
Chapter 10 - 10 Gray and The Team

The sounds of bullets ricocheting off the thick ox hide of Rho Aias echoed throughout the private airport. The Noble Phantasm and Conceptual Weapon that was an absolute defense against any thrown weapon.

If it could block the blows from legendary heroes like Odysseus and Hector it could block a few measly projectiles such as bullets.

Gray swung his massive diamond shaped shield with enough force to send three men flying over a dozen meters away. The power behind the shield exceeded Achilles strength when Gray had his Rider Class Card installed.

'As expected of a Trojan Hero. The Greeks never do cease to impress me', thought Gray.

This world was heavily influenced by Greek culture.

Not just the philosophy and legends that came out of it, but the people.

Gods like Zeus and Ares were immortal beings that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years before mankind ever created the first building on Earth. Wonder Woman and the other Amazonian warriors were semi-immortal beings that didn't age.

They were around antiquities made flesh and blood.

And their power was unmistakable.

Leaping up in the air, Gray slammed his shield onto the wing of the massive cargo plane, disabling its engines. Making his way to the ċȯċkpit, he punched his way through the glass and pulled the pilot out of his seat, throwing him over to the pile of unconscious bodies several feet away from him.

He wiped his hands and sighed as Gray noted the large amount of empty rounds lying on the floor. Not a single one being able to even dent his shield, let alone pierce his heavy armor.

"I suppose even this is too much. I hardly even got a challenge from these guys.....".

Gray uninstalled the Shielder Class Card and made his way through the cargo plane to the large storage area in the back. How even the Falcone Crime Family came across such a plane was something that Gray didn't want to find out.

'Money makes the world go around I suppose....'.

"Holy shit!".

It wasn't just a few bags of money being transported into Gotham City tonight, it was a literal block of bills stacked upon each other and wrapped in a tight plastic. Every bill had a small one hundred in the corner, and was at least a meter tall and a meter wide just from a quick glance.

A rough estimate by Gray landed the stack of cash at about 7 million dollars.

It was greater than his original score by over twenty times.

He looked down at the bag in his hand and sighed.

"I'm gonna need a bigger bag".

Gray spent close to half an hour transporting the bills into a large truck which he "borrowed" from one of the criminals he knocked out.

He didn't use one of the Class Cards to speed the process up, as they all thought it was beneath them to be used for such a mundane purpose.

All the criminals found themselves tied up to one another, their mouths taped over and all their clothing removed. All of their clothing.

Gray didn't particular want to see over 50 armed men nȧkėd on this cloudy Gotham evening, but thought of sweet poetic justice at the sight of their squirming.

Just as he closed the large door to the truck, a familiar whirring sound echoed in the distance. Although he hadn't installed any Class Card, the changes that Gray's body was undergoing as a result of the Cards was unknown to him. Only the physical changes were noticeable.

He jumped to the right several feet and avoided a metal bat shaped boomerang collide with the back of the truck.

"Batarang? Oh shit not you again".

With a low whisper the silver clad pauldrons and greaves of Achilles materialized on Gray's body. His spear, [Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē: Spear-tip of the Star Traversing Skies], came down from the Heavens in a bolt of green colored lightning.

Gray looked up, and saw a red colored plane with several figures jumping down from it.

There was eight people that jumped down from the plane. All of whom were an immense pain in the side of Gray.

"Superboy.... Aqualad.... Kid Flash.... Robin.... Artemis.... Miss Martian..... Batgirl.... and Zatanna Zatara. The first four are an unpleasant surprise, but the company of the latter four is much appreciated".

Gray wanted to slap himself as Achilles' words came out his mouth.

The charming Rider Class Servant wasn't as bad as Archer when it came to the ladies, but his inherent magnetism was certainly problematic for the twenty year old.

"We've come to stop you Rider. Last time I lost to you. This time I brought backup".

Batgirl stepped forward, her crimson red hair waving in the wind, like a bright flame flickering in storm. She had removed her mask for as she stepped forward, staring Gray down with piercing green eyes.

Gray twirled the spear in his hands smiling at the red head in front of him.

"Last time you attacked me Barbara. I was only defending myself".

The teen had the decency to blush at the accusation but Aqualad stepped forward, his water bearers aimed and readied at Gray.

"You've been using your powers for you own benefit Rider. You haven't harmed anyone in the past so the League has been lenient with you. However you know the identities of several members. That information cannot be spread lightly".

Gray balanced his spear on the tip of his index finger. His actions may have been passive, but no-one here underestimated the green speedster.

"I know many things in this world Aqualad. I know things that would make Gods envious and Demons jealous. The fact that I know the identities of most of the Justice League is of no concern to me. Even you aren't an exception, Kaldur'ahm".

The dark-skinned Atalantean showed a look of surprise on his face before tightening his grip on his weapons.

It was clear that Rider wasn't messing around.

Gray's gaze shifted to the other members of The Team.

"Superboy, also known as Conner Kent. Robin, also known as Dick Grayson. Kid Flash, also known as Wally West. Artemis, also known as Artemis Crock. Miss Martian, also known as M'gann M'orzz. Batgirl as Barbara Gordon.... and Zatanna Zatara also known as.... well you get the idea".

Rider had the decency not to wink at any of the female members of The Team, his reasoning that in this world, it was illegal for a twenty year old to talk up fourteen and fifteen year olds. Even if both Batgirl and Miss Martian were sixteen.

'It's not Ancient Greece Achilles. Please try and use modern standards instead of your own'.

Gray stared at the group of eight. His golden-amber eyes radiating a dėsɨrė for battle.

The Team gave each other a look as their telepathic conversation reached an endpoint.

Gray raised [Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē: Spear-tip of the Star Traversing Skies] and green lightning coursed around his body.

It was time to see what this worlds Heroes were really made of.

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