Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 21 - Defying our Fate!

Living our life on the whims of those greater than us, is not a life worth living.


Greatest Hero of Greece

Hero of 12 Labours


Archer was shocked seeing not only Shiro's eyes but also the Kanshou in his hand.

Kanshou and Bakuya were supposed to be weapons that had no pride, spirit or purpose.

But the sword in Shiro's hand was brimming with Pride, Spirit and purpose!

Archer quickly swiped his arm and swords stuck on the ground float up and at mach speed shoot towards Shiro.

Shiro: You are also Shiro....but you're not me.....


Swords appeared beside Shiro and intercepted Archer's blades, Shattering them without themselves shattering and disappearing in blue mote of light themselves.


Archer was shocked seeing this and only charged at Shiro again while willing more swords to attack as well, but no matter how many he was sending they were all shattered by swords that appeared from Shiro. Archer himself was having trouble since some of the weapons and colliding with him and his pressure was slowly increasing.

Archer: If you say you aren't me then why do you follow such suicidal ideals!

Shiro: I want to become a Hero! But I never said about saving everyone!

A Long sword hit Archer causing him to stagger as he looked at his younger self in shock!

What did he say!?

Shiro: Saving everyone means saving even the monsters that cause all of this misery in this world, to the Innocents, DO YOU EXPECT ME SAVE THEM!!!

Shiro's barrage once again commenced and slowly the amount of Swords Shiro was shooting was increasing as the pressure on Archer was increasing while his own weapons were being destroyed more quickly.

Shiro: I only will save the Innocents Archer! And I will never regret as I cut down monsters like Zouken and Acht using my Sword.

Archer realized that it wasn't that Shiro's swords were growing stronger but instead he could feel the weapons in his Reality Marble being reluctant to harm Shiro! causing them to Shatter much easily!

Shiro: I will train, so hard that even my bones will break! but I will try to be a Hero using my own power as I wield myself before allowing anyone else to! and even if i get damned to the deepest part of Hell for all Eternity because of my choice, I will always keep my head high and Never regret my choice!

Archer was completely overwhelmed and even had some cuts in his body.

The first time he will use in a fight.

Shiro: Ansuz!

The rune turned into a concentrated Fireball and shot towards Archer!


Archer was blown away and tumbled in the ground, when he looked up he saw that many swords were hovering above him.

He looked at Shiro with a self Mocking smile.

Archer: So....you are different.....guess I won't be getting out of this cursed existence anytime soon.....

Shiro's anger reached a Boiling point, he walked towards Archer dismissing the swords as he reinforced his arm's bones, muscle and skin as he.....


Shiro: You! are an Idiot!

Archer: What the hell!

Shiro: You see yourself as a Sword right!

Archer flinched at the tone of his younger self but nodded.

Shiro: But you are also human! before anyone else you should wield your power yourself, we are swords Archer but we are Also humans, improving ourselves and making our own destiny is our right! If Alaya is forcing you to kill then either find a way around it or make your own path!

Archer: It's impossible (Resigned)

Shiro: Oh my God (Facepalm)...look around you.

Archer looked around confused.

Shiro: Your Soulscape...nevermind, Reality Marble is like this not because you gave up on your ideals but because you gave up on yourself and all your tool here, even though they showed you a path.

Shiro: You went to different timelines, gathered many weapons but you forgot one thing...Noble phantasms aren't only used as weapons but also tools.....a staff to grow crops....a scepter to heal wounds....a Fan to disperse disease, this is your path Archer, you can help so many people beyond space and time with this very same world you see as nothing more than a betrayal!

Archer felt his body tremble as his mind blanked, he looked around once more before.

Archer: Pfft! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Archer's laugh was mocking to himself but also strangely free and relieved.

He felt his blood boil once more like in his youth to live his dream.

He felt hope.

He could save so much more now, in so many ways.

He could redeem himself.

The Betrayals he experienced that hurt him so much.

After a long time, he never thought he'll say it but he couldn't wait to go on Alaya's errand.

Archer looked at Shiro, this time with a small genuine smile and a light in his eyes.

Archer:....Thank you...

