
Chapter 48 - 48 Party

Back in New York, a young man, probably in his early twenties was sitting down on on his rooftop pool with nothing but a pair of beach shorts on his body as loud music played in the background. The screams and shouts from other young men and women exclaimed from all around the two story penthouse. The young man had a serene smile on his face as he sipped an alcoholic beverage laced with Aldebaran Rum.

This was obviously Gray. Although this wasn't his house. Other than someone he knew, Gray wouldn't let anyone else in his penthouse. The Team had already been there so them coming up one floor to use his pool was fine, if they informed him beforehand.

He was know a member of New York's elite. A pro-alien rights supporter hoping to bridge the gap between human and non-human races.

"Hey handsome! You here by yourself?", a pretty voice resounded out from behind him. A slight Asian accent could be heard, despite the excellent English the eastern looking beauty had.

He was also a young man in his twenties. One that was very heavily influenced by Heroes who were known for their promiscuity. Having a beautiful woman such as Lancer nod her head at such a statement didn't help one bit.

The handsome, raven haired loner sipping drinks like they were water gave a small smile to the beautiful black haired girl that came up to him under the influence of her friends constant peer pressure, that Gray could hear thanks to his enhanced hearing.

"I'm not any more", the girl smiled under the sudden interest and glanced back at her group of friends who gave her the thumbs up at Gray's words.

"I don't normally do this, but um, I was wondering if I could get your number? My friends dared me to come up to you and ask but-". She was about to finish her sentence before a ringing sound came from the pocket of the raven haired man in front of her, causing him to frown for a moment before giving her an apologetic smile.

He pulled out the smartphone from his pocket and walked away from the pretty noirette, much to the disappointed look on both of their faces.

"What?", said the Pseudo-Servant with a frown.

A familiar bubbly tone came through the device, yet their was an edge in the sixteen year olds voice that wasn't their the last time Gray had seen her, what it was about, he already knew.

"Why?", was the only word that came through the phone.

Gray sighed and leaned over the rails of the penthouse, looking over at the view of Central Park from the skyline.

"I didn't tell you because there was no reason to. They're my secrets. There is any reason for why I should have to tell you, or the rest of the Team".

A hurt cry came from the other side. Kara seemed almost physically hurt from the harshness of Gray's words.

"I thought we were friends! Friends should trust each-".

"I've known you for all of seven days Kara. On the first day we met you and the other members of the Team were trying to find clues about my whereabouts. You got too close. Lying was the best possible way to keep my secret".

Gray interrupted the Kryptonian and the sound of crying came through from the other side. He flinched at the sudden harshness of his tone, but resolved himself and continued speaking.

"I understand that it may feel as though I've known you longer, but the truth is that "they", "they" being the other versions of you, are in fact not. Galatea, Snowbird, Powergirl, Kara In-Ze, Kara Danvers, Jane Kent, none of them are you. But you're not them either".

"So what? I'm replaceable?", a sobbing voice came from the other side, feminine shouts from Mareena, Cassie and Barbara exclaimed in the background as the sound of Kara breaking the sound barrier to go higher and higher away from the other members of the Team could be heard.

"No, I did not say that. The reason I did not tell you that I was Rider was because I didn't want a battle with the Team. Fighting you would've meant having to win, and to win would be to beat up Conner and Wally again. That would only antagonize the League further upping my threat status in their eyes. Tell Barbara that I'm sorry for retaliating so harshly, and that Conner needs to widen his stance if he wants to use his opponents momentum against them".

A slight hiccup came from the other side of the phone. And the sixteen year olds words started to slur slightly.

"But what about me! You haven't said anything about me! It's always Conner do this, and Barbara do that!.... Do I not mean anything to you?".

Another hiccup came through the phone.

"Kara. You are sixteen you know that? "We", can't work, you do know that?".

Her words started to slur some more.

"I don't care! I don't care what your stupid Earth laws say! Love between two people should be unhindered! If not, I'll blow them up with my lasers! Pew, pew!".

Several more hiccups came through the phone, and Gray frowned before a cheeky smile grew on his face.

"Kara?.... Are you drinking again?".

Their was no immediate response from the teenage Kryptonian. A pregnant pause caused the corners of Gray's mouth to lift slightly before her voice came through the phone.

"....No?", it sounded more of a question rather than an answer.

The thought of someone that would sell alien alcohol to minors caused Gray to frown, before his eyebrows raised slightly and he turned to the direction of his penthouse.

"Did you break into my apartment again?".

Once again their was a slight pause in Kara's response time.

"What?! No, of course not! That would be irresponsible and completely illegal! Not to mention that the person who owns the building would have to pay for a broken window when he got back.....".

Kara could hear Gray's loud sigh through the phone.

"Kara.... are you drunk dialing me?".

The caller on the other end hung up quicker than Gray could blink. It seems that Kara had started to become aware of his actions, and placed his phone back in his pocket, sighing at the actions of the young Kryptonian.

All teenagers were the same, no matter what universe they were in. And no matter what race they were.

"Sorry fellas. But she's with me".

Sending Gray a thankful look as he pulled her away from the group of guys, the Pseudo-Servant walked to the opposite end of the house, pressing the buŧŧon for the elevator to carry him to the bottom.

The girl looked at Gray from her group of friends that she was hanging out with, noticing from afar the changes in the man's demeanor as he smiled at her as the elevator doors closed. A wave of familiarity could be seen in his eyes, but the girl couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"What is it Rin? See something you like?".

"Rin's" friend looked at face of Gray that disappeared as the doors closed, getting a cheeky smile on her face as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"Oh? The Ojou-sama found somebody she likes?".

Rin instantly turned red in the face and shook her head violently.

"No! Seriously Ayako, what gave you that idea?".

Her brunette friend shrugged her shoulder as she saw a white haired and purple haired girl coming towards them, a disgusted look on both of their faces.

"What's wrong Sakura? Caren? Did someone try to hit on you?".

The petite white haired girl nodded and looked at the other purple, seaweed haired boy trying to talk up a buxom American girl. The four girls all gave disgusted looks at Shinji, who was obviously taking this trip to America more liberally than the others.

Ayako sighed and patted Rin's back.

"Too bad Shirou couldn't come. He would've kept Shinji in check".

Rin nodded absently, he mind wandering to the familiar, yet unfamiliar face of the man she met earlier.

Something about him..... was inexplicably familiar ....

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