Ai Lan was extremely calm as he replied at a moderate pace, "There is a definite estimate for everything! As a mere mortal, he won't be able to escape the retribution of reincarnation. This is all I can say, what you should do is your own business, I just hope that you won't repeat the same mistake. "

After saying that, Ai Lan turned and walked into the forest. As they walked, they put on their cloaks once more. As if he was talking to himself, he mocked Su Xia Yue with his hoarse and low voice.

Behind her, in the depths of the invisible forest, Ai Lan did not leave just like that.

"As per Sa's instructions." Ai Lan respectfully lowered his head.

Then, he thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "I wonder if it has begun over there?"

Sa laughed strangely and said: "It's not just the beginning, I'm afraid that blood has already flowed like a river. Hahahaha!"

As the laughter disappeared in the forest, he also gradually concealed himself.

At this time, under the dim moonlight, one could see the Demon Fighter level sickle tattoo on the back of Ai Lan's neck.

At the same time, in the Hundred Herb Hall Academy half a kilometer away, the celebratory night banquet had already begun.

In the guest hall of Hundred Herb Hall Academy, where over a hundred palace lamps were lit, the President, the four great elders, and the disciples of the various halls were gathered. Almost a thousand people.

During the night banquet, they would sing and dance as they drank.

Haojiao was the happiest. The wine gourd that was hung on her body was no longer filled with spiritual fire s but was actually filled with good wine. The drink caused his cheeks to redden and his eyes to glaze over. He was on the verge of collapse.

Xiao Sa and the other elders were trying their best to persuade him.

"Dean, you are already old, don't drink so much."

"Rise, rise, open! This is a rare opportunity that only comes after 50 years! In my lifetime, to be able to see the Hundred Herb Hall Academy win the Four Kingdoms Grand Ceremony Competition's championship for him, is simply death without regret! How can we not celebrate? "Come, come, come. Continue to fill my stomach. I won't return until I'm drunk!"

Xu Man Qi, Nie Shi Xun and the others were juniors, how could they dare to disobey? They all held wine jugs and filled the wine gourds for Haojiao.

As soon as the wine gourd was filled, the sounds of a wine cup being broken could be heard during the night banquet. Sharp shouts came from all directions.

Haojiao rubbed his blurry and drunk eyes. It was as if he saw streams of black Qi descending from the sky.

The moment the black gas landed on the ground, it took human form. There were two to three hundred people here! Every black-clothed person wielded a sword in their hand, silently killing the innocent in the hall. The unarmed people were killed to the point of being caught unprepared, dozens of people fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Haojiao who had regained his senses immediately shouted loudly: "There's an assassin! Hurry and call out the Divine Wind Guard! "

At this time, the leader of the group, the man in black clothing chuckled strangely.

"Even if you shout until your throat breaks, no one will come to save you. We have already taken care of the guards of the Divine Wind Empire, so we came here!" "Hahahaha!"

Under the terrifying and strange laughter of the black-clothed man, Haojiao calmed his mind, and together with Xiao Sa, Nie Shi Xun and the others, he took out his blade and sword and prepared to counterattack.

However …

He felt weak all over as soon as he touched the spiritual force.

The As Instructor who was sent to the back mountain to guard the latrine suddenly came out from the side hall and laughed complacently: "You don't need to resist anymore, I've already scattered the soft tendons in your food and wine. Now that the medicinal power has already taken effect, if you guys have the strength to pull out the sword, you might as well kill yourselves.

"You traitor, you actually colluded with someone from the Demon Sect. Slaughtering my Hundred Herb Hall should have killed you back then!" Haojiao said hatefully.

"It's too late to regret!" When all of you are dead, I can smoothly take over this Hundred Herb Hall, and everything will be up to me! " As Instructor laughed extremely arrogantly.

Haojiao was enraged!

"Xiao Qi, Xiao Sa, take everyone and leave this place via the small path at the back of the hall. This old man will stall them!"


"Cut the crap!" One more word and one more dies. Do you want me to be a sinner for all eternity? "

Xiao Qi and the rest were helpless, they could only do as Haojiao said. After leading dozens of people to the intersection of the small path in the back of the palace, he went all out to send them out.

The Haojiao who was blocking the many black-clothed men and As Instructor sneered sinisterly at them. However, as if they were mumbling to themselves, their words were slow and heavy.

"I didn't expect that when I thought I was that girl's master, I used my life to learn from her!"

"What kind of logic is that?" The leader of the men in black couldn't help but be curious.

"In the past, I did not think so. But now, I realized that although Su Xia Yue was cold, she had never done anything wrong! "Some people are truly not worth being lenient on. Only by killing them all can we avoid future troubles."

As Instructor was already perspiring profusely, his voice trembling, "You old lunatic, what are you trying to do!"

Xiao Qi and the others heard As Instructor's explosive roar, and when they turned around, they realized that Haojiao was holding onto the thought of the Devil Sect's people killing each other, and was starting to condense the Spiritual Energy Explosion! However, even if he tried to persuade her again, it would be too late.


A thunderclap that shook the sky struck the hundred black clothed people of the Demon Sect who were surrounding Haojiao, into pieces of flesh and blood. Screams filled the entire hall. The As Instructor and his conspiracy were also blown to smithereens.

The night banquet had turned into a bloody feast, and the stench of blood permeated the air.

The loud noise startled Su Xia Yue for half a kilometer. When he turned his head to look towards the direction of Hundred Herb Hall Academy, he found that it was filled with flames that almost illuminated the entire night sky.

"This is bad!" Su Xia Yue's face changed, he anxiously got up and rushed back to Hundred Herb Hall Academy.

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