled from the roof of the car, ready to fight with a machine gun.

In the case of being hit by the light column, it was directly hit from the off-road vehicle. The damage on the head of the air was straight, and it has turned into white light before landing.

There are still many machine gunners in the Shalves Association, but the 600-meter range of the machine gunners can only be beaten under the attack distance of one kilometer of the 24k "light column".

Even if there is heavy armor protection, the heavy armor's shield can only block one side.

The attack of the night city is from all directions!

The elite players of the Shalves Association are considered to be strong in the Oasis town, but they are naturally inferior to the elites of the city that never sleeps.

In particular, the city that never sleeps is not only strong in combat, but also has many people with legendary equipment.

"Da da da……"

A large "big" heavy-duty buggy that is close to the height of one person, a large black shield is lifted upright by a person kneeling on the front cover of the car.

The dense bullets fired by the sand wolf guild machine gunners were hitting this shield, and even a little pit did not come out. Instead, this giant super-road vehicle was so powerful that it was like a prehistoric behemoth in the off-road vehicle where the machine gunner was. Rush over.

Finally, directly push a SUV of the Sand Wolf Guild into a group of scrap iron!

"Old style, you are too exaggerated, a person chasing hundreds of people to run!"

The big pineapple jumped from this giant off-road vehicle with a large black shield that was much higher than the one on the other side. The whole person directly pressed the sand at the foot of the foot to a half foot.

"Hey, the legendary traffic vehicle worth 100 million, and there is still a priceless city!"

Then, looking at the wind and riding the legendary Tomahawk, the eyes of the big pineapple glowed.

"Wind brother!"

"Wind brother!"

From the giant buggy behind, the watermelon rind, my world, and the steel fortress three jumped together.

These former ordinary players are no longer common now.

The chest has a core player badge that never sleeps, and the equipment and weapons on the chest are all complete sets of rare equipment.

Even the one held in the hands of watermelon rind is quite similar to the sniper rifle in the style of the wind and the eyes of the **** of death, or the third legendary sniper rifle in the entire city.

Because of the rescue of Old John in the Resident Evil mission, my de World team all got the reward of building a piece of equipment from Old John.

Most of the team chose to sell the equipment, but the watermelon rind and my world and the steel fortress all chose to keep the equipment.

This makes their team's combat strength, and also ranks in the city that never sleeps.

In particular, because of that serial task, they also received the special traffic vehicle rewarded by the "Master of Side", which further enhanced the team's strength.

This "Overlord v-type" is simply an over-loaded tank!

"Watermelon, just that shot, very good!"

The wind fell to praise the watermelon skin.

The shot of the chunky ugly scout player who had just dropped out was the watermelon rind, and it was shot on the off-road vehicle in action.

Such a precise method of shooting, and the distance of tens of meters from the original Silver Moon City can not accurately hit the shooting method, there is no doubt a world of difference.

The wind is clear, compared to most sniper players who rely on talent and skill to become masters.

The talent of watermelon rind in this profession is very general, but after the last time the wind told him how to improve, he is completely in accordance with the wind.

Not a little lazy, even if you don't do the task, stay in the arena all day long.

His shooting method was practiced a little bit by tens of thousands of bullets!

"The bullet marks, they are not with you?"

The wind fell to the big pineapple.

"The big brother and the eye of the bullets went to chase the team that left the reflection of the guild."

"Hey, Feng Ge, you don't believe it. The person with the left hand reflection and the people who brought out the big brother from the veteran tribe are the same in the Marine Corps of the t-456 fleet."

"It is said that the two sides have been competing with each other during their service. Therefore, the big bullets bring people to ‘speak old with them!’

I am answering the world next to me.

"Is there still such a thing?"

The wind fell into the air.

The soldiers of the Tianxing civilization are also hierarchical. Like the bullet marks, their "land forces" are equivalent to the "special forces" on the earth. It is estimated that there will not be too many on the entire administrative star of the 17th.

Unexpectedly, in such a guild war that was not too big, it actually happened to be on both sides of the camp.

"It's no wonder that the people in that team have chosen the Gunners profession, and the actions in this battle have also performed far more cautious than other guilds."

The wind is falling.

However, although the other party is retired from the "special forces", the wind will not feel much taboo.

Because these people are not much more powerful than ordinary elite players at the moment.

The technology of the Tianxing civilization far exceeds the current version of the "War of War", and these soldiers use various intelligent technology equipment when they serve.

For the mainstream gunpowder weapons in the current stage of the game, they are not able to control better than the average player, and at most they can only be more savvy at the tactical and cooperative level.

However, it can be imagined.

After the opening of the cosmic era in the future, these veterans who have served in the space fleet are definitely more able to adapt than the average player.

At that time, such players will definitely be the object of competition among the major guilds.


The wind fell suddenly and frowned.

"Wind, what's wrong?"

I am keenly aware of the change in the look of the wind.

"Some things, you have to wait for me!"

The wind fell to me and nodded to the world, and I greeted the big pineapple that was searching for the spoils.


Start Tomahawk No. 1 and drive towards the direction of the Zerg base at the fastest speed!

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