After walking for a while, Su Xia Yue first came to the courtyard where the Gaomu's contestants were staying.

However, before he could even walk over, he heard the sound of applause coming from the courtyard. He raised his eyes and looked into the courtyard. It turned out to be the three giants of Gaomu performing telekinesis.

"You come with him! If the two of you defeat me, I will give you two Scarlet Perception Pills! "

That smile made the two giants dissatisfied. They all stood up and started shouting at the two elves.

"What right do you have to laugh at us?"

"Exactly, two guys the size of flies, we could crush them with one of our fingers!" You still have the ability to laugh at us? "

The words of the two giants provoked the two Fairies. The blue-haired and red-haired Fairies looked at each other. They attacked in unison.

"Hua!" The blue haired elves released an Eight Star Wind Slash.

"Boom!" The red-haired elves shot out an eight-star fire elemental fire ball.

In the blink of an eye, the two giants were ruthlessly knocked to the ground. One of them was on fire, and the other had a foot-long cut on his arm.

The two giants were infuriated as they used their spirit energy to counterattack, each of them reaching the level of a level 1 bronze spirit reader.

Seeing that the four of them were about to fight to the death, Gaomu's captain Gao An Feng immediately stepped forward, and with his own strength, suppressed the four of them.

"Enough, enough! Are you guys here to fight, or are you here to kill each other? If you want to fight, after five days, you can do whatever you want in the Four Nation Competition! "


Only then did the two giants and the two elves calm down.

In the calm courtyard, Gao An Feng quickly discovered Su Xia Yue's figure. His brows knitted as he looked down at Su Xia Yue from above.

"What business do you have with us?"

"I just want to ask, do you have any weapons craftsmen here?" Su Xia Yue smiled calmly. There was no fear in his eyes, nor was there any hostility.

This was the first time Gao An Feng had seen such a woman who was neither humble nor haughty.

Normally when they came to Han Dynasty or other countries, when they saw these unusually tall people, most of them would give them a strange look. Be it fear, jealousy, or mockery. Only Su Xia Yue looked at them as if they were ordinary people. This kind of gaze made Gao An Feng feel comfortable.

So he was less hostile towards Su Xia Yue.

Gao An Feng replied Su Xia Yue seriously: "Among those who can come here, nine out of ten are alchemists! But it's not like there are no refiners, I heard that the Cloud Country's Mo Jin Chen Mage knew how to refine artifacts, you can try him. "

When Su Xia Yue heard the two words' Mo Jin Chen ', his heart couldn't help but tremble.

He was so close to the horizon!

She had left such a large person to question, yet she actually came to question these unrelated strangers. I nearly made a fool of myself

Su Xia Yue laughed awkwardly, and as a form of thanks.

When Su Xia Yue turned around and wanted to leave, Gao An Feng suddenly asked her: "You have already seen our battle, and know our strength and background. How are you confident about this Four Nation Competition?"

When Gao An Feng said these words, he was extremely confident. It was obvious that they wanted to hear Su Xia Yue praise their strength.

However …

Su Xia Yue calmly turned his head around and leisurely said: "The chances of me winning is very high."

Gao An Feng was startled, he never thought that Su Xia Yue's words would be so boastful. Looking at Su Xia Yue who was only up to his knees in height, Gao An Feng's face was filled with suspicion.

His daughter didn't mind his gaze at all as she casually joked.

"It will be hard for you to stay in these rooms for five more days. I hope that you won't have to follow the customs of the country and become as tall and short as us."


Gao An Feng was very speechless.

It was because Su Xia Yue's words had really stabbed into their tears.

To be trapped in the houses of these Han Dynasty people, was even worse than going to jail. They looked at the roofs of these houses every day, and it was like climbing into a dog hole. As a result, the three giants slept on the surrounding trees. Only the two elves entered the house.

Just as Gao An Feng was recalling their heartache these past few days, Su Xia Yue had already left with a smile.

Turning his head, Su Xia Yue found that he was already in front of the courtyard where the participants were resting. This was already the second time Su Xia Yue had come. However, Su Xia Yue knew that Mo Jin Chen was the only person living in this courtyard, hence she called him alone.

"Is the Ink Mage here?"

"What is it?" Mo Jin Chen's indifferent voice came out from the house.

"I want to ask you a favor." Su Xia Yue went straight to the point.

Just as he was speaking, Mo Jin Chen had already walked out of the house. It was still that elegant immortal-like appearance, and it was still that extraordinarily handsome face. But for some reason, he seemed somewhat happy today, as if there was something he was happy about.

Su Xia Yue guessed that it was probably because he realized that Ye Fan Hua had already stepped into the Dao, and that was one of his biggest worries, that was why he was so happy!

"What can I do for you?" Mo Jin Chen, who was in a good mood, spoke very amiably.

"Help me convert a hundred and twenty-five wood spirit pearl." Su Xia Yue was as straightforward as ever.

An expression of surprise flashed across Mo Jin Chen's face, but he quickly returned to normal. However, he did not immediately agree to Su Xia Yue's request. Instead, he leisurely asked Su Xia Yue this question.

"Why should I help you and your team raise their 6-element talent to defeat the team I brought with me?"

"Because I want to acknowledge you as my master! To help me is to help your disciple! "

Su Xia Yue's words did not have any hesitation, which surprised him a little. He observed Su Xia Yue's eyes for a while and determined that there was no joke in his eyes, then nodded his head.

"Then, let's hold a ceremony to acknowledge you as my teacher!" After Mo Jin Chen finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved his sleeves.

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