Fated Life

2 The truth

++Elizabeth's POV++

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock on my bedside table. Fumbling for it I managed to turn it off without opening my eyes.

I groggily sat on the bed and rubbed the sleep off my eyes, my head shaking from the thoughts of what happened last night. I got off the bed and made my way to the bathroom, grabbed the black toothbrush poured some toothpaste and brushed my teeth. I rinsed my mouth and grabbed the towel that was hanging near the bathroom sink.

I need to take a shower and get ready for a boring day at school, Maggie will surely be waiting for me downstairs once I am done.

After taking a bath, I dried my whole body and hair then went outside of the bathroom to get dressed. I opened the closet and took a black statement shirt that says Chocolate is Life then grabbed the black pants from the bottom drawer.

After putting on the clothes that I got from my closet, I went to the kitchen where I saw my mom making pancakes. Two plates with three pieces of pancakes have been placed on the table when she saw me. She handed to me one of the plates, I placed it on the table then sat on the chair. I slowly chewed the food while staring into space. 'What the hell just happened last night.' I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when I felt someone poked me on my left side. Dang that was the part of me that's really ticklish and only a few people knows that. I was about to look behind me when cold hands covered my eyes.

\"Maggie.\" I said and heard a chuckle from behind me.

\"Guess I could never get away whenever I do this, your guesses are always correct..\" Maggie said while trying to suppress her laughter.

\"Ha ha, very funny!\" I said sarcastically while removing her hands.

\"Wait for me, I'll just get my bag from my room.\" I told her while standing up. While I was walking to my room I suddenly felt like the world is spinning. I fell down on my knees while clutching my head when a searing pain was felt inside my chest. It felt like someone is stabbing my heart again and again. I looked behind me while clutching my chest and the last thing I saw was them rushing towards me.

I was walking on a corridor looking for something. I kept walking straight then turned left, there's a wooden door that looks centuries old. I opened it, then saw a room full of books. I went inside then saw a tapestry when I turned my head to the right. In that tapestry is a woman with fair skin, red eyes and a lion sitting beside her, her right hand on the lion's head. I walked towards that tapestry and shifted it to the left. I pressed a stone and a secret door was opened. I walked towards that door and continued walking in that damp passageway till I saw a light. There was an inner chamber and inside that chamber was a room full of different kinds of jewelry. In the middle was a necklace with an oval shaped pendant and a red jewel at the center. I walked towards it to get a closer look, the red part was a ruby and it was surrounded with white diamonds. My hands moved on it's own and was going to grab the necklace but as soon as my skin touched the ruby I felt a searing pain in my head. I clutched my head in pain and fell down.

I woke up inside a white room. 'Wait, where am I?' I frantically moved my head around trying to look for a familiar face. On the left side of the room I saw my mom.

\"Mom! What happened?\" I asked.

\"You fainted and fell down the stairs dear.\" She said while walking towards me.

\"Where's dad and Maggie?\"

\"Your dad is outside and Maggie is at home. She went to school to let the teachers know about what happened.\"


I straightened my back, I felt a little pain while doing that so I slouched instead.

\"Baby, once the doctors tell us that you can be discharged from the hospital we need to tell you something.\" She said while looking straight into my eyes.

\"Alright.\" I said.

After staying in the hospital for two days, the doctors told my parents that I can be discharged. My mom and dad processed the papers and took me home after that.

I went straight to my room and plopped on the fluffy duvet.

I am wondering what it is that they need to tell me.

My eyes felt heavy and darkness consumed me.

I am back in that same room from the last dream. I was not alone, a man wearing a black and red coat was on the other side of the room where the door was and started walking towards me.

He tried to hold both of my arms with his hands. I tried to shake it off but somehow I couldn't. He is stronger than me.

He leaned towards my face and I felt soft lips touching my lips. This kiss was light and gentle, not rough. I felt something wet on my cheeks. I touched the part where I felt it and looked at my hand, it was red. My tears are bloody red.

What am I?

I woke up to the sound of my mother calling me from downstairs.

I stood up and went downstairs and straight to the dining hall.

The maids are serving the food. I sat on the chair facing my mother.

I waited for my father to come downstairs.

I can't wait to ask them about what it is that they wanted to talk to me about.

\"Mom, dad. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?\" I asked after placing my spoon and fork down.

\"Shush.. Let us eat for now. We will be talking to you later in the study room.\" He shushed me then continued eating.

I finished the meal then went straight to my father's study.

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