Shiro: No, it's you who helped yourself, I just gave you a reality check and a direction to work on, just don't let Needless Guilt hold you and your potential back Archer.

Shiro was suprised that he had said the same words Eva had said to him on the day of Fuyuki Fire, he didn't think he would say them to someone so soon.

Archer: I Will.....but still do you think I'm redeemable?

Shiro: Shiro Emiya...Do you still care.....for the ones that make this world worth living.

Archer hearing the words, jerked but slowly nodded, even after so much time killing as a Counter Guardian his heart still desperately clung to that warmth.

Shiro smiled, like he got his answer.

The Reality Marble, [Unlimited Blade Works] shook like it was being dispelled.

Shiro: I hope to see you again, this time not as Counter Guardian EMIYA But as Heroic Spirit EMIYA.

Archer gave his signature ċȯċky...but this time also confident smirk.

Archer: Likewise, I see that you took a good chunk of Gilgamesh's treasury, Take all the blades here, they will help you in the future, take it as repayment since I got the weapons you traced also in the Treasury.

Shiro felt information again come to him but this time there was no pain, it was like a missing piece of a puzzle settling in and his soul easily accepted it.

Shiro: Thanks may we meet again, Shiro....remember even in a contract with Alaya, you still can fight....

Shiro's body becomes illusionary and he disappears.

Archer releases a sigh but then puts a hand on his face to block the sunlight.....


Archer's eyes widened and he looked around in shock, the cloudy skies were mostly dispersed and a sun was rising from the horizon illuminating the field that even the land didn't seem as barren as before.

Looking at the surroundings he saw that the rusted swords in his world had lost all trace of rust and damage and looked pristine like the times he first saw them.Looking at the sky he saw that the gigantic gears have also lost their rust.

Archer: What the hell!?

The change was really fast and Archer was caught unprepared but what suprised him was that he was able to sense and listen to his weapons.

Archer was still and when he looked at the Hill slowly where his most prized weapon lay.


The sword of Selection

The sword that chose King Arthur as the King of Britain, his partner's most prized sword. A near perfect replica but still Caliburn.

When Archer "listened" to Caliburn, he fell on his knees and after many years.....

He cried tears of joy.

"All of us will stand by you, so you may cross your path"

A long lost fire lit in Archer's eyes.

The time for change has come.

-Eva location-

Eva was beaming, she really liked the changes around her but most of all she was proud of Shiro.

Eva: (Not only did you gain what you were supposed to, but you also saved such a broken man and gave him a reason to live and a goal to reach, Words can not define how proud I am of you Shiro)

-Gilgamesh location-

Finally after waiting for sometime, the Golden portal trembled and Shiro jumped out unconscious.

Gilgamesh quirked a brow and opened a portal beside him, shooting a spear near Shiro to wake him but suprisingly the spear deviated even more and stabbed the ground a few meters away from Shiro.

Gilgamesh frowned a bit and even more portals opened but they all shot weapons that were a meters away from the unconscious red head.

This time Gilgamesh thought of something, he took a C-Rank Noble phantasm sword in his hand and walked towards Shiro and portals opened.

But this time they were all aimed at Gilgamesh!

Gilgamesh was suprised but was able to tell why this was.

Gilgamesh: (He's gained their loyalty and because of this they refuse to harm him if it's not in combat)

Gilgamesh send his sword back to the Gate and all the Portals closed, he looked At Shiro with a smile but eventually frowned.

Gilgamesh: (Is this another trick of the gods or such plain cruelty of Fate, if the boy was born in my Era he would have prospered not only as one of the earliest but also one of the greatest of Heroes but he had to be born in such a backwater Era)

Gilgamesh lamented why Shiro wasn't born sooner but also a bit Grateful or he would have continued being disgusted surrounded by disappointment of Humans better to be called Fakes, atleast their was one good one amongst them.

Seeing Shiro stir Gilgamesh spoke.

Gilgamesh: Your friend is with the priest and your companions are currently fighting him, a pity you weren't born sooner but alas you are still destined for greatness, Goodbye Shiro, may we meet again.

Gilgamesh disappeared in the shadows.

Shiro opened his eyes, he heard what Gilgamesh said and wearily got up as he made his way to his family.

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