
Chapter 16 - 16 A Single Slash

Installing Saber was one of the most exhilarating things Gray had ever done in his life. The young twenty year old could feel a power unlike the one he had felt from any of the other Servants in the other Class Cards.

Even Gunner, who was from the same era as Saber didn't have such raw power within him.

It was probably due to Gunner's status as the "last human" in the Land of Steel, whose power mainly resided in his Noble Phantasm, which was arguably his strongest weapon at the moment.

Gunner's Noble Phantasm was a Conceptual Weapon, similar in nature to Rho Aias, but with a whole other intent behind it.

[Black Barrel: Longinus] was the Noble Phantasm of Gunner and was capable of "gifting" those with a near-immortal body the concept of a limited life-span. It was an Anti-Immortal Noble Phantasm whose Mystery was equal to that of something like Excalibur and Avalon.

Despite the fact that the previous two Noble Phantasms were not crafted by mortal hands, neither was the Black Barrel.

It was originally on display in the Atlas Temple as one of the Seven Superweapons of Atlas but after the Ultimate Ones came to Earth, and Type Pluto dyed the world with its blood three major branches of the Mage Association fell apart, and the weapon was lost.

Gunner found the Black Barrel after the fall of the Atlas Temple and later became known simply as "Gun God".

Both a term of reverence and disrespect to the only "pure" human still on Earth, meaning that anybody who faces him will bow before a God, but also that he is nothing without it.

But the fact that he was still a "pure" human was the only reason why Gun God could wield the Black Barrel. All the other impure humans were diluted by "Grain". The "Grain" is a type of toxic particle from space that is the basis for all heavenly bodies. Those beings that were the embodiment of their respective worlds, the Types, were the antithesis of this Noble Phantasm.

It could still be used as a regular gun with a enormous amount of power behind it, but is nowhere near as effective against being with large amounts of "Grain".

However, this toxic particle is the power source of Saber, and fuels his own Noble Phantasm.

"Holy shit!".

An extremely loud sonic boom resounded off in Gray's ears as he flew over the North Atlantic Ocean. He was currently wearing a strange looking armor, covered in spikes on his joints and shoulders. It looked quite menacing at first glance, but Gray radiated a aura that would make all humans feel at peace.

This was the power of Saber.

"His arm is the embodiment of human nature. It's a power that can destroy the world in order to protect humans. Quite the contradiction, but its power leaves no-one doubting its capabilities".

He was slightly concerned since "Grain" might not be a particle that is naturally found in this new universe, but relaxed after hearing both Gunner and Saber tell him that their was a heavy presence of "Grain" in this world.

Even more so than in the Land of Steel.

In the Land of Steel, the blood of Type Pluto, a being with one of the strongest concentrations of Grain in existence bathed the Earth making it inhospitable for normal humans. Gun God could ignore this partially thanks to the Black Barrel, but still had to take special medication just to inhale oxygen from the polluted air.

However in this universe, one without the Ultimate Ones, the presence of Grain was still strong, which was what persuaded Saber to be installed, despite his earlier refusals.

Gray reasoned that if there was a large amount of Grain still present in this universe, their were still threats to mankind. And the greatest and strongest Ether Liner, couldn't just stand by and watch humanity be destroyed by cosmic entities.

"Which is why we're testing your Knight Arm in the middle of the Ocean. The amount of Grain on this planet would be more than enough to allow you to show off your Noble Phantasm. An in the middle of the ocean, no-one can get hurt".

A sense of ȧssurance flowed out from Sabers Class Card and into Gray's body.

He smiled.

"Then lets get this thing started!".

Experiences and emotions, both good and bad all entered Gray's mind, and the twenty year old slowed down his breathing to let the huge number of thoughts enter his mind.

Fighting against the A-Rays but being unable to make much of a difference.... Clashing with Type Jupiter, the human shaped giant whose true form was an artificial sun emitting a black photon gas..... Killing the Ultimate One with a single sword slash, the size of the sword over several kilometers in length. The power behind it exceeded the power of any other weapon of Earth....

Being sealed inside the Witch Swift Umbrella, by both A-Rays and other Ether Liners, all fearing the power of one man.... Getting turned into the ultimate weapon against the Ultimate Ones, fighting Type Saturn on the Leaves of Yggdrasil, succumbing to the Aristoteles shortly after.....

Ascending to the Throne of Heroes as neither Alaya nor Gaia existed in the Land of Steel anymore. Becoming the protector of humanity, despite his technological enhancements from the Grain.

Gray's right hand grew heavier as he gathered in all the surrounding Grain particles. An explosion of crystallized Grain shot up and down out of his hand, becoming like jagged spikes before coming together to form the "sword" that allowed him to be summoned under the Saber Class.

The dėsɨrė to protect humanity coursed throughout Gray's mind. The embodiment of humanity's survival, no matter the cost forged the steel of his sword. And the will and dėsɨrė to keep it was like a grindstone sharpening his blade.

All over the planet, machines that were designed to detect massive energy surges were going haywire, all pointing towards the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Grain that Gray was using to forge his Noble Phantasm was an exotic particle that was theorized to cause mutations in the human genome. It was the basis for many theories behind metahumans but also the basis for understanding other alien races.

And that particle was congregating in such a large amount, over the North Atlantic Ocean, unknown to Gray but known to a few as the the dwelling of a certain underwater Kingdom.

"Severing fate this single sword slash with free humanity of its karmic bonds,

The era of living in fear of gods and demons falling from the sky shall no longer be tolerated!".

And he swung. A black beam of light, somehow impossible in nature shot up towards the cloudy sky, cutting through the endless storm and revealing a blue and unblemished sky above.

"[Knight Arm: Slash Emperor!".

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