Su Xia Yue smiled as he felt that he was simply too lucky!

If he had come a day earlier, he would have been trapped by this Peach Blossom Array. However, he had remembered those thousand different all-encompassing array s last night, and coincidentally, there was one similar array to the Peach Blossom Array.

"You, you, how did you break out of that formation?"

The two guards did not dare to continue. One guarded the door, and the other quickly went back to pass on the knowledge to the Young Castle Lord.

Before leaving, the guard asked, "May I know this lady's respected name? What do you want to see our Young Castle Lord for? "

Su Xia Yue thought for a moment, then answered: "My name is Su Xia Yue, tell me about the one month agreement that I made with his Peach Blossom Castle."

The guard was startled, and the look he gave Su Xia Yue became complicated. After hesitating for a moment, he turned around to inform the others.

Su Xia Yue felt that there was something fishy about this, and could not help but ask the guard at the door.

"You've heard of my name?"

At the same time, the Soul-Dagger was already resting on the guard's neck. As long as his hands slightly trembled, he would be able to cause the guard's head to fall to the ground.

The guard naturally spoke everything he knew.

"Yes, I've heard of it."

"How did you hear that?"

"The Young Castle Lord seemed to have given something important to you and it was discovered by the young master. The young master was furious and said that if he saw you again, he would skin you alive and pull your tendons out," the guard said with a trembling voice.


Su Xia Yue did not wait for the guard to finish speaking, Su Xia Yue had already kicked him away. He angrily pulled the door off his waist, then directly opened the door beside the Peach Blossom Castle and jumped in.

Tearing my skin, pulling my tendons?

I'll go find you right now, and when I stand in front of you, I'll see who can skin who, and who can spank who!

, who was burning with rage, angrily walked toward the tallest and biggest place in the Peach Blossom Castle.

When he was halfway there, a man walked towards him with hurried steps and bumped into him.

Su Xia Yue dodged to the side quickly. The person who was heading straight at him fell to the ground. He immediately started to shout loudly.

"Blind your dog eyes, I wonder if you're walking!"

This person shouted halfway. When he clearly saw the appearance of the person beside him, he immediately went silent. The furious expression suddenly changed to one of excitement.

He stood up and was so happy that he almost jumped towards Su Xia Yue.

"You're finally here! I've finally waited for you to come, but it hasn't even been a month yet. Do you miss me? "

"I will not visit the Three Treasures Hall for no reason."

Su Xia Yue reached out his hand a little to push Tao Bu Yun away, but he had long forgotten about his previous anger. He could only remember about the wood spirit pearl s.

The happy expression on Tao Bu Yun's face immediately became cold, and rose again with a tinge of helplessness. In the end, she sighed and looked at Su Xia Yue faintly.

"Speak, what are you looking for this time?" I can tell you that there is only one Peach Flower of Three Lives left. If you still want it, I won't be able to take it out even if I were to beat you to death. "

"I don't want any Peach Flower of Three Lives. I just want you to help me convert some wood spirit pearl into Five Elements Spirit Orbs of another attribute."

Su Xia Yue's words were very natural.

But Tao Bu Yun was horrified.

"You have a wood spirit pearl! Have you been to the Five Elements Mountain Range? Also, there were some wood spirit pearl s? "How can you be so powerful!"

"Not bad." Su Xia Yue kept a low profile.

"Speak, how many do you want to transform?" Tao Bu Yun also rubbed his hands together in excitement, as if he was already eager to give it a try.

Su Xia Yue smiled and said, "One hundred and twenty-five pills is enough."

Tao Bu Yun's legs went soft, and he almost fell to the ground. When he regained his senses, he reached out his hands to support his chest that was jumping up and down, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood towards Su Xia Yue.

"One hundred and twenty-five pills is enough? You have a hundred and twenty-five wood spirit pearl! That's … that's enough? "You …"

"What's wrong?" Su Xia Yue frowned, and asked worriedly, "You used up a lot of your spirit energy? I can use a top-grade Profound Grade spirit pellet as compensation. "

"Pfft!" This time, Tao Bu Yun really spat out a mouthful of blood.

He leaned weakly against the wall and looked up at the sky at an angle of forty or fifty degrees.

In just half a month, she had made it through the difficult Five Elements Mountain Range of three veins and one island, obtaining more than a hundred wood spirit pearl, and had even become a set of Black rank alchemist! And it turned out that she was a pill refiner who could concoct top quality Xuan level Ling Dan. This woman was too heaven-defying!

"I didn't hit you, so why are you spitting blood? Have you found a few people to beat you up due to your lustful behavior recently?" Su Xia Yue casually asked.

When Tao Bu Yun heard this question, he felt a little awkward. His face actually flushed slightly.

"No, let's not talk about this anymore. You are so amazing right now, I can't even bring up that kind of thing with you. I'll find a place to help you change the Five Elements Pearl first! "Moreover, this must happen quickly. I must not let my big brother find out, or else we'll be in for a lot of trouble."

"I know." Su Xia Yue nodded.

Following which, she was brought to a pavilion by Tao Bu Yun that no one was interested in. This pavilion had only two floors. Tao Bu Yun brought Su Xia Yue to the first floor.

Entering the building, Su Xia Yue immediately smelled the smell of rust, and heard the sound of "Rumble, Rumble".

At first glance, the area before him was ablaze.

Su Xia Yue was a little shocked, only when he looked carefully did he realize that the pavilion hall he was in was a gigantic magma pool. Around the pond, there were eight crafting furnace s which were currently operating at the same time.

Weapons, whether completed or not, were displayed everywhere on the four walls of the hall.

"Are you just a shaker or a refiner?" Su Xia Yue had a whole new level of respect for him.

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