After Su Xia Yue heard the reminder, he immediately growled.


"Is this the sword immortal that master refined? "Why does it feel like 'seeing is useless'?"

Su Xia Yue felt terrible in his heart.

He was afraid that the beast had seized the initiative. If he opened his eyes again, his popularity would become the sharp fangs of the beast!

At this critical moment, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing past his ears.

"Awoo, awoo, awoo."

The vicious beast's roar immediately turned into a tragic wail.

At the same time, the burning sensation on his face and body receded. Everyone could finally open their eyes. In the end, they saw Yin Er dancing all over the place. And under Yin Er's elegant dance posture, was actually the simultaneous berserk sweep of Xie Yin.

The sword light flashed and turned the beast that had just rushed out of the black hole into a pile of meat paste that lay on the ground. The mass of bright red blood looked blinding. There was also the smell of blood spreading out from the corpse of the beast as it turned into mincemeat …


At this time, everyone let out a surprised sound. Only now did he know why Yin Er had been dancing there.

"As expected of a sword immortal. He can actually defeat an enemy without the master's control. So powerful!"

"Yeah, yeah! Ever since Xie Yin obtained the Sword Immortal, his strength had increased by leaps and bounds!"

"In the future, with this kind of God Equipment, we don't have to worry about any sudden dangers!"


Just as Long Bi, Little White, magenta, Xuanwu, Xuan Tian and Yin Er were talking happily, something on the ground had clearly exploded into a large puddle of blood.


A large pool of hot blood splashed out, and a few drops coincidentally fell onto the back of Su Xia Yue's hand.


The searing hot blood was like boiling water. When it landed on the back of his hand, a blood-red mark immediately appeared. Although the pain was extremely excruciating, Su Xia Yue could only cry out lightly in pain.

Who knew that the burn marks from the blood explosion were not as simple as a blood bubble?

When Su Xia Yue lowered his head, he saw that the blood seal was growing deeper and deeper. The color grew darker and redder. In the end, it formed the shape of a large red bird. It seemed as if his wings were about to shake, making him look as if he was alive.

"What is this?" Su Xia Yue lowered his head, his face full of astonishment.

"Let me see, is it strict?"

Old Ancestor treated this as a skin burn and walked over with concern. He wanted to help Su Xia Yue inspect his injuries. When he saw the imprint on Su Xia Yue's skin, for some reason, the worried look on Old Ancestor's face immediately changed into one filled with joy.

"Little girl, what a blessing in disguise!"

"What do you mean?" Su Xia Yue looked up at Old Ancestor in puzzlement.

Old Ancestor pointed at the blood-red mark on the back of Su Xia Yue's hand and explained excitedly: "I'll have to start from an ancient legend first."

Long Bi, Xiao Bai, magenta, Black Turtle, Xuan Tian and Yin Er who were at the side immediately wished they could move a horse over and surround Old Ancestor to listen in. No one disliked such a complicated opening.

Su Xia Yue then followed the hearts of the people and spoke to the Old Ancestor: "You take your time, we have patience."


Old Ancestor slapped his thigh, as though he was unhappy, and spoke with relish to the group.

"According to the legends, there was a savage beast that escaped from the Ancient Desolation. The savage beast was extremely powerful, and it was bloodthirsty; when it escaped, it even bit an ancient fairy to death, but it was unable to absorb the ancient fairy's immortal energy. They were fleeing in every direction, living a muddled, muddleheaded life.

Hearing this, Su Xia Yue could not help but smile.

She continued to ask Old Ancestor with her guesses, "Are you telling me that the magical beast we just killed was the one that escaped during the Primordial Era?"

"Originally, there was no way to confirm if it was the ancient beast on your head. However, its blood left this mark on your hand. That explains it!" The Old Ancestor said while acting suspenseful.

"My imprint? "What's the point?"

"This mark of yours is called the Phoenix Seal! There's a lot of celestial spiritual energy sealed inside. Once you open the immortal bone, you can trigger it and then you can become that fairy's successor. You'll get a lot of celestial spiritual energy and rise to the heavens in one step! "

"What?" Su Xia Yue was startled for a moment.

Long Bi, Xiao Bai, magenta, Xuanwu, Xuan Tian and Yin Er all opened their mouths wide, and their jaws almost dropped. When they regained their senses, it was as if a pot had exploded. They all couldn't help but surround Su Xia Yue, to look at the blood red mark on the back of her hand that was like a phoenix.

"Master, you're really lucky! Although that magical beast has been turned into meat paste, the celestial spiritual energy within its body was still able to descend into your body. How come we don't have that kind of luck?"

"That's right, that's right. If you could just give me a few hundred years of immortal power for free, even if you scald me until my entire body is covered in bundles, I wouldn't mind!"

"You wish! This magical beast died and exploded the moment your mother walked over. This means that he has already decided on your mother!"

"I feel the same way, human. You must hide the mark on your hand well, or else if others see it, you will become jealous again! "The saying goes, 'A man is innocent, but the possession of a treasure is a sin'. Don't let the seal on the sealed person be dug out before you open it!"


Although the magenta's reminder was disgusting, it was a fact.

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