
Chapter 43 - 43 Demigod vs Demigod

Gray examined the battlefield from the top of Cerberus who was currently tearing his way through the battlefield. The long stretch of beach was the easiest place for the Church of Areopagus to land, and when Gray arrived, he saw no other landing parties try to sneak in through the other small coves of the island.

He let an influx of oxygen come into his lungs through his nose. The scent of blood was strong, yet the underlying smell of Divinity grew stronger and stronger by the minute.

Ares and his other children were approaching....

Leaping off the back of the Divine Beast of the Underworld, Gray let go of the legendary bow that slayed the Lernaean Hydra and a green tipped spear replaced it.

Gray's skill with the spear was heads and above any other weapon in his arsenal. Saber didn't use a normal sword, and he didn't use Archer as often as Lancer or Rider as the most famous Greek Heroes strength was far exceeding most other Servants. Perhaps only Saver or Gunner could beat him.

The closest metahuman, one that could secrete acid from any orifice on his body tried to spit a large blob of acid towards Gray, but found that despite it's potency, it could not break through Gray's armor, or even his curse of immortality, [Andreias Amarantos: Amaranth of the Brave].

With a flourish of his spear the man was bisected in a perfectly straight line from the top of his head to his pelvis, not leaving even the slightest traces of blood on the legendary spear.

He let out another deep breath and spoke,

"Install Alter Ego".

With a flash of bright light the Gray's silver colored armor with Greek lettering and runes vanished, and he was covered in a light black and gold leather armor. The spear which killed Hippolyta's sister, Penthesilea vanished and the cool, black, katana, Rengoku took its place. A thick, long red scarf wrapped itself around his neck.

His eyes turned a silvery-white and his hair and pure white. Gray's stance shifted into one that resembled a Iaido quick-draw style before his figure vanished in its entirety.

Diana and Hippolyta saw Gray's green hair and golden-amber eyes change to its current state and their eyes widened as hid figure disappeared, turning their gazes towards opposite ends of the beach, seeing countless blood spurts explode out of the necks of the metahumans.

These two were the only ones able to even catch a glimpse of Gray's speed. Diana knew that this wasn't an augmented speed through the use of the Speed Force but a purely physical technique. One that transcended any form of instant-movement she had ever seen.

Gray let out a loud exhale as he sheathed Rengoku getting ready for another "Furthest Earth".

Alter Ego, or Okita Souji Alter, was a different aspect to the original Okita Souji. A version of her that had joined the Counter Force, the army of Alaya that protected humanity from destroying itself. In joining the Counter Force, she had been cleansed of her "consumption" and reached the peak potential that she could've reached, if given the chance to live her life to the fullest.

This instant movement technique, "Furthest Earth" was an example of that. It was the ultimate stepping technique which enables perfect movement throughout any space.

Even with the memories of Majin Saber, perfecting this type of technique was more difficult than just gaining her experience and feelings. It took training and practice to accomplish such a technique, which Gray had managed to complete in the days leading up to this fight.

He couldn't reach the same level of proficiency as the original just yet, but instantly moving ten meters using the technique, completing it in rapid succession so it looked as though he moved a hundred meters in an instant was no problem. A slight feeling of accomplishment caused Gray's normally expressionless face to smile slightly, as a wind-controlling metahuman had their heart pierced by the massive black katana.

Gray pulled out several talismans out from the gap in between his armor and threw it at the piles of bodies growing on the beach. The moment the talismans touched the deceased bodies, they exploded with a bright colored blue flame. Turning the corpses into cinders in a matter of seconds.

The talismans he had created using Caster and the Jewelcraft that had been taught to him by Lancer came in handy during this massive skirmish. Being able to put in enough od to push these jewels to their breaking point and through them into massive pockets of enemies without having to worry about casualties on his side brought a smile to the Pseudo-Servant's face.

"Hmph! I knew these metahumans would just be fodder for us demigods, but who knew they were so useless!".

Diana, Hippolyta and Gray all turned towards a large wooden boat similar to the Argo from Gray's memories. On the bow of a ship, were five figures, two female and three males. The three males were all possessed a rugged handsomeness while the two girls possessed a supernatural beauty equal to any Amazon on Themiscyra, but not at the same level as Diana or Cassie.

The one standing at the front of the other four looked over at Wonder Woman, ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips and his eyes darted all over her curvaceous figure letting out a deep breath and turning towards the Cerberus and Stymphalian Birds in the sky.

"Father didn't say anything about them. The Stymphalian Birds are no problem but the Cerberus could kill us if it got a good enough blow in".

The five men and woman leaped off the Argo-replica and landed on the beach of Themiscyra killing a metahuman that one of them landed on.

Several Amazons shot arrows towards the new demigods but found that all of their arrows were deflected or dodged, some even caught and thrown back towards them but dodged thanks to the Stymphalian Birds evasive actions.

One of the girls, a blonde haired girl with piercing yellow eyes turned to face Gray's figure, whose white hair and silvery-white eyes caused the girl to swoon and she nudged her fellow sister, a tall buxom girl with black hair and yellow eyes as she pointed over at Gray.

"Look sister, look! I didn't know that there were men on Themiscyra! And look how handsome he is! Maybe we can break him in together?!".

A seed of anger was born in Gray's heart as he heard the words of the demigod, turning to face her with narrowed eyes. His actions only seemed to attract more attention from the two demigod females, who started heading towards Gray without a care in the world.

"Oh! Such a hateful look in your eyes! I love it! But I'd love it if those eyes looked hollow and-".

"Install Avenger".

The demigods, as well as Diana and Hippolyta stopped as Gray's body was engulfed in a bright white light, before fading slightly changing both Gray's appearance, and demeanor along with it.

His shoulder-length white hair extended outwards becoming as long as Diana's, reaching the lower ends of his back, returning to its normal raven black color. His silvery-white eyes shifted, and a blood red color replaced it, completely different to Scathach's beautiful crimson irises.

His original attire was replaced by a thick black military uniform. His pants taking on the same color and his boots a blood red metal of unknown origin. A long blood colored cape fluttered behind his back and a thin single shot rifle which looked several hundred years out of date appeared in his hands, aimed straight at the demigod in front of him.

All traces of his Divinity had vanished, and Gray just held the rifle in one hand earning the mockery of the five new demigods.

The girl, the blonde who looked as though she had taken an interest in Gray, turned to Diana with a raised eyebrow.

"This is all the help you could get? A pretty boy whose only weapons are a gun? Don't you know what we are! We're demigods! Sons and daughters of the God of War! A puny little gun could do more damage to that Cerberus than-".

A loud bang echoed throughout the battlefield. All combat between the metahumans belonging to the Church of Areopagus and the Amazons ceased, as a single bullet left the chamber of Gray's gun, zooming through the air at a speed much faster than what it normally should.

The gun in Gray's hands looked dozens of times more dangerous, and the dangerous smirk marred his handsome face. He clicked his fingers and dozens more guns, exactly the same as the gun in his hand appeared, all aimed at the four remaining children of the God of War.

"I'm really happy that I meet you five. It's not everyday you meet someone you can test and Anti-Divine weapon on now can you?".

The look on his face looked anything but happy.

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