When Su Xia Yue arrived at the Summer Palace, she realized that there was no emperor at all. The empress had only seen Nan Gong Hong Yun who she had met a few times. After not seeing her for so long, her figure looked much more plump than before.

At the moment, he was sitting leisurely on his chair and drinking tea. When he saw Su Xia Yue coming in, he immediately stood up and went to welcome him.

"Sister-in-law, you're here?"

"Why haven't I seen him?"

Before Su Xia Yue could finish, Nan Gong Hong Yun interrupted her.

"Sister-in-law, don't be anxious. Before royal father and mother see you, they still have some concerns, so they let me, who is more familiar with you, test it out first. No, I'll accompany you for a while."

"That Little Yuan Yuan was sent by the Queen of Purple Night Kingdom, right?"

Su Xia Yue went straight to the point, her expression full of hidden bitterness of being cheated.

Nan Gong Hong Yun knew that Su Xia Yue's strength was extraordinary, so she could only stay by her side with a smile. Only by using such a soft method could Su Xia Yue relax and sit down with her in the hall.

"Where is Nan Gong Ling Yun now?"

"You mean him? He was ordered by his royal father to go to the Purple Night Kingdom's Beast Battling Arena, to host the once every five years Purple Night Kingdom Beast Battlefield! This is a major matter of our Purple Night Kingdom, and one that requires my royal brother to make a move. " Nan Gong Hong Yun said very seriously.

"When is he coming back to see me?" Su Xia Yue asked with a cold expression.

"We'll probably have to wait until the competition ends."

"When will the match end?"

"This competition will take three days and three nights!" Nan Gong Hong Yun opened her eyes wide, and waved three of her fingers towards Su Xia Yue.

Su Xia Yue was silent for a moment, then suddenly stood up and was about to leave.

Nan Gong Hong Yun was worried that Su Xia Yue would cause trouble so she quickly asked.

"Sister-in-law, where are you going?"

"Let's go participate in the Beast Battling Competition!"

While Su Xia Yue was speaking, she summoned Xuan Bai, magenta, Xuan Wu and the others out from the spatial space. That beautiful man of the same colour caused Nan Gong Hong Yun to be shocked speechless for a good long while.

Unexpectedly, Su Xia Yue immediately ordered the three beautiful men.

"All of you, transform into your beast forms. I will bring you all to participate in the competition!"

"Yes sir!"

Xuan Bai, magenta, and Xuanwu had all changed their appearances in the blink of an eye as per Su Xia Yue's instructions.

Nan Gong Hong Yun was stunned once again, and her jaw almost dropped out of shock.

Seeing that she couldn't stop Su Xia Yue anymore, Nan Gong Hong Yun could only run towards the Empress's palace to inform her of the situation.

An hour later, in the Royal Warrior Beast Competition arena, which was filled with the noise of the drums and drums, a white-bearded old man dressed in an extravagant official's robe walked in with big strides while holding a wine gourd in his fat and white hands.

"Yo, young lady, you're also here to watch the competition."

When he saw that there was only one empty seat on Su Xia Yue's table in the entire auction hall, he laughed and sat down, then started to talk to him.

Su Xia Yue raised her phoenix eyes and lightly swept him a glance before expressionlessly declaring, "Participate in the competition."

"Join the competition?" white-bearded old man's eyes lit up, his eyeballs started to revolve around Su Xia Yue, as though he was looking for something.

After searching for a long time, he pointed at Su Xia Yue who was standing on Su Xia Yue's shoulder. With his eyes tightly shut, he said like an old monk meditating on a Vermillion Bird, "Could this' parrot 'be the lady's divine beast?"

Su Xia Yue did not reply, she only pointed to the white tiger lying on the chair, yawning at the same time, while swaying its tail.

"Mother, mother, when will this competition begin?" I'm hungry? " The White Tiger yawned again.

Su Xia Yue patted the White Tiger's head and said: "Calm down, after the competition, let's go eat."

"This … this is a cat, right?" white-bearded old man, who had been neglected, finally regained his senses from his shock. He looked at the White Tiger, and his wine was awoken!

This time, Su Xia Yue was too lazy to lift his eyelids, so she simply closed them to rest.

Not long after, the White Tiger also closed its eyes. It muttered, "Mother, wait until it's my turn. Call me first. I'll sleep for a while."

"Hey, little girl, this old man is also being kind. This sort of competition between divine beasts is no joke. Your divine beast is so weak, so if you go up there, you'll definitely be killed!"

Seeing that Su Xia Yue did not pay attention to him, white-bearded old man's temper immediately went up, and she said with a flushed face: "Everyone come and take a look! This girl actually brought two little pets with her, saying that she's participating in the competition! "

With his flaunting, the surrounding people also surrounded him.

"Did you hear that, the woman with two pets in front was actually daydreaming about having her pets compete!" The people behind him started to laugh.

Everyone who heard him were startled, he looked carefully at the White Tiger and Vermillion Bird beside Su Xia Yue, then laughed and said: "Tell me, are we seeing things wrongly? He had seen childish people, but he had never seen one who was so overconfident! Do you think she's crazy? "

"Who knows? Look at that parrot on her shoulder. It might even be inferior to our family's chicken! "

"Is it not only inferior? Take that little white cat for example. If that big flowery cat of mine were to roar at it, it would probably pee its pants in fear! "

The two of them were amazed once again, and when one of them saw Su Xia Yue's beautiful face, he could not help but shake his head and say: "With her brain, what a pity about her face!"

"Sigh, she has no brains anyway. Why don't we ask around and see if we can get her to go home and be our concubine?" The two of them were both playboys, so they immediately had a bad feeling about this.

Just as the other person was about to reply, he felt as if another invisible shadow had enveloped him, causing him to be unable to breathe!

His lips trembled, and the words that were about to come out of his mouth were swallowed back.

When he raised his head in panic, he met Su Xia Yue's sharp eyes!

Her round eyes were full of coldness and cruelty!

Her gaze was like a knife, stabbing into the hearts of these two hedonistic sons of bitches!

Both of them were trembling with fear, they could not even stand up! It was as if a nail had been nailed onto a stool!

Following that, both of their legs gave way and they fell to the ground!

Just as Su Xia Yue sneered and turned her head, the two of them, with ashen faces, supported each other as they ran out of the competition grounds!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As everyone was anxiously waiting for the competition to begin, the ground suddenly shook as heavy footsteps sounded!

Everyone turned to see what was going on.

But only Su Xia Yue, the Vermillion Bird, and the White Tiger remained unmoving, as if they did not sense anything amiss!

He saw a ten feet tall black bear with a murderous look on its face walk step by step towards the center of the venue. Behind it was a white-masked youth with a flapping fan, extravagant attire, and a raised chin.

"Heavens, this Black Bear is too terrifying!" I dare to bet that it will win this match! "

After everyone recovered from the shock, the scene immediately exploded into an uproar!

"As expected of the Bai Yu Gongzi, how generous! We actually got ourselves such a murderous beast! "

"Yeah, in my opinion, Bai Yu Gongzi will definitely win this year, and he will be done for against Bai Yu Gongzi's divine beasts!"

Under the gaze of the crowd, Bai Yu Gongzi and his Black Bear arrogantly arrived in front of Su Xia Yue.

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