"It's not wrong to have a full moon tonight, but I'm not interested in getting married. I'm interested in killing people though. Do you want to accompany me?"

Su Xia Yue did not accept the flower from Ye Fan Hua.

Ye Fan Hua scolded in a blaming tone, and even used his peach blossom eyes to roll one of the most flirtatious and beautiful eyes in the world towards Su Xia Yue.

Ye Fan Hua's expression froze, and the Resurrection Lily in his hand drooped down to the ground. There were many petals that were currently red in color.

When Ye Fan Hua regained his senses from his shock, he immediately asked Su Xia Yue aggressively.

"If it's not you, then who else could it be?"

"That person does not wish for you to know who she is. However, you should have guessed who else was present that day."

As Su Xia Yue spoke, he kept the Soul-Dagger. He felt that the stimulation from what he'd just said should be even more severe than a single slash from his blade. She was too embarrassed to continue.

However …

Ye Fan Hua was disappointed for a moment, but quickly smiled tenaciously.

"Hahaha, isn't it better for you? If that's the case, then I don't have to be responsible for you. I can just marry you and go home."

Seeing that Ye Fan Hua was still stubborn, Su Xia Yue could only continue to make up for it with his words. It was also known as the 'Fast Blade Slashing through the Disorder'.

"Secondly, this afternoon, I saw you fight with Mo Jin Chen at the entrance of his courtyard and heard your conversation."


When Su Xia Yue finished speaking, his face turned white, and he retreated a step uncontrollably. She seemed to be unable to face Su Xia Yue any longer and had signs of wanting to escape.

There was no helping it, strong people often experienced more setbacks than ordinary people. Those who could not experience more setbacks often committed suicide. It was just like how there were many capable people. The further one walked, the more experiences one would have.

Su Xia Yue thought that she didn't need to say anymore, and took the chance to continue walking down. However, after Ye Fan Hua took a step back, he did not give up and chased after him, stopping him in his tracks.

"It doesn't matter if you know I'm the successor to the Spirit King. I won't step into the dao until you die! This way, I can be like ordinary people, act like an expert and live forever with my son! "

"Hand in hand, shall we spend the rest of our lives together?"

If it were anyone else, they would only have said those words. But from Ye Fan Hua's mouth, Su Xia Yue was shocked.

Such a dissolute and cynical person actually wanted to live with his children instead of having three thousand beauties in the harem?

However …

Although she was shocked, it was impossible for her to marry someone just because she was moved. Otherwise, she would have already married Nan Gong Ling Yun eight hundred times. Moreover, even if he wanted to marry, Nan Gong Ling Yun should have done so first.

Although love does not say first come first served, but have the depth of impression.

No matter what, Nan Gong Ling Yun had a deeper impression of him in Su Xia Yue's heart than him.

Su Xia Yue shook his head without hesitation and continued to firmly reject Ye Fan Hua. Ye Fan Hua finally stopped smiling mischievously. A gloomy expression appeared on his face.

With a dark face, he said to Su Xia Yue quietly, "You don't want to live together with me, is it because you dislike me being the Ghost King?"

"Why do you dislike the fact that you're the Ghost King?"

"Because …"

Ye Fan Hua spoke in a low voice when his figure suddenly lengthened. Hands and feet became long and thin, like skeletons. His body was incredibly thin. His face looked even more horrifying.

At this moment, the bright moonlight was flickering under the cover of the dark clouds.

In the middle of the dark forest road stood a skinny Ye Fan Hua. The human face was drawn into a pair of white fangs, and its eyes were completely black, like a huge black pearl. It was embedded into his pale and gaunt face. It was exceptionally terrifying.

Under his black glass-like eyes, the atmosphere became tense and strange.

Su Xia Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he revealed his identity. He had never seen anyone do it.

At that moment, a sigh of relief suddenly came from the side. Even though it was light, but in this quiet night, no matter how soft the sound was, it could not escape Su Xia Yue's ears.

She slightly moved her body, her gaze slightly shifted as she looked at the patch of grass behind her.

That person also seemed to know that he had been discovered. He quickly jumped and flew even further away. Su Xia Yue wanted to give chase, but before he took a step forward, he was grabbed by Ye Fan Hua.

Ye Fan Hua's skeletal knuckles were only covered by a thin layer of skin as white as snow. Clenching his wrist felt like he was being clamped by iron clamps, tight and painful.

"Let go." Su Xia Yue's long eyebrows slightly knitted, and the corner of his mouth slightly sank.

"Don't take the opportunity to run away, are you scared by my appearance as well?"

Ye Fan Hua gently opened and closed his pale lips. It was as if he had become a completely different person. Not only his appearance, but even his aura had become sinister and strange.

It turned out that the Ghost King wasn't just a name, his body had also been transformed by the Blood of the Ghost King.

All this time, his seductive, boneless, and fragile posture had not been caused by his delicate facade, but by his body that was like this as well. At the same time, it was due to his sense of inferiority that he was unwilling to be discovered.

Even the Ghost King felt inferior

Su Xia Yue adjusted his expression and comforted him: "Actually it's nothing, I've heard of a very mysterious technique called plastic surgery, if you don't want to work harder, you can change your appearance day and night and fix it up immediately, it's no big deal."

Ye Fan Hua was startled.

In the next second, he suddenly released his hand and laughed.

"Hahaha, you are indeed the only one who is different! I used to say women are ugly, but I think they are ugly, only like those appearance of handsome and mighty men! However, after meeting you a few times, I realized that your heart is different. "

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