
Chapter 56 Emperor and General

The League all watched in complete shock as the figure of Berserker let loose a massive blast of unknown energy towards Gray. Clark noticed Lois' figure behind Rider and wanted to move towards her to save the love of his life, but found himself staring at a massive wall surround Rider, Lois and Jimmy Olsen.

The size of the wall dwarfed anything Clark had ever seen. It resembled the Great Wall of China he had flown over multiple times but the strange energy emanating off of it caused the Man of Steel to rebound off the wall, just like the massive blast of energy that Berserker had shot towards it. The wall showed no signs to damage or even a scorch mark from the blast that Berserker sent towards Gray, any trace of the projectile had vanished the moment it touched the wall.


John and Diana came over towards Clark who punched the wall dozens of times in the same spot, not even leaving a dint in the strange wall.

With a bright flash the wall disappeared, and they all saw Rider's figure float in the air above them. His chin raised, and his eyes looking down upon the world. Rider's eyes moved slowly all over the League, raising an eyebrow at Diana before smirking and floating down towards her.

The feeling of authority was felt by everyone present. Even Berserker had calmed down somewhat, faintly recognized the aura that Gray let loose.

Gray stood tall in front of Diana, his robes billowing in the wind as his smirk faded into a small smile.

"Thanks. I didn't think that we'd be meeting again so soon".

Diana noted the queer looks she was getting from the rest of the League, and the mixed expression she was getting from Kara. Obviously the last daughter of Krypton didn't know what to feel about the Amazon who had captured the heart of her little crush.

"Don't thank me. Although I do have a few things to ask once you return".

Gray nodded and sent a glance towards Kara. She gave the Pseudo-Servant a small smile before Clark's muscly body blocked Gray's line of sight, hiding Kara behind his back as he frowned at the twenty year old.

He couldn't see her but he spoke anyway.

"I gave off the wrong impression Kara. I by any means do not hate you, nor to I resent you. Laws are in place for a reason, I of all people should know".

He nodded internally and turned back to face Berserker's figure. The Madness Enhancement was once again in full effect, and gray floated up into the air once more, looking down on the General with a disgusted look in his eyes.

"The famed General of Repetition? How quaint. You're ancestors were nothing more than farmers or street walkers, how like their descendant to ignore principles for the chance to rise in the ranks. I pity the Heroes of the Age of Man. How disappointed they must be to share an era with someone like you".

The tone and language that Gray used was far from the courtesy that he extended when he fought as Rider. As Rider he was honorable and heroic. A figure of legend that existed in myths and died a death on the battlefield. As Ruler he was arrogant and unyielding. A King, no, an Emperor who united China during the Warring States period and brought about countless revolutions to bring about the beginning of a nation.

If he really did succeed in becoming immortal like his legend stated, he might've taken over the world.... The Land of Unified Knowledge.... The Third Lostbelt....


Berserker roared in disagreement with Ruler's words, although the latter just rolled his eyes and waved his hand as massive walls appeared on all sides Berserker, encompassing him in a strange stone walled box.

Dull echoes could be heard as the Chinese Hero smacked his spear against the thick walls of the One-Hundred-Thirty-Four-Thousand-Four-Hundred-and-Twenty-Li Great Wall, that took over three hundred years of building to complete. The Emperor of the Chinese Lostbelt that gained immortality in the year 210 BC, waved his hand once more, encompassing Lu Bu in dozens of layers of walls. Until the sound of steel hitting stone could no longer be heard.

Gray rolled his eyes as he perceived the actions of Berserker.

"This wall was created to defend against alien threats. It spans over sixty-seven thousand kilometers. Tell me, how long would it take for you to kill your Master from the drain of od in using your Noble Phantasms that many times to break hundreds, if not thousands of layers? You'd be returned to the Throne of Heroes before you could break through this Great Wall".

"The power you possess is not nearly enough to destroy this Anti-World Noble Phantasm. [Gods Hand] with Madness Enhancement is an Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm. To think that the legends of your stupidity affected even you in the Throne of Heroes....".

Gray turned back to look at the Justice League, plus Kara look at Gray with mixed expressions on their faces. Clark, or Superman rather had flown up to catch Berserker as the fall would most likely kill even him. Only Servants that could fly, or perhaps Spartacus with his EX Rank Endurance could survive such a fall.

Gray wanted to step forward towards Diana, but saw a bright green colored wall appear in front of him, causing the Pseudo-Servant to raise an eyebrow.

"A Green Lantern? How's Sinestro doing these days? Still spreading fear across the universe?".

Both Hal Jordan and John Stewart were taken back by Gray's words, and the former faltered for a second giving Gray the chance to lightly tap on the green light construct, causing it to shatter once more.

He looked at Diana who eyed him from top to bottom shaking her head and saying,

"I like the other one better".

Gray cracked a chuckle despite being affected by Ruler's demeanor, while Rider couldn't help himself from laughing out loud while making fun of the First Emperor of China. The Emperor who rolled his eyes and harrumphed at Wonder Woman's words.

A bright light filled the eyes of all the members, and Gray in his black pants and shirtless sleep attire filled their view. His physique had been affected by the Class Cards, and Assassin had given him a Perfect Body. One that would never lose its physical fitness, nor its perfect shape and form.

"You hand! It's-".

Hawkgirl, who had taken off her helmet and let her orange colored hair flow out beautifully, and her green colored eyes stared at Gray with confusion, as she lifted up her left hand to reveal three red triangles crossing over to create a nine-sided polygon.

She blinked several times before shrugging and shaking her head.

"That's weird. I don't remember getting a tattoo or anything.....".

Shayera looked back at Gray and saw the three circles overlapping like a Venn Diagram on his left hand, pointing at his own while lifting up her hand.

"You have a tattoo as well. I wonder how I got it though".

The shocked look on Gray's face didn't go unnoticed by Diana, or Kara. Both girls wanted to ask what was the matter with the presence of said strange red markings, but a familiar sounding voice came and thick and heavy tone came from behind the bat-shaped mask.

"You Rider, or Graham rather, have a lot of explaining to do".

Another bȧrė hand bearing Command Seals entered Gray's vision. And an absolutely horrified expression marred the face of the twenty year old.

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