The group of guards lowered their heads, not daring to reply.

The old eunuch was even more infuriated. He stomped his foot and reached out his hand, slapping each of them in the face. He then angrily urged the head of the guards.

"What are you still standing there for?" Go and bring him back! "

"Yes, yes!"

A group of guards nodded and turned around one after another. Leading a small team of fifty people, they began to search the entire imperial city for Su Xia Yue's resting place. Only, they never would have thought that in less than the time it took to make a cup of tea, Su Xia Yue had already arrived at the outskirts of Gaomu.

There were 14 or 15 meters tall trees everywhere. As a woman who was only 1.7 meters tall, she felt extremely insignificant. If it were anyone else, they would have long been lost in this vast forest. Under normal circumstances, very few people would dare to set foot here.

Unfortunately, Su Xia Yue really liked this kind of mysterious and unknown stimulation.

She got down from Whitey and walked with the White Tiger into the depths of the forest. After walking for almost an hour, Su Xia Yue finally saw the big tree with the symbol on it.

She walked forward and lightly tapped on the trunk of the tree.

"Knock knock knock!"

"A signal!"

"Far away in the martial arts world."


The tree trunk opened up, revealing a middle-aged man dressed in the attire of imperial guards. Seeing that it was Su Xia Yue, he immediately cupped his hands in gratitude and bowed to Su Xia Yue.

"So it's our second prince, the third prince's savior, Miss Su!" "It's been a few days since I last saw you. What a rare guest. A rare guest …"

"Don't bother being polite with me, I'm here to see them. Lead the way." Su Xia Yue waved her hand, showing a very straightforward look.

"Yes sir!" The male guard lowered his head and complied, quickly walking in front.

After entering through the door that was disguised as a tree trunk, there was a hole in the tree that was illuminated by the sunlight. After passing through this tree hole, the road became wider and wider. The towering mountain rocks on both sides of the road formed a natural barrier. Whether from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top, it was a difficult terrain to traverse.

After about an hour of walking, two people, Bai Yi and a tiger finally arrived at the entrance of an exquisite and elegant courtyard house.

There were two old nuns with gray temples at the door. One of them was brewing medicine. One was cooking. When the two of them were together, they would chat for a while.

"Think about my days in the palace, I only ordered people to do it, but now, I'm washing clothes, cooking water and splitting firewood, everything has to be done! Ever since Sixth Prince crippled the Second and Third Princes and threw them here, we were also met with misfortune!"

"Just be content with what you have! How great life like this was! There was no need to worry about those scheming, scheming, and deceitful characters. No one was going to disturb them! Look, the second and third princes have not lost their temper for four or five days, and are still in a good mood today. If two people sit together and play chess, as a servant, you won't have anything to complain about! "

"Yeah, it's all thanks to Miss Su pleading for mercy. Otherwise, the Second and Third Prince would have died long ago and we would have followed them into the coffin. How would we have had the chance to breathe here?"


Just as the two old servants were chatting, Su Xia Yue and the guard had already arrived at the entrance of the courtyard.

The two old wet nurses immediately shut their mouths and walked up to Su Xia Yue, nodding their heads repeatedly.

"Greetings, Miss Su!"

"Miss Su, the second and third princes are playing chess in the courtyard. Would you like to take a look?"


Su Xia Yue responded simply as an old granny led her to the entrance of the courtyard.

He looked inside and saw that the table was made of stone and had a chessboard drawn on it. The Second and Third Princes, who had lost their lower half, sat on the left and right side of the stone table in a wheelchair. Below their waists, although covered with blankets, they could still hold it in.

In the days that followed, not to mention walking, even the right to be a man was denied.

Although their physical appearances were very pitiful, the expressions on their faces were very relaxed. He seemed to be immersed in the fun of playing chess.


The third prince burst into a loud laughter.

"Second brother, I won again this time!" You, after all, haven't made any progress, and it's not fun either. I don't have an opponent, so I'll be lonely! "Hahaha!"

The Third Prince immediately stopped smiling and went to berate the Second Prince with a frown.

"Didn't you say that you wouldn't bring up this matter? You really can't bring up this matter!" Are you looking for a beating? "

"What are we fighting for? Our cultivation has been crippled, and our bodies are crippled!" "The powerhouses and experts who followed me from the center all died, rebelled, went to the east, there's nothing left to lose, what are you fighting for!"

"Second brother, you must understand that we can't win against that person and the woman behind him."

When the Third Prince said this, his eyes flashed with awe. She seemed to be very respectful to the woman behind him. There was even a hint of gratitude.

"It's better to die than to live. To be able to do this, it's time to be satisfied!" The second prince nodded in agreement, no longer as angry as before.

At this time, Su Xia Yue, who was still at the entrance of the courtyard, behind the screen. After seeing this scene through the screen, he was relieved and prepared to leave. The guard and the old wet nurse shouted.

"Miss Su, you're not going to see our Second and Third Princes anymore?"


Before Su Xia Yue could say anything, the Second and Third Princes who were playing chess in the courtyard heard the commotion and shouted in unison.

"Miss Su, since you're here, let's sit down and have a cup of tea!"

"That's right, I've discussed this with second brother and found a great gift for you."


Su Xia Yue silently walked in front of the Second and Third Princes.

She did not know that he was their savior, nor did she feel that he was the executioner. In the struggle for the imperial power, the victor was always the king and the loser was the bandit. If the two of them were to join hands and strike first, Qing Qing might not even have the chance to sit here and play chess.

The second and third princes could figure this out as well.

They all looked relieved, and smiled at Su Xia Yue.

"Miss Su, we know that you are Su Mo and we also know that you have an incomparable talent in artifact forging. For saving your life, we have decided to use some materials to repay you."

"That's right, these refining materials are in this spatial ring."

The Third Prince handed over an extremely exquisite ring to Su Xia Yue with a mysterious smile on her face.

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