
Chapter 23 - 23 Kid Flash and Artemis

"Do you do anything else but eat? The amount of food you consume, even with your hyper-metabolism is ridiculous..... don't even think about getting crumbs on my clothes Wally, not unless you want an arrow where the sun don't shine!".

A young redheaded teen walked side-by-side with an attractive slightly tanned blonde teen, the current expression was one of exasperation more than anger or rage.

Wally West, or Kid Flash as he was known to the public scoffed down another doughnut, using his super speed to augment his chewing and swallowing. Licking his fingers with a speed that the untrained eye couldn't follow.

"Sorry.... but I have to eat every few hours, and I didn't get any lunch since we left before midday....".

He had a mocking hurtful expression on his face as he looked at the pretty blonde beside him. Aqualad had paired them together as the speedster wanted to use this chance to get to know the archer a little bit better.

If they met up with Rider again Wally wasn't entirely sure he could match the Pseudo-Servants speed. His green lightning was unlike anything Barry had told him about speedsters and his origins might even predate Wonder Woman's.

Achilles was a powerful hero that existed in antiquity. Even if Rider wasn't Achilles, the hero was famous enough to have his legend known throughout the world, in a time when people though the Earth was flat. If it did turn out the this Rider, was somehow the reborn or reincarnated Achilles, the Team would have a tough fight ahead of them.

Even if they did know his only weakness.

Artemis raised an eyebrow before sighing and dragging the redhead towards a hot dog stand before ordering enough hot dogs to feed an entire basketball team.

"Don't misunderstand. If we do somehow find Rider in the Bronx than I need you at your full strength. If you get hungry and pass out again than I'll have to deal with him until the others arrive. And last time we met he didn't seem keen of fighting an archer".

The blonde suppressed a shudder the last time Achilles stared at her through Gray's golden-amber Class Card installed eyes. A primal instinct told her to head in the opposite direction, but she held her ground along with the other girls on the Team.

Wally, Kaldur and Conner had all been injured in that battle, the latter being the most severe.

Even if she did possess a single Kryptonite arrow in case of emergencies with those with the ability to control others minds, such in the case when Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash broke into Cadmus and found Superboy, it was only the single one-use arrow.

She might've been a little bit confident if the target wasn't a speedster, but at least she had a target this time. Rider's Achilles heel.

If the information that Wonder Woman had pieced together from the things Rider had said in the previous battle were correct than they already figured out Riders identity.

She glanced at the happy redhead beside her busily chomping down on hot dogs. He noticed her glance and smiled at her causing her to revert to her expressionless persona and nod.

"Thanks Art, it means a lot. Sometimes I feel as though you're more distant and I think that you don't consider the rest of us as something more than a Team. As if your holding back from us".

She frowned slightly and retorted.

"I don't think that I have to share all my feelings like some sort of AA meeting. I wasn't aware there was a rule like that, Kid Flash".

She saw Wally's eyes widen for a moment before shaking his head and sighing,

"I never said you had to. All I need to know is that you've got my back when the going is tough. Having you keep an eye out from behind me is all the reassurance I need to know when I'm running into danger.... even if you don't feel the same way....".

The archer's footsteps stopped for a moment as she looked a Wally who was still walking ahead. He turned back and blinked several times at her before tilting his head in a confused manner.

"Did I say something wrong? Are you feeling alright?".

Artemis shook her head and matched her walking pace with Wally's and continued down the street. Countless thoughts flying through her mind and her eyes constantly darted from the pathway in front of her to the fellow member of the Team beside her.

Despite still shoving hot dogs in his face, the air around him seemed different to the daughter of Sportsmaster. The comedic red head seemed a little more mȧturė when compared to the one she was just talking with.

'.... You think you know a guy.....'.

She shook her head and let out a deep exhale. The blonde was about to talk to the speedster but noticed a lack of a figure walking beside her.

Artemis turned around and saw Wally staring at a box television in a second hand store. It was playing the news at it was roughly six o'clock, maybe a little bit after.

"Wally? What are you looking at? We're supposed to be looking around for any signs of Rider. Just what are you looking-".

Just as she was about to scold the fifteen year old she looked at the news program that was playing, and her eyes widened in surprise, as well as shock.

"At approximately 3:58 pm today, another bank robbery was foiled by New York's latest superhero, Lancer. The speared hero jumped from rooftop to rooftop before throwing his crimson red spear at the armored van, causing the vehicle to stop, before ȧssisting police with the arrest. With the addition of Lancer, crime rate in New York has decreased by over 5 percent! More on this story at 7. In other news, the fundraiser for a new orphanage at New York's newest millionaires place is tonight. The young man, whose name and identity is unknown is holding the event....".

The speedster looked at the archer beside him and gave her a cheeky smile.

"You wanna go take a look?".

Artemis blinked several times at Wally but shook her head and frowned.

"We're supposed to go find clues about Rider, Wally. This new hero, Lancer looks completely different to the green speedster. Get your head out of-".

"That's not what I was talking about".

The blonde was a little taken back at the interruption and the red head smiled.

"The fundraiser for the orphanage. You wanna take a look?".

Artemis looked at the mischievous grin on Kid Flash's face before her frown deepened.

"Wally, we have a mission. We can't just ditch it for some rich guys party. Even if it is for a good cause".

The archer missed a lot of the details from the news report about this fundraiser, but she got the major details. Some rich young guy was throwing a party with his other rich friends to try and appear good in the eyes of the public. Wasn't really her cup of tea.

He raised his eyebrows which for some reason challenged Artemis as he started walking towards Manhattan.

"I've always wanted to go to some rich guys party. This guy might not be like Bruce Wayne rich but it won't be anything like any other party I've ever been to. Is the great Artemis Crock to scared to even attend some rich boy's party? Is that it?".

The challenging look the fifteen year old sent the blonde girl was infectious, and some part of her couldn't help but smirk and raise an eyebrow in acceptance of said challenge.

"You're on West. I bet you couldn't even get a single girl's number at this party".

"I could say the same thing Crock. With your frigid persona, no guy would even try to talk to you".

The two smiled at each other before heading towards the penthouse party. With Wally's speed he could climb the side of the building no problem, so getting in wouldn't be a problem.

The distance between them and their target slowly shortened.

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