In this moment of silence, Su Xia Yue felt a severe pain from her body that made people almost collapse.



Following Su Xia Yue's loud roar, a red ray of light that was three levels long flashed around her body, like a rising sun. The red light radiating from her body seemed as if it was going to dye the surrounding trees red. At the same time, the explosive power unleashed by her body shook Heaven and Earth, as if the earth itself were trembling.

When the light faded, the earth became still.

Su Xia Yue's body calmed down, and when she opened her eyes, her clear pupils immediately revealed a bright ray of light.


She had leveled up again!

From the second stage of Martial Saint, he advanced to the third stage of Martial Saint, one step closer to the Martial King that could open the Nine Palace Box!

Su Xia Yue raised her head, looking at the elven tree that was shaking the branches in front of him, and started making 'sha sha sha' sounds. A grateful smile appeared on her face. If she were to rely on herself to cultivate, she would need at least another one to two years before she could advance!

Right now, breaking through in an instant could be considered as repaying the elven tree.

Maybe Su Xia Yue's promotion was too loud, startling the elven clan leader. He came to this place in a panic, arriving in front of Su Xia Yue and sized him up.

"God of Heaven's messenger, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Su Xia Yue's reply allowed the elven tribe leader to feel at ease, and she happily talked about the situation of the elves.

"God of Heaven's messenger, after all of us drank the antidote that you gave us, our bodies felt much better! It looks like it won't be long before we can recover. Right now, your friend is with us, drinking and eating together, do you want to come to God of Heaven's messenger as well? What's that thing in your hand? "

Su Xia Yue saw that the Fairy Clan Patriarch's face was filled with fear as he looked at the Fruit Core in his hand that had yet to be lost.

"Have you never seen this before?"

"I've never seen it before, but I think I heard my father say that when the elven tree matures, he would drop a Acacia Fruit. This Fruit can instantly increase one's cultivation! However, there was also a side effect. It made people's lust skyrocket. No matter what cultivation level, no matter what kind of medicine it was, it couldn't be cured. It would make one lose everything!]

"What will happen if I don't clean up?"

Su Xia Yue opened her eyes wide, feeling that all the nerves in her body had tensed up.

He only hoped that the medicinal properties of the Acacia Fruit could be removed by "hand", just like the [Charm Potion] Xuan Yuan Pei Ting had given him previously.

However …

The elven clan leader replied Su Xia Yue seriously and seriously, "If you don't cure the poison, your meridians will be crippled! However, actually eating the Acacia Fruit is still good for a woman, she only needs to find a man to detoxify her poison. If a man eats the fruit, he must also find a virgin to detoxify his poison, otherwise, it will be useless. "

"Must we find a virgin? In other words …

You can't 'manually' anymore.

Su Xia Yue's expression suddenly froze, she was unwilling to talk any further with the elven clan leader. She threw away the fruit in her hand and started to choke with all her might.

"Ugh … Ugh …"

After working hard for a long time, Su Xia Yue could not find even a single piece of the Acacia Fruit's flesh. It seemed that the fruit had long since melted into her blood along with her stomach. It was impossible to dig it out.

Seeing Su Xia Yue like that, the Fairy Clan Patriarch immediately understood what happened.

"God of Heaven's messenger, actually, if you really fell for the Acacia Fruit, there's no need to work so hard, I can …"

"It wasn't me who got the Acacia Fruit." Su Xia Yue weakly propped herself up, and said straightforwardly.

"Hmm? "However, the fruit in your hand should be the Acacia Fruit. It shouldn't be wrong." The elven tribe leader was puzzled.

Su Xia Yue was too lazy to explain to the elven Clan Leader what was a Body Protecting Zen Silk and what was he being poisoned with, all of these things required Nan Gong Ling Yun to bear. She just took a quick step and left the place.

After arriving at a secluded place, Su Xia Yue opened up the sound transmitting bell.

"Nan Gong Ling Yun? Nan Gong Ling Yun! How are you? "


There was no reply from the sound transmitting bell s, but Nan Gong Ling Yun's low and hurried breathing sound could be heard. The sound was extremely painful, as if it was almost uncontrollable.

Su Xia Yue's heart began to throb in pain.

Damn it!

The benefits of levelling up had been left for him, and the poison of the Joyous Union had been left for Nan Gong Ling Yun. Such a shameless action, it was the first time she, Su Xia Yue, had done it. This was the first time she felt sorry for Nan Gong Ling Yun.

"Hey!" If you are unable to hold it in, I will allow you to find a concubine or maid. Just remember, you have to be a virgin or else you won't be able to cure the poison.

"Su Xia Yue! What exactly did you eat? "

Just as Su Xia Yue was speaking to the disposable sound transmitting bell in her hand, the space in front of him suddenly tore apart, and a person stepped out. As soon as he walked up to him, he grabbed her shoulders and cursed loudly.

And the person who scolded him, was not Nan Gong Ling Yun, who else could it be?

Su Xia Yue lifted her head and looked at Nan Gong Ling Yun's handsome face that was abnormally red. She also looked somewhat apologetically at the pair of eyes that were filled with anger and lust. He, who wasn't afraid of the heavens or the earth, couldn't help but feel scared this time.

"I was just careless and ate a Acacia Fruit." Su Xia Yue replied with a weak voice.

"Cautious? Acacia Fruit? "

Nan Gong Ling Yun directly pushed Su Xia Yue against a large tree, then lowered her head, just inches away from Su Xia Yue's little face that had a hint of red cloud. The breath that was filled with anger and lust that was like fire puffed all over Su Xia Yue's face.

When he spoke again, his voice was thick with threat.

"This is the second time, right? It's only a matter of time. Have you heard of it? "

"I've heard of it, but I didn't do it on purpose. At worst, I'll just woo!"

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