
Chapter 67 - 66 Seeing Rin Again

Rin took Gray's hand politely and by her slightly accented English, it was evident that she was not from this country. Even though Gray had met Rin once before, he had not met any of the people behind her, inlcuding the frowning young man with purplish hair. By the look he gave Gray when he held Rin's hand, it was clear that he already didn't like the older man.

Gray sent a glance to Caster to also noted the red smudge on Rin's hand. It was definitely not a bruise, and the Goddess nodded slightly as Gray faced directly at Rin.

"I didn't think we'd meet each other again. I'm sorry for leaving the party so abruptly, but I had to deal with some.... tenants back at my apartment".

"You own a building in New York?".

Rin's eyebrows raised and she felt a small nudge from the brunette beside her. From Gray's nod and Ayako's not so subtle push, the raven haired woman already knew what the captain of her school's archery team wanted.

One of the girls behind Rin looked at Gray, then to the beautiful woman sitting at the same table, before her faced reddened and she pulled at her sisters red blouse. The buxom girl pointed at Caster before whispering to Rin.

"Nee-chan. I think we're bothering him. He looks like he's on a date....". Said Sakura in Japanese.

The group of four girls and two boys looked at the Servant sitting opposite Rin's acquaintance, and the two boys gulped slightly and straightened their backs. The look on Scathach-sama's face as she quietly scooped her ice cream looked both lonely and beautiful. Both boys felt their heart skip a beat as they looked at Gray's Servant.

Gray shot a glance towards Caster before speaking in the same language as Rin's younger sister, earning surprised looks from all six of the people in front of him.

"It's fine. Caster and I aren't in that kind of relationship. We are.... accomplices in the same undertaking....".

The words Gray used was affirmed by Caster. She nodded and also spoke in Japanese,

"That is right. Gray serves me and does whatever I want. It is only natural for mortals to serve their Goddess', even if I should ask for his-".

Gray placed his hand over Caster's mouth, causing the woman to go wide eyed as she felt Gray's hand over her lips. It both prevented her from talking, as well as stifled her breathing, causing the Servant to look up at her Master with a reddened face and slightly watery eyes.

He gave the group of six a smile before pulling a small black note from his brėȧst pocket and handing it towards Rin. The Tohsaka daughter took the card readily before noting the phone number written on the front.

Gray winked at the girl as he took Caster in his arms an left a not so small amount of money on the table. The Servant tried to resist Gray's strength, but with her B Rank Strength and D Rank Endurance, she couldn't even put up a fight against him.

"I seem to recall you asking for that. While you're in New York, if ever you're in trouble, just give me a call. I'll come running, or something along those lines".

He looked towards Rin who was still stunned by Gray's use of Japanese, before frowning and crossing his arms.

"I see your still entrancing men, even when we're over seas Tohsaka".

The girl in question frowned and turned around looking at Issei with a raised eyebrow.

"At least I attract members of the opposite sėx, Ryuudou. With your bland personality, I'm surprised girls even talk to you".

The image of a dragon and a tiger appeared behind the pair as the center of the cafe turned into a battleground once more. The newest head of the Tohsaka family mind still wandered back to the night when she first met the Pseudo-Servant.

Something about him.... seemed so familiar....

This was also the thoughts of said Pseudo-Servant, as he drove down one of the busy streets of New York, cradling one hand with the other as a set of bite marks could be seen on the other.

Caster merely narrowed her eyes as she looked at Gray, crossing her arms beneath her bust as she looked the other way.

"Hmph. You deserve it for touching this Goddess without my permission. You're lucky I didn't freeze you where you stood".

The Mother of Scandinavia didn't want to meet Gray's eyes, and just looked out the window of the car. Her red face was something that she didn't want anyone to see, especially not her Master, the one who had taken liberties with the Goddess.

She composed herself after a few seconds and looked towards the front of the road, sending a glance to Gray as he drove above the speed limit.

"She is a Master. A Master of White. Is that why you gave her a shikigami? To keep and eye on her?".

Gray nodded and adjusted gears as he drove.

"Yes. It'll alert me when a Servant is within one hundred meters of her. At the same time it'll show me the general direction of where she might be. The range is only within a hundred kilometers of New York, but still, it should be more than enough".

Caster nodded and the memory of the faint red smudge on her hand came to mind. Her name also rang many bells in the Servant's mind.

"Tohsaka.... that name. One of the families that created the Holy Grail. Even in this world, the Grail must've already preregistered one of the founding Three Families, even if she isn't a magus....".

Gray made no outward changes but just adjusted his gears once more turning onto a highway. He passed several police cars, but none made any attempts to arrest the speeding car.

A little bit of hypnotism here and there never went wrong.....

"We know who one of the Masters of White are, and they have no relations to the Justice League. Master, I'm not saying that we should, but you and I alone cannot take on a full team of Servants, especially the other Factions Caster.... Her Anti-Divine Noble Phantasms would completely restrict my movements".

"I know Caster. Saber is the most troublesome Servant in the long run, but Caster also possesses numerous ways to deal with almost every other Servant imaginable. Assassin hasn't had the time to create her Noble Phantasm, and Rider's Noble Phantasm is more than a little bit problematic.... Lancer as well, the King of Lions might even be more powerful than the King of Knights....".

The Master and Servant pair arrived back at his penthouse and Gray instantly fell onto his couch, his mind running rampart as counter-measure after counter-measure ran through his mind.

Caster was free to do whatever she wanted in Gray's apartment, so long as she didn't break anything or eat all of Gray's food.

The Pseudo-Servant looked up at the ceiling before sighing heavily.

"....Shit, this is going to be more annoying than I thought".

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