Su Xia Yue opened his mouth, but in the end, he closed it.

After all, it was only half a month before Mo Jin Chen returned to the Cloud Country. At that time, the rumors would be wiped out. Why should he bother himself now?

"I'm going to see how the people of Purple Night Kingdom, the State of Yun Yue, and the Gaomu train in private. This is called knowing yourself and knowing your enemy." Su Xia Yue turned around and explained with a face full of black lines.

Su Xia Yue, who had his own plans, first went to the courtyard in which the Cloud Country was staying. He wanted to meet the Liu Ying Xue who was also said to be of Black rank alchemist.

However …

There was no one in front of Cloud Country's courtyard. It seemed as if they had already left.

Just as Su Xia Yue was about to leave, he suddenly felt a strong gust of air approaching from far away. He immediately turned in a defensive manner and flashed behind the gate, ready to observe who the enemy was.

It was just that she did not expect that the person outside the courtyard through the hollow window was not an enemy. but and Ye Fan Hua.

One of them was dressed in white, the other in a purple robe that was like fire. Ye Fan Hua's nervous and ruthless eyes and Mo Jin Chen's arrogant and disdainful gaze instantly gave others the feeling that they were irreconcilable enemies.

"Are you done yet? Since yesterday, you have been chasing me the entire day. Is the first void interface really that amazing? I'm also the interface master of the Third Void World! "

After Ye Fan Hua finished speaking, he once again prepared to drill into the third dimension.

Unexpectedly, Mo Jin Chen was one step ahead of him. However, he only clasped his hands behind his back and moved his feet. Like a gust of wind, he appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. He was forcefully stopped in front of the entrance to the third space.

"Hey!" What are you trying to do? " Ye Fan Hua took a step back and flung his sleeves, looking angry and helpless.

Very rarely did he see Ye Fan Hua being humiliated like this. Su Xia Yue was immediately interested, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile, as if he was taking pleasure in's misfortune. He continued to read with relish behind the wall.

Looking at Mo Jin Chen's disappointed face, he shook his head and sighed. In the end, he sounded like an elder reminding him.

"It's time for you to step into the Dao."

"I don't want to step into the Dao!" What was so good about walking down the path of ghosts? My father died too early! My body is so beautiful, and there was even someone who saved me a while ago. I haven't had enough fun in this world, so I don't want to enter the Dao.

The heavens will decide. If you keep delaying, it will only weaken your strength day by day until the day you lose your Ghost King's blood. Then you will not be able to enter the Dao.

These two words "Sky Law" were like a heavy hammer, causing Ye Fan Hua's expression to change greatly.

However, it was as if he had seen through the world of mortals as he laughed hysterically.

"Sky Law, Sky Law! Who do you think you are? I like Sky Law, I just don't want to awaken the Ghost King's power! What can you do to me? "

"I know that entering the Dao will awaken your Ghost King's power, but it will also prevent you from interacting with your beloved girl." I know that entering the Dao will awaken your Ghost King's power, but it will prevent you from interacting with your beloved girl. Mo Jin Chen explained slowly.

"Damn it!" It doesn't make sense to a guy like you who doesn't have seven emotions and six desires. Anyway, you don't need to bother about my matters! "Wait for me to play for another seventy to eighty years, then I will naturally step into the Dao. There's no need to be long-winded."

Ye Fan Hua waved his sleeves in annoyance and opened seven entrances to the Third Dimension at the same time. Then, his figure flashed, leaving only a few afterimages behind.

Mo Jin Chen looked at one of the entrances to the third space and frowned. But he did not insist on capturing Ye Fan Hua.

In just a moment, Ye Fan Hua was gone without a trace.

The seven pitch-black entrances disappeared at the same time, as if nothing had happened at all.

Mo Jin Chen only warned in a clear voice to the empty air.

"I will at most give you seven or eight more days. You better take care of yourself."

Finished speaking, Mo Jin Chen waved his sleeves, turned and walked towards the courtyard where Su Xia Yue was hiding.

Su Xia Yue was still shocked from the conversation between Mo Jin Chen and the others, and had not recovered from it. When she suddenly saw Mo Jin Chen walking in front of her, when she became anxious, she thought of hiding inside the house first.

It was unknown whose room he had hidden in, but it looked very elegant and unique.

She thought that once Mo Jin Chen returned to her room to rest, she would be able to go out. He found a wardrobe and went inside.

It was a coincidence.


The place Mo Jin Chen came in from, was precisely the same house Su Xia Yue was hiding in.

Through the gap in the wardrobe, she saw that Mo Jin Chen had started to change his clothes the moment he came in.

The white robe was off and hung on a hanger. She took off her white boots and placed them on the bed. After that, it was the contrast. Not long later, his robust upper body was revealed. His skin was still glowing with a jade-like luster. It gave off a feeling as if it could shine.

Su Xia Yue was so shocked that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. She quickly turned her head and looked to the side.

When there were no longer any movements in the house, Su Xia Yue raised his head and realized that Mo Jin Chen had gone to bed for an afternoon nap.

Su Xia Yue sighed in his heart. Right now, he could only go out after he fell asleep. Otherwise, if she randomly entered someone's closet, she wouldn't be able to wash it even if she jumped into the Yellow River. However, he didn't know how much longer he had to stand in the wardrobe.

For the first time, he felt that he was approaching a dilemma.

In the time she had to wait, she started to curse Mo Jin Chen in her heart.

"Master Yan Gu!" The meddling master! Master of Life Stupid! A perverted master who loved naked sleep! Master Facial Paralysis! "

Just when Su Xia Yue was cursing reincarnated in his heart and was calculating that Mo Jin Chen should be asleep, unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

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