Even Su Xia Yue, who had seen corpses before, felt chills run down her spine.

They were all corpses! They're still moving! Could they be the kind of brainless corpses like the Reincarnation Workshop middle years?

Su Xia Yue was instantly frightened to a critical point!

If that was the case, then these carrion corpses would be covered with infectious diseases, and once bitten, or even stained with the slightest bit of their blood or saliva, they would become monsters just like them! If they were to engage in a hand-to-hand combat, it was very likely that they would be infected.

Fortunately, her footsteps were light when she entered the room. She didn't make any sound, so she had to escape before they found out!

Su Xia Yue subconsciously used her Soaring Sky Technique and flew up from the middle of the spiral staircase, anxious to leave this terrifying area.

He didn't expect that the scarier part was yet to come …

Every five meters, it would be a first floor. Su Xia Yue silently floated to the second floor only to discover that this floor was filled with even more corpses. The only difference was that their hair had all fallen off. They were completely bald, and only had thick green and red veins on their bodies.

"Uhh …"

These carrion corpses roared and their hearing was extremely sharp.

Several of them opened their blood-red eyes the moment Su Xia Yue came up, their expressions was sinister and terrifying, their throats releasing even more fanatical and hoarse roars. The closest one was only two meters away from Su Xia Yue. Like the rapidity of a cheetah hunting for its food, the dozens of corpses turned into corpses and unhesitatingly pounced towards Su Xia Yue!

In that moment of life and death, Su Xia Yue reacted quickly, stepping on her right leg in mid air, she increased her speed and rushed up! A distance of five meters was covered in two seconds! The maddened Corrupt Corpse that was thrown into the air directly fell down from the middle of the stairs! He fell to the ground on the first floor.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The sounds of flesh hitting the ground not only did not injure them, but also enraged them! In an instant, his four limbs touched the ground, and his feet bounced like a frog, with a height of three meters! No matter where he landed, he could use his fingers to dig his way in, and the fixed figure continued to attack Su Xia Yue!

All of a sudden, the low grade and high grade carrion corpses from the first and second floor all rushed towards Su Xia Yue who was on the third floor!

Helpless, Su Xia Yue had no choice but to speed up and pass the third floor!

With a quick glance, Su Xia Yue was so shocked that she broke out in cold sweat.

The carrion corpses on the third floor were all mutated humans! A hundred square meters of space was squeezed close to each other. It was all their robust physiques! Everyone's muscles were enlarged by ten times, just like the strongest bulls! Their hands had long since become fingers that could not be easily taken out, they had become sharp iron diamonds! The meter-long awl shaped iron drill was their killing weapon!

Su Xia Yue's passing by startled these near a hundred people who were trying to kill him! A shocking killing intent flowed through her dark red eyes! Only killing could calm their fury! Defeating everything was their future! This was a dead body!

In the blink of an eye, she had fled to the fourth floor! Su Xia Yue raised her hands to form a protective enchantment around him, then increased her speed and rushed out of the window!

"Bang ~ ~ Bang ~ Bang ~ ~"

Although they were all repelled by the barrier, they still knocked Su Xia Yue down to the side! She was getting further and further away from the window!

There were also an unending stream of Corrupt Corpses that continuously crashed into the barrier like fleas! After being bounced off, it was time to kill the rotten corpse and use the metal drill to continuously attack the barrier! The slowest rotting corpses on the first floor approached the enchantment without any scruples. Most of them were killed by the berserk carrion and the slaughter carrion, spraying blood everywhere in the room!

The barrier had already been knocked into a corner. The collisions and chisels from all directions transformed the originally firm barrier into various shapes that were on the verge of rupturing! It was forcing Su Xia Yue to continue to output spirit force to strengthen herself! She had no strength to fight back!

'Damn it! '

The evil power of the Alien City had greatly suppressed her spirit energy. The strength he was using now was less than 30% …

The outside of the barrier was covered with black corpse blood. The sharp, ear-piercing roar continued to attack from all directions.

The trembling caused Su Xia Yue to feel dizzy and nauseous to the extreme! They could only bitterly hold on and wait for help!

Several hundred pairs of blood-red eyes were waiting to share the delicacies within the white light! However, even after a few minutes, they were still unable to see the barrier breaking. The frantic rotting corpses all rushed towards the barrier, using their stinky sharp teeth to bite at it! The two meter wide barrier instantly turned into a ball of flesh that was covered with rotting corpses! Under the attacks of the slaughter carrion, rotting corpses fell one after another, but they were also surrounded by rotting corpses.

Su Xia Yue was trapped within the pitch black barrier as she blindly tried to strengthen his spirit energy, causing his energy to be consumed. Just then, a loud roar came out from the other corner of the house, all the rotten corpses who were attacking Su Xia Yue stopped their roars and did not move.

Su Xia Yue could not see what was happening outside, and could only hear a male voice with a magnetic voice, speaking with the majesty of a king.

"Who allowed you to come to my land!"

After that was the sound of stairs, some of them were fast, some were slow, and from the sounds of things, it was the first floor where the Corrupt Corpses and Berserk Corrupt Corpses retreated.

"Hurry up and f * ck off back to hell!"

After those words were said, there were several cracks on the floor, and the sound of the rotting corpses became tranquil after a while.

At this time, the man had already reached Su Xia Yue's side, and used his finger to wipe the barrier, creating a clean place. Through this place, he used his eyes that were filled with authority to look straight at Su Xia Yue and ask her about her.

"You are?"

When Su Xia Yue heard the voice, she slowly opened her eyes and saw the person outside the barrier.

With this glance, she was immediately stunned.

This man was very similar to him!

Back then, when Nan Gong Ling Yun told the people of the Silver Moon Union to go and find his parents, he had to make a copy of his own portrait.

The man looked at Su Xia Yue, and was stunned for a long time as well.

It was as if he had also noticed that he looked too similar to this young girl. But why was it so similar? For a long time he could not be sure of the answer, nor could he believe his own guess.

Su Xia Yue's eyes were filled with excitement, she immediately removed the barrier and stood a few feet away from the other party.

"Are you my father? Do you know Feng Jiu Yue? "

Xiao Tian Ao was suspicious for a moment, then asked: "You're my daughter?"

Su Xia Yue stopped crying, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Xiao Tian Ao in shock.

That's right, this must be the right thing to do.

Unexpectedly, she had not brought the Nine Palace Box with her. He then successfully found his father.

"Yes, it must be!"

Xiao Tian Ao heard and looked at his seriously again. He shook his head and laughed: "Although he looks similar to me, but I really do not remember that I have a daughter! You'd better leave quickly! Otherwise, if the City Lord knew that I let outsiders into the Rot Corpse Village, his future days would not be so good! "

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