He hadn't slept at all that night.

In his dreams, the figures of Mo Jin Chen and Nan Gong Ling Yun constantly fighting appeared. When the two of them finally stopped, they actually reached out to grab him at the same time.

He knocked on the door and suddenly remembered that the frequency was very fast. It was as if he had predicted that she would wake up at this time. Without waiting for Su Xia Yue's response, they heard Xu Man Qi and the others' anxious urges immediately followed.

She knew that in the Han Dynasty, the Hundred Herb Hall Academy was just like a school, a place to learn skills and abilities. The only place where he could truly apply it to the real thing, and make himself highly valued, was the Dan Association.

In the entire Han Dynasty, all the alchemists could only be considered as an official alchemist after being appraised by the Dan Association. Only then would it be acknowledged by the masses. It was just like how every single martial cultivation would have to undergo an official examination before being bestowed a Wuhui.

Su Xia Yue pushed the blanket away and turned.

She was indeed very much looking forward to see what the emblem and robe of a three star Black rank alchemist looked like.

Furthermore, she didn't forget that there was still that Liu Ying Xue in the finals who was waiting for her to settle the score!

"Creak!" The door opened.

Before they could even say a few words to Su Xia Yue, she had already flashed past them like a gust of wind. He walked forward as if he was flying.

After a while, Su Xia Yue arrived at the arena.

Today's Feast of the Four Kingdoms finals was indeed different from yesterday's semifinals. The entire arena could simply be described as a sea of people.

Not only the royal families who were preparing to participate in the competition, but also those who had already been eliminated had all gathered here. Some of them were cheering for their country, while others were unhappy with their defeated opponents.

Apart from this, the most lively scene was at the corner of the arena, where a few people were constantly shouting.

"Come, come, let's pass by. Don't miss the chance to get rich!" In the Feast of the Four Kingdoms finals, who would win and who would lose? Pick one of the four, one to one hundred! "

So it turns out that someone was gambling with the Four Kingdoms Grand Ceremony Competition.

Su Xia Yue saw that the competition had not started yet, so he walked slowly to the middle of the group. Looking down, there was a large wooden table in front of the squawking dealer. The table was painted in four colors, each with a person's name written on it.

Besides himself, the names of the four people present were Liu Ying Xue, Su Xing Chen and Lan Si Yu.

The gamblers surrounding the Zhou family would only need to place their bets on the name of the person they thought would win, and there would be people who would record it down. Give him the paper and leave it as a stub.

Su Xia Yue smiled slightly.

As expected of the dealer who dared to bet on the National Grand Ceremony, he seemed rather formal.

She thought for a moment. Other than the time in Reincarnation Workshop, when she stole 50,000 silver from the gatekeeping elf, she had no other income. He gave ten thousand silver to Su Qing. Plus, he had spent about seventy to eighty percent of his money, so he only had less than thirty thousand taels left.

In the future, if he wanted to establish his own house, he would need to buy a house and hire a housekeeper, servants, maids and guards. I'm afraid this silver is far from enough.

Therefore, when Su Xia Yue became interested, he bid thirty thousand silver on his name.

For some reason, quite a few people immediately turned to look at her. That look was very strange.

After Su Xia Yue took the note, he purposely didn't go far. As expected, he heard those people with strange looks start to discuss in private.

"If I'm not mistaken, the woman just now should be Su Xia Yue right? I bet on myself. I don't know if I should say that she's too confident or that she's shameless. Hahaha … "

"Those are all secondary! "The main reason is because she's too brainless. Since she spent thirty thousand silver to bet on me, isn't that the same as giving up money to waste?"

"Exactly! Did she not know that the blue haired elf, Lan Si Yu, already had a four star Black rank alchemist? Who can compare to him! "

"Even if you do not mention Lan Si Yu, that Su Xing Chen is also a pill refiner with talent of three Man Xing s. The pill refining speed and quality is something that no one can match! Forget about Liu Ying Xue, even if she was the big senior from the original Longevity Sect, her cultivation and talent is definitely outstanding too. "


Su Xia Yue was too lazy to listen to what they were saying next. After all, the victor was always the same. It still depended on the person who laughed at the end.

He slowly walked into the arena.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that Bai Hua and Ren Shangyue, this pair of immortal couple, were dressed up as old grannies again. One fed the carrots, the other ate the carrots.

Just as he was about to go up and greet Ren Xin Yue, he felt a little embarrassed.

On the other hand, Nan Gong Ling Yun who was watching the competition from time to time would give him a fiery gaze. The heartbeats quickened.

Su Xia Yue had no choice but to turn and look elsewhere.


Just at this moment, a clear ear-splitting gong sound rang out, and the noisy arena instantly quietened down.

Su Xia Yue turned his head to look, and saw that Bai Hua was seated on his white cloud again. He had arrived at the center of the stage, and announced to everyone the rules of the competition.

"The first round of the Feast of the Four Kingdoms finals is four in two! The elimination system was adopted! "In a while, I will open the illusionary entrance of the mountain range for all four of you. At that time, the two people who hunt demon beasts the most will be able to advance to the next round, the second in, first in pill refining final!"

"The Delight Mountain Range?"

These four words shocked everyone present.

Su Xia Yue was also slightly shocked.

Wasn't the mountain range called the Extreme Miracle Mountain Range a dangerous place where even Ye Fan Hua had to return after being heavily injured? This time, they were actually going to send all four of them there?

"Heh heh."

Seeing Su Xia Yue's shocked expression, Liu Ying Xue immediately laughed sarcastically: "Go to the mountain range? Let's not talk about hunting demon beasts. There might be people who are unable to come back alive, right? "

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