
Chapter 50 - 50 Who Is Lancer?

The sound, or lack of sound coming from an engine that cruised through the streets of New York as a cool summer breeze ruffled the hairs on Gray and Diana's head.

The car was a sports car that Gray had remembered from his previous life but due to the outrageously high price tag that came with the car, he couldn't even hope to buy it, let alone even drive the car. And despite the 903 horsepower that the engine gave off, it was quieter than Assassin on his worst of days.

Not that he had a worst of days.

The most beautiful woman in the world gave a small smile as she let the wind run through her hair. She raised an eyebrow at Gray before glancing towards the car.

"Is buying a McLaren also apart of bringing aliens and humans together?".

Diana was wearing a dress similar to that of her niece when she attended Gray's party for raising money for the Akashic Academy. The dress reached her ankles and was darker than the night sky. It clung to her shoulders with two thin strings which hugged the curves of her body quite nicely. A long slit could be seen on the right side, allowing the daughter of Zeus to cross her legs, even while sitting in such a low car.

When Gray picked her up a small car crash had occurred several meters away from where Diana was standing. Apparently, an older man got distracted by the woman's beauty and didn't break at the red light. No-one had gotten hurt, but Diana sighed at the man's lack of self-discipline.

He smiled but didn't look at Diana, his eyes firmly set on the road in front of him. The speed limit.... well, what speed limit?

"In this world, money is power. Information is power. Technology is power. Actual power, like the one you and I possess spreads just as much fear as we do hope. This car, is just a false show of power to the eyes of the ignorant".

Gray shifted and the car was propelled forward with a speed that could match even a cheetah in its ability to reach 60 kilometers an hour. Even with the sudden boost in speed, neither passenger flinched or was forced back into their chair.

Diana's eyebrow raised a little further, and her smile grew as she leaned into the comfortable seat, adjusting her posture to that of a relaxed one.

"You have a way with words, don't you?".

"Subterfuge, one of my many, many talents".

Wonder Woman rolled her eyes at Gray's remark and just rested her elbow on the window with her chin in her hand. The passerby's that saw Diana had their heart skip a beat. Her current posture and expression, even if it wasn't intentional, radiated more emotion than any person or picture that had ever seen.

Gray glanced at Diana's figure on his right and quickly saw at where the superhero was looking at. A large screen in the distance of a New York reporter, reporting the actions of the newest Hero in New York City, the mysterious speared superhero, Lancer.

She smirked slightly and turned back to Gray, now resting her other elbow on the divider between them, looking straight up at Gray with her enchanting blue eyes. The perplexing smile on her face was one that Gray couldn't decide what caused it.

"I did some digging into the origin of that spear that Lancer used".

Gray didn't make any outward changes but just stopped at a busy intersection, at the front of the queue. He turned his head to meet Diana's, his black eyes gaining a hint of depth in them as flashing lights passed in front of him.

"Oh? And what would that be?".

Diana looked up at the video of Lancer summoning several crimson red spears and shooting them in strange and obtuse angles as they pierced the legs of some criminals. These criminals had killed a manager at a bank and Gray remembered nearly completely chopping off the leg of the criminal that killed the innocent man.

He noted that Diana made no comment about the brutality he showed.

"First of all its not Greek in origin. Their are no accounts of heroes or gods using a crimson red spear that has a hunger for blood greater than any other. Even the sword of Beowulf in the New York Museum doesn't have a presence like that".

Gray nodded not alluding to any of her claims.

"Secondly, their are multiple copies of the weapon. I wouldn't call them replicas but they are more reserves in the case the original are damaged or lost. Not that Lancer seems to leave any traces of these weapons behind or anything".

"And lastly, traces of magic were left at almost every scene where Lancer showed up. It was an ancient magic, and carried traces of Divinity within it. My thoughts that this Lancer fellow's identity is someone of excellent spearmanship, a well-established grasp on magic and one that possesses Divinity..... Perhaps someone from the Celtic or Japanese Mythologies?".

Gray unconsciously let out a smile but shrugged his shoulders, much to Diana's ire.

"Why those two specifically? Perhaps it might be the weapon of someone from the Indian or Chinese mythologies?".

Diana shook her head and got into an explanation pose. If she had Barbara's glasses on, she would be the dream teacher of high school boy's everywhere.

"It is Divinity. I cannot think of any weapon from either Indian or Chinese mythology in which a hero or figure excels in spearmanship. Karna, the son of Surya the Sun God comes close, yet shows no sign of either flames or his divine armor that his father gave him. Even if he does match the Divinity part".

"Japanese because the spear may be Amenonuhoko, the Heavenly Jeweled Spear of Japanese myth. Or even Ama-no-Saka-hoko, the Heavenly Upside-Down-Spear. However, neither have the same bloodlust the one Lancer uses, despite having Divinity at every scene".

The corners of Gray's mouth rose a fraction of a centimeter, not going unnoticed by Diana next to him.

"The Celtic mythology because they have multiple spears just like the one Lancer uses. Gáe Bulg belonging to the Hound of Cu Chulainn, and Gáe Derg, belonging to Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a knight of Fionne. As well as Areadbhar, the spear of Lugh. All fit, but none more so than the first one".

Gray's smile stopped growing, and he shook his head slightly, causing Diana to be shocked slightly.

"One of them is right, but technically your half-wrong".

Diana Prince, a woman who worked in Gateway City, ȧssisting the curator of the Gateway City Museum with appraising priceless and valuable objects frowned slightly at Gray's words. She had her pride, as was sure on the identity of Lancer, but to hear Gray tell her that she was only half right? The nerve of the man....

Gray saw the irritated look on Diana's face and couldn't help but smirk at her. Her frown deepening as she saw Gray chuckle lightly.

He pulled into the front of an extremely fancy looking restaurant, coming to a full stop in front a young looking valet, whose eyes widened at the sight of the extremely expensive car.

The Pseudo-Servant didn't pay attention to the sixteen, maybe seventeen year old and just looked at Diana, whose pout was more cute than threatening.

"You were right about the spear. But not about the owner".

His eyes flashed a crimson red and his demeanor changed into that of Lancers. Diana had only experienced such a royal aura before, when her mother addressed the entire of Themiscyra on her tenth birthday. She didn't look like a mother, but as a Queen, a monarch of a paradise.

But Gray was different. He was giving off the same aura, but much colder and so much more deadly. Those crimson colored eyes showed more bloodlust than Ares ever did in the multiple times Diana had tried to defeat him.

A hand extended out towards her and she took it as Gray led her out of the car and into the restaurant. Not noting the group of teens following in behind them with wide eyes and varied expressions on their faces.

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