The Vermillion Bird was unconvinced, "I like to call it Red! It's the Vermillion Bird divine bird! You reckless human, I want you to know my power! "Piercing Stone Sound Waves!"

With that, she opened her golden sleeves and moved like she was flapping her wings. A sharp bird cry came out from her mouth and wave after wave of sound waves followed the flapping wind and rushed towards Qu Feng.

Qu Feng commanded the Lotus Blossom seat to dodge, and the sound wave struck on the huge boulder behind him, instantly shattering it and producing a loud bang.

Qu Feng knew that the Vermillion Bird was not an ordinary Magical Beast. Not daring to underestimate him, Qu Feng quickly took out his purple feather fan and cast a Thousand-character Incantation. The black scripture in the sky was squeezed tightly into the incantation ball and was ready to be released.

Red knew that when spirit cultivators cast their innate skill, there would be a period of time to chant. Taking advantage of this time, he also changed his hand gestures, the middle finger of his left hand and the index finger of his right hand pressing against each other, and then a burning flame would shoot out from his throat. When the flame passed through the hollow of his finger, it turned from the initial bright red to purple, increasing the temperature and endurance of the flame!

The fireball was released, and Red shouted with pride, "Sky Fire Strike!"

Ke Xin Er was originally looking at the red haired man in high spirits, but now she turned her head and asked Su Xia Yue: "Why does he have to announce his name every single time he attacks? Aren't you afraid that the enemy will notice and dodge? "

Su Xia Yue calmly replied: "Just like how a host is flattering a program, he is advertising his own moves."

"Oh, I see!" Ke Xin Er nodded, she had a sudden realisation.

However, Red in front of the formation didn't know whether to laugh or cry! If you want to remind him of this, then just do so. Why are you beating around the bush and saying that you're stinking of it!

Seeing the high-temperature fireball coming at him, Qu Feng could feel the scorching air currents from afar, even the surrounding air seemed to become distorted, as if it was going to burn everything!

Without caring about the intensity of the chant, Qu Feng smashed open the spell ball and countless of black text shot out towards the red light. Every single one of them were like bugs with eyes, no matter where the red light went or how much it changed, they would all be able to find it and melt immediately! The dissolving black liquid constantly corroded. Not long later, the red luxurious robe became a broken net, and there was even a tendency for it to corrode into flesh!

Hong Hong was already crying out in pain, scolding Qu Feng as a despicable human!

"It's the Black Vine Venom from outside the Three Lives Pond!" Su Xia Yue noticed the inklings, and knew that the situation was not good. She ordered Ke Xin Er to stall Qu Feng first, and then used a purification technique on herself, covering the entire scarlet red.

The remaining black text fell outside the purifying light circle, forming black holes in the ground!

It was possible that his red clothes had been poisoned by the poison, but they were still shattered by the purifying light circle. A smooth red light appeared in the light circle!

Hong Hong cried out in alarm. It couldn't hold back the two main points anymore and had no choice but to turn back into a three-legged Vermillion Bird. Unexpectedly, it was another three-legged bald chicken! It did not look any better than when Ke Xin Er had beaten him up!

Twice in a day! It turned out that life was not only going up and down, but the birds were going down even more!

Su Xia Yue told Hong Hong to rest while she flew over to help Ke Xin Er.

Although Ke Xin Er's palm was stronger than most people, her speed was also faster! However, she still couldn't attack from the air! The crafty Qu Feng was sitting on the lotus seat moving left and right, the surrounding rocks were all smashed into pieces, completely unable to harm him at all! Ke Xin Er ruthlessly swung the boulders that weighed a hundred kilograms, and threw them at Qu Feng like bombs. Naturally, it would not hit!

It was just that Qu Feng was forced to not have the time to chant an incantation! Occasionally, he would quickly recite an instantaneous beam of light and it was miserably smashed apart by Ke Xin Er's stone!

If the two of them were to continue fighting, Ke Xin Er would be the faster one getting tired! Qu Feng gradually had an advantage! As the ball of light shot down, Ke Xin Er could only dodge, running for her life!

Su Xia Yue's participation had changed the situation! All sorts of Inherent Skills Ball in Su Xia Yue's hand were like a magician's poker card, unable to hold on for long! One by one, two by one, three by three! The red and blue light beams converged into a rainbow, illuminating the dark night and forming a magnificent scenery!

It was just that underneath the scenery, was the miserable Qu Feng! His clothes were tattered, his skin was red and itchy, his fingers were scalded, even his shoes were missing!

The usually self-confident Qu Feng was even speechless, this was completely against the rules of a spirit cultivator mage! Unless, it was simply because her body contained the clan's Phoenix imprint! Then Su Xia Yue's strength now was understandable!

"Haha!" I finally caught you! He actually hid in the sun! "In the end, won't I still have to return to the mortal world?" The Elder Tang suddenly appeared, his large hands holding onto his red, bald wings, as though he wanted to slaughter them!

Ke Xin Er hurriedly turned around and threw a huge boulder. Surprisingly, Elder Tang wasn't prepared for it, as he vomited blood and was sent flying a few steps back, retreating back to Red's side.

Then, he swung the stick about, one at a time. They were respectively the effect of increase in strength, the effect of increase in speed, and the effect of decrease in injuries. Then, Elder Tang would use his most proficient sky-shattering technique!

Su Xia Yue really wanted to take out the Heaven Shrouding Seal to trap them, or use the world hairpin to reflect back at them, finish the battle as soon as possible, and then leave! However, Su Xia Yue didn't want to kill them. If she rashly used the Four Great Godly Weapons, it would attract the coveting of others, bringing about a steady stream of trouble!

Qian Yin Zhui sensed his master's annoyance, and used a voice that only Su Xia Yue could hear: "Master, I can use the Bewitching Heart Sound to make them retreat, it will last for the time it takes for an incense stick to burn!"

Su Xia Yue was ecstatic, she just wanted to agree!

Qu Feng, the opponent, suddenly took action. A poisonous snake condensed from ink shot out like an arrow! Just as Su Xia Yue was about to dodge, she realized that the attack of Ink Snake was actually headed towards the Elder Tang!

Furthermore, the devil snake was not afraid of the expanded Blast Sky Sphere, it directly went through Elder Tang's body!

Elder Tang widened his eyes in fear, his finger pointed towards Qu Feng in disbelief. He only had enough time to say, "Purple-colored Ink Demon!" His body collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, losing all signs of life.

Su Xia Yue, Ke Xin Er and Hong Hong looked at Qu Feng strangely, shouldn't they be in the same group?

"Let's turn hostility into friendship! I can be your guard! " Qu Feng said expressionlessly as he shook his purple feathered fan that did not have much hair left.

Red jumped up and objected, "He is a despicable human! No, no! He will go back on his word! "

Ke Xin Er also snorted from her nose: "If I can't beat him, I can't.

Su Xia Yue looked at Qu Feng, and said with a slight smile: "Alright, I'll call you Feng from now on, follow us!"

Qu Feng's face immediately darkened.

"Is that how you name the people around you?"

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