"What is it?" Nan Gong Ling Yun seemed to be in a good mood as he kindly asked the elven patriarch.

"Spelling out news of God of Heaven's messenger's death, it really was not my intention! I sincerely apologize to God of Heaven's messenger! Furthermore, in the future, all the territories of our Fairies will welcome the God of Heaven's messenger. As long as there's anything that the God of Heaven's messenger can use, we will definitely be filled with tears! "" No, no …

"Alright!" Su Xia Yue nodded, "I will come back in the future."

Without waiting for Su Xia Yue to finish speaking, Nan Gong Ling Yun had already extended his hand out and pulled Su Xia Yue away.

What a joke. How could his woman come and visit another man when she had nothing better to do?

On the other hand, Xuan Tian, Bai Bai followed behind Nan Gong Ling Yun as they flew away. He only felt that the current Su Xia Yue seemed to have an extra sensitive vinegar jar at his side, and it was simply untouchable. Even Whitey had to show his shamelessness in order to get between the two of them.

With such a close relationship, it was obvious that the relationship between the two was not like the relationship they had in the Han Dynasty, where everyone had a tacit understanding.

After they left the forest where the elves resided, they found two horse carriages and slowly drove towards Cloud Country on the official road. According to everyone's pace, it would take them around half a month's time to reach the Cloud Country. They would have to avoid any danger along the way.

Although the journey was tiring, Su Xia Yue and the others were happy about one thing.

On the road to Cloud Country, the number of people in the giant race became fewer and fewer. Gradually, more and more humans, elves and cultivators increased. In terms of height, he didn't need to be looked at in a peculiar manner anymore. However, at this time, there would always be many people who would look at Nan Gong Ling Yun the same way.

In the entire journey, regardless of whether it was appearance or aura, very few people could be compared with Nan Gong Ling Yun.

"Waiter, a pot of tea!"

"Hey, come on!"

The waiter stepped forward and effortlessly floated in front of Su Xia Yue and Nan Gong Ling Yun. The strands of mist surrounding her feet clearly entered the initial stage of cloud riding.

Su Xia Yue could not help but reveal a look of interest, staring at the waiter.

"You're an immortal cultivator?"

"Hey, girl, look at what you're saying! "The one in this place isn't an immortal cultivator ah …"

The waiter's words immediately attracted the laughter of the customers sitting around them. It was obvious that Su Xia Yue and her group were ignorant and ill-informed.

"Hahaha, just by looking at them, I can tell that these two bumpkins are from outside the city. Even this little bit of immortal magic is strange!"

"Exactly! This is too stupid! "

"If I meet a true Immortal cultivator, wouldn't these people have their eyeballs drop out?" "Hahaha!"


Amidst his laughter, Su Xia Yue's face darkened. Before she could say anything, Nan Gong Ling Yun, who was by her side, had already taken a step ahead of her. The mocking voices around him came to an abrupt stop.


A silver ingot fell into the waiter's arms.

At the same time, Nan Gong Ling Yun's ice-cold gaze landed on the waiter's face. It felt like he was being cut by a sharp blade. The waiter didn't dare to retort any longer. Holding the silver, he carefully smiled along with his.

"Come, guests, come over here!" This lowly one will immediately make up the tea for all of you! "

"No need, looks like the Cloud Country is just ahead of us. After we walk for a while, we'll be able to find a quiet place to stay, in case there's too much noise."

After Nan Gong Ling Yun finished, he pulled Su Xia Yue up.

Xiao Bai followed closely behind and swung its tail arrogantly, directly throwing the waiter three meters away. Then he heard the laughter of the surrounding customers.

Only then did Bai Cai vent his anger, "Hmph! How about cultivating to become an Immortal? "He's not as good as me for nothing!"

In other words, this waiter was not even comparable to a magical beast.

"Hahahaha, you're right. What a powerful magical beast!"

"It seems like this group of people is quite powerful and powerful! Could he be going to participate in the World Help's Great Assembly? "

"Maybe it is! Look at the direction they are heading, isn't that the place where the World Help Gathering is being held? "

"Tsk tsk tsk, if these people win the first place of the World Help's Great Assembly, then they are truly formidable! "In the future, all the gangs in the world will bow down to them!"


Although Su Xia Yue's footsteps did not stop, she still listened to the discussions of the customers behind him until she could not hear anything. She then turned to and the others and suggested.

"This time when we go to the Cloud Country, we'll go participate in the general assembly there!"

Didn't you say that you were going to the Longevity Sect at the beginning? When Nan Gong Ling Yun mentioned the Longevity Sect, his eyes revealed a trace of gloominess. It was obvious that he was a little displeased when he thought of the fight between him and Mo Jin Chen back then.

However, Su Xia Yue didn't mind.

She turned to Nan Gong Ling Yun and said, "The more crowded the place, the more likely it is that we'll be able to find the whereabouts of my parents, right?"

Nan Gong Ling Yun felt that his Yue Er's words were reasonable. Moreover, this way, he could avoid seeing that eyesore again. He happily agreed.

A group of people arrived at the border city of the Cloud Country — Peace City, after an hour.

As they walked in the city of Cloud Country, Su Xia Yue and the rest of the group could fully sense the exotic land where cultivators were gathered. Everywhere she looked, she saw people using celestial spells. From time to time, she would see a person flying through the air.

However, in this Cloud Country which he was unfamiliar with, everything was somewhat inconvenient.

Nan Gong Ling Yun immediately used his secret signal to summon a Silver Moon Union Elder.

His name was Li Bu Qun, and he appeared to be around forty years old. After taking off his mask, he did not look old at all. However, his temples had already turned a lot whiter.

Nan Gong Ling Yun instructed him: "First arrange a place for us to stay, then tell us the location of the World Help's Great Assembly."

"Sir, do you also want Silver Moon Union to participate?"

Li Bu Qun's eyes shone with a brilliant light, as though he had that thought for a long time, but didn't dare to say it out loud.

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