
Chapter 13 - 13 Plans For The Future

Gray took the truck carrying the Falcone Family's money further and further away from the private airport and closer towards Gotham City.

The Pseudo-Servant still had business in the crime capital of the world, excluding the proposition that Talia al Ghul offered him. The deal was to "take care" of of a crime family in New York City. The League of Shadows didn't want to get their hands dirty with this particular crime, and wanted a third party to deal with them.

That's where Gray came in.

In addition, he also wanted to steal some more cash from the various other crime gangs within Gotham City, only stealing from a group of bank robbers and the Falcone Family would hardly even make a dent in the criminal activities in Gotham City.

It also lined Gray's pockets so he wasn't exactly complaining.

The black haired black eyed twenty year old rolled down the window and let the cool Gotham night breeze flow over his body.

".... This is the DC universe.... I wonder if I can ever meet Superman or Wonder Woman?".

He thought back to the holes in his memories that were created from the integration of the 13 Class Cards into his body. At the cost of his past life's experiences, he gained power that rivaled even the strongest beings in the entire world.

Gray could only remember his name, but the names and faces of those he once cared about vanished, only a sense of loss filled him whenever he tried to remember them.

Saver tried to get Gray to meditate more often, and let go of all his his past connections, while other Servants like Rider, Caster, Lancer and Gunner told him to cherish his forgotten past. That even if he forgot them, they would never forget him.

He was torn between the two choices.

The majority of Servants didn't agree with Saver's philosophy, despite his renown and power.

To them, a life of detachment, wasn't a life worth living. To cultivate the Bodhisattva and become and enlightened being that has reached Nirvana.

Gray's black hair was ruffled in the cold winds. The silver colored moon was visible, if only for a second, illuminating the world around him.

"Doesn't sound like my kind of thing anyway. Saver might be able to teach me how to become enlightened, but I'll have so many restrictions put on me it'll be ridiculous....".

The young man sighed as he rested an arm on the trucks opened window, gazing back at the airport on his left side mirror.

"And Batgirl is pretty good looking. In a couple years she'll be a beautiful woman not one bit less attractive than Talia..... I wonder if all the superheroes in this world are handsome and beautiful?".

Gray rubbed his chin as he made a left turn into the busy streets of Gotham City. He had already made a small base in the abandoned apartment building he arrived in and wasn't easily accessible due to its destroyed stairwells and broken elevators.

Gray's mind drifted from his thoughts of spending money and hiding it, back to the beautiful girls he meet at the airport. He was only twenty years old and still had his whole life ahead of him. Thoughts of settling down never really made sense to him, but experiencing over thirteen lifetimes worth of emotions and feelings, the twenty year old had a mȧturė and calm aura about him.

His smile was steady and his eyes were more serene than a ponds surface. Over the past couple weeks he had been sent to another world and met people that he only dreamed of meeting.

"Artemis if I recall would date Kid Flash in the future. Superboy and Miss Martian always had a thing for each other. Robin would date Starfire in a few years. Batgirl, I'm not entirely sure about and Zatanna Zatara, I don't really know either.

The Justice League is a bit of a mess as well. Superman and Lois Lane will always be canon. Batman seems to have feelings for Catwoman and the Green Arrow and Black Canary aren't a couple either. Hawkgirl and Hawkman seem to be brother and sister in this world and their is only one Green Lantern currently on the Justice League.... And Wonder Woman.....".

A silly grin appeared on the twenty year olds face.

As the daughter of Zeus and possessor of several blessings form various Goddesses, she was an almighty figure in the eyes of the public, and the admiration of women everywhere in this world. Even in the grey and dreary Gotham City, she had many supporters.

She was always depicted as one of the most beautiful women in the world. The uniform was just an extra.

Even Gray could remember that he liked Wonder Woman in his previous world. Even if he couldn't remember some of the other members of the Justice League.

"Maybe I'll visit Gateway City after I'm finished with stuff in New York. I wouldn't have to worry about been arrested or taken down if I install Rider, Shielder or Archer. Those guys would love to fight a warrior with Greek origins. Even Rider would love to fight her despite her being a woman".

Gray smiled and nodded his head.

"I guess I'm headed to Gateway City after Gotham. Flirt with the daughter of Zeus a bit and then leave before she tries to attack me. Berserker could detain her thanks to his Anti-Divine traits. Although once I use Madness Enhancement I couldn't fully control him....".

Listening to the sound of zooming cars and rushing wind, Gray slowly approached the hustle and bustle of Gotham's nightlife. After such a beautiful day, the dark tendrils of corruption that hid itself in its bright shadows started to creep out, and the occasional sound of police cars could be heard in the distance.

The Pseudo-Servant put on of the firearms, a pistol, that he took from the criminals at the airport on the area just above the steering wheel, a subtle warning to anybody that wanted to try and steal his reward.

Just another day in Gotham City, he thought.

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