The sun was setting in the west as the sun was setting. The blood-red light of the sun was turning the entire bamboo forest into a forest of blood.

As long as Su Xia Yue could endure for another two hours, he would be able to wait until Mo Jin Chen came here as promised. At that time, he would have the chance to survive.

"Hmph, I know all of this! But that's not what I care about! I only want to see the results! "

"If you can't see, don't worry about it. I'll take another young girl next month to fill in the bed. There's no need to worry about not giving birth to a smart and intelligent daughter."


After the butler bowed and complied, he lifted Ou Yang Yan Er who was tied up with all sorts of things and followed A Wu towards the Thousand Waves River.

"Don't touch me, what are you doing? Hmph, I am the fourth lady of the Ouyang Family, do you dare to do anything to me? My father will definitely kill all of you! KILL, KILL, KILL! "Hahaha!"

"Miss, rest assured! Old master has already avenged you. "

With that said, the old butler threw Ou Yang Yan Er's entire person into the Thousand Waves River. Then, she stood beside A Wu and asked.

"That Su Xia Yue, did he throw him into the river?"

"He threw it in." A Wu stammered in reply.

"What's going on? Why do you look like you've seen a ghost? " The butler frowned with a face full of displeasure.

A Wu stammered as he pointed to a certain place on the river surface. He was tongue-tied, "When I threw that Su Xia Yue into the water earlier, it seemed like the water surface automatically parted.

Hearing that, the butler immediately jumped up and slapped A Wu.

"Are you crazy? She was not a demon, so how could she divide the water? Killing people would only make you soften your heart, it's like supporting you for nothing! "

After the butler finished cursing, he no longer had the patience to talk with A Wu. Turning his head to leave the place, A Wu was still in his original position, staring blankly at the swift river surface.

Under the river, about ten meters below the surface of the water, hung a silhouette entangled in the deadly poison web.

Around her, the water did not flow into her eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. Just like the air, there was no obstruction at all.

It seemed like this was the effect of the Water Repelling Pearl.

Fortunately, he had gotten the treasure from Ji Shu Xuan during the Gold Trial. Right now, even if it was Chen He, he would be safe and sound.

However, this deadly poison web was truly powerful, and she was unable to break it open no matter how hard she tried. If he tried to use his full strength, the net would only close tighter and tighter. The four hundred-pound boulders under her feet were enough for her to swim to the surface of the river.

Su Xia Yue calmed down, and did not dare to use any more strength.

As for the Absolute Life Poison network filled with poisonous thorns, it didn't mean much to her. Other than the slight pain when he first arrived, he did not hinder him at all afterwards.

It was just that she did not know that it would be difficult for Nan Gong Ling Yun.

The strand of Body Protecting Zen Silk in her hair could protect her body from all kinds of poisons. However, this was at the cost of Nan Gong Ling Yun's body, in order to be immune to the poison's effects.

A few kilometers away, inside the Ling Mansion.

Nan Gong Ling Yun's face was pale white, his entire body trembling uncontrollably. Su Zi Zhe and Xie Yan had long since been burning with anxiety.

"What's going on? Was the food just now poisoned? "Arrest the cook immediately!"

"Alright, I'll call the imperial physician as well!"

Just as Su Zi Zhe and Xie Yan were about to separate to do so, they were called over by Nan Gong Ling Yun. "There's no need for you guys to care about this place, send someone to the Hundred Herb Hall Academy to protect Su Xia Yue right now!"

Xie Yan was startled, and immediately regained his senses.

"Yes!" This subordinate will do it right away! "

Xie Yan nodded his head and followed the order. Then, he disappeared from the door as fast as lightning. Only Su Zi Zhe was left in the room.

His face was now even more green than his clothes, and he could not help but exhort Nan Gong Ling Yun.

"Your Highness! It is currently a busy season. The three forces, the Third Prince, the Second Prince, and the Eighth Prince, are constantly expanding. The Eighth Prince has even begun to submit to the First Prince, imposing restrictions on us! "We're already suspected of being spies in the emperor's eyes. We can't let our daughter be long-time lovers and delay our original mission!"

"Zi Zhe."

Nan Gong Ling Yun called out in a low voice, the pain on his face had already been replaced by a gloomy expression.

The moment Su Zi Zhe heard the Duke's voice, he knew that he had touched the Duke's reverse scale again.

"Your subordinate is here."

"Tonight, the crown prince's residence will be raided."


Su Zi Zhe was unable to recover his senses at the moment, and stared at the Marquis in a daze. He must have heard wrong. How could a prince's mansion be looted so easily?

However …

After Nan Gong Ling Yun helped himself to a chair, he casually took out a letter from the box on his table and handed it to Su Zi Zhe.

Su Zi Zhe took the letter, opened it to see, and the eyes immediately shone with an unprecedented light. When she looked at Nan Gong Ling Yun again, her eyes were filled with admiration and reverence.

"Your Highness is indeed worthy of being called a prince. He actually intercepted the personal letter of the Crown Prince when he colluded with foreign races and attempted to rebel!" At this point, let alone the Eighth Prince, who would draw a clear line between them, even the Emperor would not forgive the Crown Prince! "

Su Zi Zhe suddenly changed his expression and asked Nan Gong Ling Yun with a sly smile.

"Your Highness, why don't we use this opportunity to bring the crime of conspiracy to the Eighth Prince and the Second Prince, and completely destroy them?"

"Do you know what a restriction is? Do you know what balance is? If Xuan Yuan Pei Ting and Xuan Yuan Luo were to be pulled out, then our existence would no longer have any meaning. Do you think that Xuanyuan Yu gave me such special treatment only because he truly values me? "

"The prince is wise!"

Su Zi Zhe did not say anything else. She took the letter and went out. With his ability, this sort of matter was nothing to him.

At this time, Nan Gong Ling Yun's robes had already dyed the gorilla's blood red. However, he was still looking at the window, worried about the other person.

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