Fatal Shot

Chapter 994: Spike, end

Mottled moss, under the sun, a ring of ancient stone array!


The scout player with a "flame feather" tattoo on his neck slowly changes from virtual to virtual, appearing in a position on the left side of the stone array.

“A random PK map is a ruin labyrinth? This is a bit of a meaning!”

"However, this way... the win should be no problem!"

After seeing the surrounding environment and the system to give information, the scout player showed a confident smile on his face.

If it is an open environment such as grassland or desert, there is no advantage or even disadvantage for the scouts.

But this labyrinth map is simply the best PK location for scouts.

Because, compared to the rest of the profession, the scouts can use the reconnaissance device to find the position of the other party in advance.

“Especially, the other profession is a sniper. In this environment, there is no advantage of the range!”

Scout players have a relaxed face and a dark heart.

"However, the system arranges such a map. Is it better in his system evaluation than in his equipment?"

Of course, he is somewhat confused when he is overconfident.

This single-person PK map, although random, generally benefits the less powerful side.

"Oh, equipment is only one aspect. As long as he does not awaken the Force, then the head and tactics are the most important!"

After a little doubt, the scout player regained his confident expression.

"Countdown: ten seconds!"

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven... Start!"

At this time, the preparation time has ended.

After the scout player is able to move, he will first hit several unrestricted gain potions on the body.

Then, there was no rush to act.

Instead, he quickly studied the way the PK map of this maze was taken.

Because, like many single-person PK maps, there is also a blood pack in the center of this map!

This blood package will undoubtedly become the focus of the two sides!

"Well... found, this route is very simple!"

It took only twenty seconds for the scout player to smile smugly on his face.

This labyrinth is very messy and looks complicated.

However, for his observations carefully, he did not have much difficulty at all.

Just find the shortest path, first ambush to the surroundings or get the blood bag, then the game will be decided.

"Hey, hey!"

However, the scout player has just determined the route and has not yet left.

In the headset connected to the scout on the hand, a sudden alarm sounded suddenly!


The scout player's look was amazed and looked at the red arrow on the scout screen that was approaching him on the high speed.

"How is it possible that he has already rushed over?"

"How could he find the route so quickly and determine my location?!"

This situation is clearly beyond the expectations of scout players.

"However, he doesn't necessarily determine my position, maybe he runs wildly in the maze, and happens to run over here!"

However, it is clear that his PK experience is also very rich, calm down immediately after the panic.

Then, quickly carrying the submachine gun in a flexible posture, he ran to the corner of a labyrinth channel on the side.

Next, point one hand at the muzzle to the only one left behind.

The other hand, just take a flash bomb directly from the tactical vest.

"five four three two one……"

Then, the scout player quickly meditated in his heart, staring at the straight passage.


However, when he just counted "one", his face changed again.

Because, in the field of vision of the rare reconnaissance connected to the tactical glasses, the enemy has already ran to the entrance of the channel.

Suddenly, the position display is lost!


Instinctively aware that the scout player immediately got up and wanted to leave.

However, at this time, his head has been covered by a shadow that is illuminated by the sun from above.

"How are you..."

The scout player only had time to look up with a blank look.


A high-speed rotating 12.7MMC double armor-piercing projectile has penetrated his helmet with the blazing temperature of close-range shooting.

Then, it penetrated into his head!


Bright red fatal damage, accompanied by white light of death.


The wind with the sniper rifle stood on the wall of the maze opposite the scout player, and his face looked flat at the scout player who had fallen to the ground.

This maze structure is very complicated.

But for the wind and the wind, it is only two or three seconds to see the route of the maze completely clear.

Moreover, it is possible to roughly determine the birth point of the other party based on his or her origin.

Next, it is much simpler.

In the case of guessing the ambush location of the other party, it is naturally impossible for the wind to rush directly.

Although, in fact, even if he really rushed straight, with a saber, he can guarantee the death of this scout player.

However, since fighting in a disguised position, nature can't be too exaggerated.

In the eyes of ordinary gunners, the wall of this labyrinth with a height of more than four meters is a bit too high. If you want to climb over, it will inevitably consume a lot of energy.

But for the basic attributes are super high, and fully integrated with the warrior and sniper career, even if you jump directly on the wall, there is no problem.

However, in order to use the alarm of the reconnaissance device in the early stage, the opponent was forced to enter the "ambush" position he wanted.

In the beginning, it will run along the path of the labyrinth.

This scout player has too much windfall in terms of computing power for the game!

This is the difference between a super player and a general player.

And then the reason disappeared from the reconnaissance instrument, do not forget the "environmental mimicry" skills of the wind!

This skill is perfectly shielded from the general reconnaissance skills and reconnaissance equipment below the legendary level.

This scout player, obviously, is impossible to have a legendary reconnaissance device!

As for the gun, only six thousand points of damage were produced. Of course, it was also the result of the wind and the hand on the sniper rifle.

As an expert gunman, the modification of the gun is naturally hand-to-hand, and the attack power of the 50-level rare sniper rifle is actually only half of it.

In addition, the wind has also replaced its three legendary jewelry into a superior quality jewelry.

However, even if this is the case, when the hit key triggers the deadly talent, the scout player will be dropped by the second without any suspense.

"08001 won!"

The first one came out of the virtual cabin without expression in the wind.

The working players arranged by the nearby Sanmu consortium had some embarrassment when they announced the results.

Obviously, this battle ended too fast.

The actual battle process, not even thirty seconds!

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