Su Xia Yue hugged his arms and raised his head, as if he loved to ignore her. Compared to the arrogant way Nan Gong Hong Yun treated her back then, she was even more arrogant.

However, Nan Gong Hong Yun could no longer endure her curiosity. She chased after Su Xia Yue with her life on the line, like a fly.

Su Xia Yue finally stopped spinning around and stood at one spot, then opened his hands towards Nan Gong Hong Yun.

"Since you've already gotten the item, it is not my business whether you will use it or not. Now, you have to fulfill your promise and answer the question I just asked you."

"Just now you asked me three questions, I'll answer you one a day. The first question is how did you get this , I'll tell you now, Ye Fan Hua gave it to me as a gift, and for this reason, he suffered severe injuries. You'd better treat him softly, or else my will go to waste."

Su Xia Yue found a pavilion and sat down on the stone table of the pavilion, taking a sip of tea. Only then did he reply to Nan Gong Hong Yun slowly.

However …

Originally, Nan Gong Hong Yun was curious, but in the end, his heart was not at ease. When she heard Su Xia Yue say that Ye Fan Hua was the one to give the《 The Book of the Royal Dragon》 to her, she was infuriated at first. When they heard that Ye Fan Hua had almost died from his injuries, they became extremely afraid.

When he finally heard from Su Xia Yue that she had given him a top-grade Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill, he was so shocked that he threw all the matters that happened in front of him to the back of his mind.

She stared straight at Su Xia Yue with her clear black and white eyes.

"What did you just say? Supreme rank Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill? Wasn't that something that could only be refined with a three star Black rank alchemist? And top quality! You must be lying to me! "

Ye Fan Hua who had been silent for a long while seemed to have finally found the opportunity to make an appearance. He then took off his robe, revealing his upper body. He even showed the Plum Blossom Heart Shadow's scar that wasn't completely healed on his back to Nan Gong Hong Yun.

Seeing this scar, Nan Gong Hong Yun had no choice but to believe Su Xia Yue's words.

Only the Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill could cure the Plum Blossom Heart Shadow! And the Seven Glorious Pure Heart Pill, the lowest grade was a high-grade Mysterious Extreme Spirit Pill which could only be refined with a one star Black rank alchemist!

With the facts in front of her, she had no choice but to admit it.

In these three or four days of effort, she had been inexplicably overtaken by Su Xia Yue.


Without warning, Nan Gong Hong Yun knelt down towards Su Xia Yue with a pious look on his face. She clasped her hands together as she pleaded at Su Xia Yue.

"Please tell me how you advanced from a three star level 0 alchemist to a three star Black rank alchemist in just three or four days. The difference between the two is a whole ten levels, something that is impossible to accomplish even in your dreams! Furthermore, you are four or five years younger than me.

"You want me to tell you? No way."

Su Xia Yue immediately turned around. He definitely would not tell Nan Gong Hong Yun that he had experienced a narrow escape, and had almost died once because of Peach Flower of Three Lives. If not for the fact that Nan Gong Ling Yun had saved him, how could he be so brilliant? Most likely, only a skeleton remained.

The world only knew of her beauty in front of others, how could they know of her blood and tears?

But Nan Gong Hong Yun still did not let it go, and stubbornly kneeled behind Su Xia Yue. With every step Su Xia Yue took, she would kneel down and take a step. With such determination to pursue her dreams, it made Su Xia Yue soften his heart slightly.

She stopped and turned around, "You are a dignified Fifth Princess of a Purple Night Kingdom. It is not good for you to kneel before me like this.

Nan Gong Hong Yun shook his head, his expression unwavering.

"I want to acknowledge you as my master!" Please, teach me! "


Ye Fan Hua, who was at the side, could not hold back and started laughing, "I heard that it was thirty years old, but I never thought that it would be so easy to reach it in just five days! The dignified Purple Night Kingdom, a one star Black rank alchemist, is actually four or five years younger than Su Xia Yue. You actually want to take him as your master! "

Originally, Su Xia Yue didn't want to agree with Ye Fan Hua's words, but after hearing his words, she suddenly changed her mind.

Su Xia Yue bent his body slightly and helped Nan Gong Hong Yun up.

"If you want to take me as your master, it's not impossible, but I'm still in Hundred Herb Hall Academy and have yet to start teaching! That's why I don't have anything to teach you during this period of time. Are you willing to wait for me to return from learning in the Hundred Herb Hall Academy? "

"I'm willing! It's only a matter of one or two months. If during this one or two months, I can continuously raise my cultivation level three levels, and become a three star Black rank alchemist, then it would be worth it! " Nan Gong Hong Yun was so excited that her face was flushed red.

When he stood up, Nan Gong Hong Yun could not help but mutter.

"My royal brother's eyesight is really good. For a girl with outstanding talent and talent like yours, it wouldn't be too much even if she was the queen of our Purple Night Kingdom."


Su Xia Yue was already walking in front, so he did not hear much from Nan Gong Hong Yun's mouth. On the other hand, Ye Fan Hua immediately reached out and covered his mouth after hearing those words.

"Not only are you impenetrable, you're also full of nonsense! Your royal brother and she will definitely not be together! "

"Sir Ye, have you fallen for my master?" Nan Gong Hong Yun frowned, and looked at Ye Fan Hua with suspicion.

Ye Fan Hua immediately rolled her eyes at Nan Gong Hong Yun, and left without saying a word.

Was this considered a tacit agreement to something?

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