Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 41 - Shocking Revealation!

He had pushed me and encouraged me sometimes without me knowing and before I knew I had not only accomplished my goal but found myself more happy than I've ever been, all thanks to Shiro My Best Friend, My Saviour and Brother in everything but blood I shall forever remember this debt.


Dragonslaying Hero


After getting through the shock that the particular Fae that met with Shiro was actually The Lady of the Lake, Vivian. The same Legendary Fae that bestowed to Arturia her own blessing as well as Excalibur and Avalon.

Merlin looked at Shiro weirdly.

Merlin:....Shiro...you do know that Vivian is "The" Lady of the Lake, Right?

Shiro: Oooooh!....wait! the same person who trapped you here?

Merlin face vaulted but in a split second got back up like nothing happened.

Shiro made a mental note to brush up on his history and find the reason "Why" and "Who" imprisoned Merlin.

Shiro: Well it went like this.....


Shiro: Ugh!

Shiro suddenly jerked while lying down on comfortable grass as he regained consciousness from his fight with Chaos.

He knew from his studies with Kiritsugu that the top 10 of the Dead Apostle Ancestors where on a league of their own but he was honestly shocked how even though he had a body which was nearing the peak of bodily potential (Above Olympic Rank, the peak strenght a human body can receive) Weapons of Legend that could act as a Counter to Vampires, Primordial Runes and even a well laid out trap at most he had perhaps made Chaos release 40% perhaps less than 50% of his full capabilities which didn't include his trump cards.

If it wasn't for Nero Chaos's arrogance and his luck of having that last Experimental bullet he would have died, or perhaps not since Eva might have saved him.

It was times like these he really wanted to be able to release his Reality Marble. (A/N: First Change in new chapters unlike previously mentioned Shiro doesn't know his incantation)

But.....It fuċ[email protected] felt good getting such an achievement! of killing an Ancestor of the top 10 ranking even though Chaos was the last place.

But Shiro got no response from his partner.

Shiro: Huh? Jasper don't tell me you're asleep again?

When Shiro looked at his wrist, he saw that Jasper wasn't on it and he was confident that Jasper was on his wrist when he fell unconscious, looking around he came to another conclusion.

This wasn't the Garden of Avalon.

The place was just as beautiful as the Garden but there was no stream or tower instead there was a clear blue crystal lake with comforting wind howling gently, there were no trees but the lakeside had bushes and flowers whereas he was a bit away from the lake under the comfortable shade of a tree.

The place was comforting and Shiro wouldn't have minded just laying there perhaps take another nap but with the abscense of his partner and his perverted teacher he was a bit curious about this place, not cautious just curious.

Getting up he found to his suprise that his body didn't have a single injury and his attire was also different gone was his Trench Coat along with his hooded cloak instead he was dressed in white T-shirt that was clinging to his body showing his muscles and lean body made for speed but packing quite the bit of strenght along with dark blue jeans without any shoes, not that he minded he liked the feeling of grass against his feet, it was relaxing.

Shiro: Amazing, this place feels like it is making me relax subsciously and the Mana in the air is as high as the Garden or even Dun Scaith.

?????: I am pleased that you find my domain Satisfying.

Shiro's eyes widened for someone to sneak up on him was very hard since even Scathach isn't able to do so unless she was seriously trying to sneak up on him mainly because of the training she put him through and subjecting him to her boundless killing intent which had done Miracles to his senses, Instinct and reaction time (especially Smell) causing all of them to experience massive growth in the last few years.

Only Merlin was able to sneak up on him without being noticed mainly because he was a master in illusions, so this person could very well be a very formidable oppenent perhaps even worse than Chaos.

Out of the Boiler and into the frying pan.

Shiro: (Just my stupid Luck! I'm already tired fighting Chaos!)

Shiro could only pray whoever the newcomer was, he/she was a friendly and if it was a foe he can only rely on Eva, thank God he could still feel the connection to her.

Shiro turned around and saw that the Lake was suddenly not so calm anymore, light ripples were spreading from the center, water started churning only in the center point as it took a humanoid shape of a woman before becoming even more finer in detail until a woman was standing on the lake as the warm became serene once again.

Shiro had somewhat of a resistance against beauty because of his constant contact with many beautiful woman especially Eva who's beauty was just otherworldly but he had to admit the woman before him was just plain "Gorgeous".

The woman had wavy light blue hair reaching her upper back, Her eyes were a brilliant blue reminiscent of the ocean with specks of green, she had pale white smooth skin and a perfect shapely figure.

...And she was nȧkėd.

Shiro: (Wow....what a fine...! No! I'm not a Pervert like Merlin! I'm Not!!)

Shiro quickly slapped himself while averting his eyes from the "obviously" enticing view, lest he gets a nosebleed.

??????: Greetings Chosen Child of Man, I am known by my brethren Fae as Vyrsraja but for your race I am known as Vivian.

The Fae now known as Vivian introduced herself calmly suprising Shiro by her identity as a Magic born Fairy but was confused by the Title she gave him, Chosen Child of Man?

