When Su Xia Yue shouted in shock, Long Bi and the others had already arrived in front of Su Xia Yue's room and knocked non-stop.

"Eldest Miss!" Come and take a look, I heard that someone from another country has arrived! "

Su Xia Yue's face was already filled with black lines, he was too lazy to even bother with them. It was just people from the four kingdoms, was there a need to be so agitated?

"Don't worry, no matter how much my outer appearance changes, I can still maintain the same amount of strength when slapping you. How many years do you want to be young?" I will help you realize it immediately! "

"No no, I'll go back now!" I'll go back right now! "

Xuan Tian was so frightened that he shrunk and disappeared behind Su Xia Yue like a puff of smoke. The quiet Su Xia Yue stood up to open the door. In the end, when Xu Man Qi and the rest who were behind the door saw Su Xia Yue, they were all shocked speechless by her beautiful appearance.

"Today, the sun is rising from the west! 'Eldest Miss actually dressed up by herself! '

"Sister Su, you look great when you disguise yourself. It's like a fairy descending to the mortal world!"

"More than a fairy descending to the mortal world? "Even if the empress descended from the heavens, she wouldn't have such a powerful aura!"


Everyone spoke respectfully, but Su Xia Yue treated it as a joke, and laughed it off. He paced down the hill. They were still a short distance away from the entrance of Hundred Herb Hall Academy's courtyard. They had to walk for a while before they could arrive.

On the way back, Su Xia Yue heard some soft discussions from the back.

"I bet Sister Su must want to see if Great Magister Mo Jin Chen has come!"

"What if it isn't?"

"Then I'll give you 10 taels of silver!"

"Alright, it's a deal. Later on, we'll see which country's team Senior Sister Su is looking at. We'll know who Senior Sister Su is waiting for."

He heard the five people behind him making fun of him. Su Xia Yue's face darkened, without saying a word, he flipped his finger inside his sleeve.


A dark golden light shot out from her fingertips and sank into the ground.

Everyone immediately felt the ground shake. The ground beneath his feet mysteriously began to move at an indescribable speed. Within the span of a few breaths, a seven meter high wall was formed on the ground.

The earthen walls that rose from the ground surrounded Long Bi, Xu Man Qi and the others. It was as if they were imprisoned in a deep pit, greatly startling them.

Long Bi who had just performed too much wanted to immediately jump out. Unfortunately, she flew an inch higher and the wall was a foot long. A few failures. Nie Shi Xun who was at the side used his fist to hit the wall. A hole was quickly punched into the soft and fragile wall. However, before he could expand the hole, the wall automatically restored itself. The crowd was at a loss as to what to do.

"Oh my god!" Sister Su, you truly are worthy of your Seven Star Earth Inherent skill. This wall is amazing! "

"Senior sister Su, let us go! We're not going to talk. "

"If we delay any longer, we won't be in time to see the people from the four nations! Senior Sister, please spare us! "

Hearing the words of Xiao Qi and the rest, Su Xia Yue finally stopped. He raised his hand and waved in the direction of Xiao Qi and the others. Soon, the earthen wall that buried them collapsed with a loud bang.

When they finally obtained their freedom, they obediently surrounded Su Xia Yue and accompanied her to the entrance of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy.

At this time, President Hao, Qi Hongtian, Yue Hidden Mountain, Wan You Fang, and Xiao Sa, the elders of the four academies, had to stand in line in front of the academy's entrance in accordance with the welcoming etiquette of the nation. They welcomed the Cloud Country, Gaomu, and Purple Night Kingdom representatives who were dressed in strange clothes and were walking towards the academy.

It had to be said that different countries had different styles.

The Purple Night Kingdom representatives who were happy with their armor looked like they had experienced hundreds of battles. The Cloud Country representatives who liked wearing long robes all had their robes fluttering in the wind, like male fairies who were falling from the sky.

Gaomu was the most interesting, three out of the five participants were tall, each of them were four meters tall, like three moving trees. The two were short and looked to be less than half a meter tall, their appearances were no different from the elves s she saw in Reincarnation Workshop. He sat directly on the shoulders of two of the three men.

"Look quickly, Gaomu is indeed the homeland of the giant race, picked elites, as tall as a big tree!"

"From what I see, the Gaomu seems to have placed great importance on this round of Feast of the Four Kingdoms! Otherwise, why would the elves who showed up send two of their own to participate? "

"What you say makes sense. However, the difference in their height is too great. They look like two adults carrying two children. Hahaha …"

Most of the people were passionately discussing the participants of Gaomu, full of curiosity. Aside from that, the most popular person here was the representative of the Cloud Country, followed by the Purple Night Kingdom.

Su Xia Yue's gaze, however, never left the Purple Night Kingdom's group.

This time, there were a total of five people. The leader of the coaches was an old man wearing a purple robe. There were four people following behind him, and three of them had tall and sturdy bodies. The other was covered up so one couldn't see his face. It could only be seen from his general appearance that he was also a man.

This man looked very much like Nan Gong Ling Yun!

Su Xia Yue purposely took a few steps forward so that the man could see his figure in the crowd of people. Unfortunately, the man did not even look at the female leader, as he followed Purple Night Kingdom and walked past Su Xia Yue.

Xiao Qi and the rest secretly observed Su Xia Yue's expression, and immediately understood when they discovered that she was the first one to pay attention to the Purple Night Kingdom.

"Oh!" "So big sister Su wasn't waiting for Mo Jin Chen," Xiao Qi said as she rested her head on her hands.

"Eldest Miss must be waiting for him!"

Long Bi covered her lips and laughed, the expression in her eyes extremely dubious.

However, Su Xia Yue seemed to be disappointed, and with a sickly expression, he prepared to return to the Sacred Hall to continue his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Haojiao excitedly waved his hand at the female lead, shouting for her to stop.

"Little girl, come here quickly."

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