Su Xia Yue supported his chin with one hand, his elbows on his knees, pretending to be a thinker.

She maintained this position and watched from the side of Mo Jin Chen for a good while, as if she was watching a delicious food show's reality show. She was not very loyal to her food, but she actually had the desire to have a feast.

She could not help but blink in curiosity. "Ink Mage, other than liking grilled fish, do you like to eat other things?"

"Sure." He still answered very modestly.

"Hehe." Su Xia Yue laughed with a darkened face.

This guy, other than being nice, can't he just say thank you? Of course, she didn't expect him to say thank you.

As the sky darkened and the cold wind blew in the bamboo forest, Su Xia Yue took the initiative to urge them on.

"I don't need to wait until the ninetieth hour, do I?"

"I have to wait until the tenth day." Mo Jin Chen said stubbornly.


Su Xia Yue asked while extending his hands to warm himself in front of the bonfire.

With such an obvious complaint, Mo Jin Chen seemed to have been blinded, and did not have the slightest bit of feedback. She only explained it to Su Xia Yue in all seriousness.

"When the world is changing, the qi field that suits you will be able to reduce your slaughter qi by imparting you twelve formations. This can be considered a good deed for me."

Tch, you make me sound like the reincarnation of a demon! Why don't you just say that my aura of slaughter specializes in killing heartless, unloyal and unfilial people? "

"The difference between good and evil is difficult to discern. It will be inexhaustible."

Mo Jin Chen said another profound insight, but it was a pity that Su Xia Yue did not listen. It was just like Lord Tathagata the Buddha, who desperately wanted the little monkey to put down his butcher knife and convert to the Buddhist Sangha. In the end, didn't it make sense to use violence to suppress them?

It was the same for Su Xia Yue. She didn't understand him, she was only patient and tolerated him for the time being.

The two of them sat together facing the bonfire without speaking for two hours. It was finally the so-called auspicious time.

Only then did Mo Jin Chen slowly get up, and with a wave of his sleeve, he summoned an illusion that could display images like last night. However, this time, an impressive scene appeared on the screen, depicting an army of thousands looking down on their enemies. It was truly a spectacular sight.

Su Xia Yue fell into a deep sleep.

"This is the all-encompassing array, it contains tens of millions of changes, and even if it appears every day, it will still take a hundred days to display all of them. But, after the Four Kingdoms' grand occasion ends, I need to immediately return to the Cloud Country, which is why I told you before, how much you can learn depends on your luck."

"A thousand tonight." Su Xia Yue instructed directly.

"Are you serious?" Mo Jin Chen opened his eyes wide, as if he felt that Su Xia Yue was joking around with him.

Su Xia Yue stared at the large screen in front of him that was around ten squares wide, like an athlete on the track preparing to shoot out orders, looking as though he was ready to go.

However, Mo Jin Chen was still hesitating, causing him to impatiently wave his hand and urge him on.

"Cut the crap!" In the time it takes for me to learn this, I have already memorized fifty changes. "

"Alright, you can give it a try."

Mo Jin Chen's indifferent tone stirred the profound strength of the illusion as the entire illusion quickly began to change. In the blink of an eye, a formation was formed. One breath, one look. If it was an ordinary person, they would have definitely shouted for him to stop.

Su Xia Yue held his breath, staring at the illusion unblinkingly, his body did not move at all.

Such a serious expression made Mo Jin Chen unable to shift his gaze away.

For a moment, Mo Jin Chen stared at Su Xia Yue, and Su Xia Yue stared at the illusionary world. It was like a frozen scene, causing people to feel a strange atmosphere spreading in Mo Jin Chen's eyes.

Little did he know that at the intersection of the bamboo forest path, there was a pair of eyes that was currently staring right at Su Xia Yue and Mo Jin Chen.

She was Liu Ying Xue, who had been scolded by Mo Jin Chen earlier in the day for asking about Su Xia Yue.

A bush covered her body, revealing only her pair of eyes that were filled with hatred. The jealousy in her eyes was so intense that it seemed as if it was going to burn her whole body.

Master had actually taught an outsider the Twelve Great Formation! Furthermore, he even passed the all-encompassing array that he wasn't supposed to pass to her and his junior brothers and sisters to Su Xia Yue!

This isn't fair!

The current Liu Ying Xue had many more questions than the day before.

She couldn't understand why her master would want to eat the grilled fish made by Su Xia Yue. Her master didn't even eat the wolfberry broth she made, so how could she eat that kind of dry thing?

She still could not understand, why did her master stare at her when he was teaching Su Xia Yue the array, and why did he stare at her when he was teaching her the sword technique?

Not waiting for Liu Ying Xue to think it through, she felt a few more auras approaching her from behind.

Liu Ying Xue, who had always been on guard, quickly wanted to pull out his sword.

Unexpectedly, she discovered that this person's cultivation was quite high. Furthermore, he had five or six companions with him. But upon closer inspection, he realized that the people who had come were none other than Hundred Herb Hall Academy, the Principal of the Hundred Herb Hall Academy, his disciples Xu Man Qi and Nie Shi Xun.

Why would he hide behind the bushes with her, steal from her and peep at her master?

Just as Liu Ying Xue could not believe her eyes, she heard the Principal of Hundred Herb Hall Academy spitting out another sentence that made her doubt her own life.

"Hey, I won the bet!" Look, look, isn't this a reunion! "

"Not really! Master, look carefully, Sister Su did not even give Ink Mage a single glance! "I still feel that Sister Su hasn't become enlightened towards Ink Mage."

"It's more than that. Look at that Ink Mage, doesn't it look like she's no longer living in the world?"

Haojiao and Xiao Qi were discussing as they tried to move forward. In the end, he forcefully pushed Liu Ying Xue to the side, and in the end, squeezed out, and was discovered by Mo Jin Chen.


"Master! Master!"

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