Shiro composed himself while also calming his breathing as he looked Vivian in the eye(Not daring to look anywhere else) but even that didn't hide the appreciation in his eyes for a beautiful woman not in terms of ŀust but appreciation of her beauty like admiring Nature or a work of Art.

He gave a Noble bow taught to him by Eva and Merlin.

Shiro: The pŀėȧsurė is all mine Lady Vivian for what do i owe the pŀėȧsurė of such a visit.

Vivian didn't reply immediately simply staring at Shiro like she was studying him before she nodded to herself, she also might have seen the slight discomfort he had trying to maintain eye contact with her as to not offend her by staring at her body.

The water beneath her feet was suddenly brought up to her body as it materialized a blue dress with green accents around her body covering her private parts but also hugging her figure and accentuating it even more.

Shiro heaved an internal sigh of relief but the appreciation in his eyes didn't diminish.

Shiro: (Truly a beautiful woman's beauty won't diminish in any kind of attire....Damn it! I'm thinking more and more like Merlin!)

Shiro promised himself he'll punch Merlin when getting the chance.

Vivian: Indeed. Me and my people have been observing you for many Seasons and it is commendable to what you have accomplished in so little time even more so for a goal so righteous if I do say so myself, Prince of Swords.

Vivian was speaking in a smooth and calm tone but it was apparent by her tone that she held respect for the young man in front of her who was so different from the other despicable humans of the current age just like a certain King of Britain.

Both of them being Different but so alike equally.

One burdened to carry the weight of an entire nation by birth only to die alone in a under a lone tree, the other baptized in childhood by flames of Hell no less to eventually carry the burden of being a beacon of Light to an Age in which humans have fallen too far into the Darkness.

Yet only having one singular Goal, To make a better place whether it be country or world.

Even if it meant sacrificing their own wishes.

Shiro blushed a bit in embarrassment to be praised by a beautiful Fairy felt really good especially when his efforts were being recognized by a race known to communicate with great Heroes of Old but he was curious with the titles he was being addressed as?

Shiro: I, Thank you for your Praise Lady Vivian but if I may ask why does thou refer to me titles like 'Chosen Child of Man' and 'Prince of Swords'?

Vivian smoothly swung her hand in a graceful Arc causing the Lake water to Materialize two elegant chairs, one behind her and one in front of her.

Shiro quirked an Eyebrow and took a step on the lake and found to his astonishment that it only caused a slight ripple whereas for him it was like a solid surface, shrugging his shoulders he walked to his own chair as he sat down in front of the Beautiful Fae.


The water beside him suddenly stirred and out came an elegant silver goblet with some sort of reddish gold liquid within that floated beside Shiro.

Vivian had a similar goblet in her hands as she looked at Shiro calmly.

Vivian: Drink, even though I took the liberty of healing your internal and external injuries, the Elixir is a favoured drink of my people which will return your strenght to you as well as quenching thirst.

Vivian took a sip of her drink and somehow made it look graceful.

Vivian: As for your body in the Human Realm it is already being healed by Avalon and your companion who you refer to as "Jasper" is also present there most likely to stand guard after your fight with that Abomination.

Apparently the Fae had some sort of dislike for Dead Apostles.

Shiro sighed in relief and still showed Vivian respect by giving her a slight bow of his head in appreciation while taking a sip of the Elixir as his eyes widened in surprise.

The taste was like delicious honey as it didn't pose a problem in entering his throat but the most suprising thing was that Shiro felt his exhaustion fading.

Shiro: I really appreciate the gesture and hospitality Lady Fae.

Vivian nodded.

Vivian: About your previous questions let me answer them......our race have been continuously monitoring you ever since that dreadful Demon had caused that Evil fire at the end of your "Holy Grail War"

Shiro only paused for a second before his expression became neutral, he had long ago grown past his trauma and the nightmares.....the fire was only a bad memory he used as motivation for his dream.

Vivian: We were very much suprised seeing you being the only survivor especially since the Evil had tried to break you by showing you all the sins of Humanity but seeing how you've turned out has garnered you much respect among my brethren, who especially like to thank you for hunting the spawns of the original Traitorous Children and killing one of the strongest ones of them, Nero Chaos.

Shiro's neutral expression broke as he blushed in embarrassment while scratching the back of his head.

Shiro:...I never knew I garnered such attention from a race such as yours I'm honestly flattered.

Vivian gave a rare snort of amusement before fixing her expression.

Vivian: Even though my kind's influence isn't as colossal as it used to be we can still influence the world, it's just we didn't deign ourselves seeing how "low" humans have fallen.

Shiro: So? why interfere now?

Vivian: You.

Shiro's expression became serious

Vivian: Changes have been coming for quite sometime Shiro Emiya and the one who initiated these undercurrents is you.

Shiro: And what does your kind have to say about this?

Shiro narrowed his eyes while Vivian gave him a small smile.

Vivian: We, would like to take your side for the upcoming Change.

Shiro could only stare at the beautiful Fairy in shock.

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