Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 6 - Mentor (22)

It's fine to be Selfish once in a while, Kiritsugu.

Irisviel von Einzbern

Wife of Kiritsugu and lesser Grail vessel of the Fourth war

After returning to the Garden in his own Reality marble along with his new "Pet" Fou, Eva sent him to another place to meet his second mentor but Eva said that he would have to make an impression on "her" to even make her think about teaching him.

Instead of a place like the Garden of Avalon, Shiro found himself in a desolate and bleak snowy land.

He really preferred The Garden of Avalon.

A Monster that resembled a wolf appeared in front of him but with "some" help from Eva he was able to defeat it causing it to run away but then from behind him he felt like someone was standing there, looking behind he saw an extremely beautiful woman with purple hair, Red eyes and an curvaceous body looking at him emotionlessly with a bit of curiosity.

He suddenly remembered Merlin's words of woman being dangerous as they are beautiful.

He really preferred The Garden right about now!

From talking to her, to explaining how he got here, to her territory(Same explanation with merlin regarding the theory of Reality Marble) Scathach, The Queen of the Land of Shadows as she introduced herself got even more curious and fkkgvngy8 Shiro asked if she could teach him just like he did with Merlin.

Scathach: Why should I teach you boy?

Scathach wasn't someone to teach anyone everyone of her students proved themselves to her....but Shiro was not normal AND he was bȧrėly 7 years old.

Shiro: Oh...Sorry then! I'll be on my way. (Walks away)

Scathach could only gape all people that know of her beg to be her student and....prove themselves, How the hell! did she not notice that she herself never asked to be proven it was all her students doing! and now she was letting a boy with potential leave she couldn't call herself a teacher of heroes if she allows such a gem to leave!

Scathach stopped Shiro quickly and explained she meant that she wanted to see his talent, thankfully Shiro didn't see her struggle to correct her mistake or her embarrassment. When Scathach wrote runes in the air to check something about Shiro she couldn't help but give a scary grin, which caused Shiro to shudder. Then Shiro told her of his other secrets like his Magic Core and Physical Magic Circuits all except Eva.

Her grin widened even more.


Scathach couldn't help but smile in anticipation.

Scathach: A Sword Incarnate with an extra Element of Fire, It's like he was born to be a warrior, to think I'll meet another with the same potential as Setanta.....and better yet I can't seem to see his future hahaha interesting.

After a very, very long time The Queen was again looking forward to the future.

-Garden of Eva-

Eva: So how was she?

Shiro: Merlin's a bit weird and Scathach is a bit creepy.

Eva: Don't worry you'll get used to it remember craziness comes with greatness.

Shiro/Fou: (Sweatdrop)

After the little chat Shiro starts to play tag with Fou in the Garden since he doesn't need sleep when in his world. Eva on the other hand watches Shiro with a gentle smile all of these things paint a picturesque theme.

Eva: (No matter what you face in the future it doesn't change the fact that you deserve to be happy as well so until the time comes.....have fun Shiro)


Shiro woke up and looked around and he didn't see Fou.

Fou: Fou!

Nevermind he was there on top of his futon. Shiro got up and went to the kitchen to fix dinner before his father woke up and the tiger showed up.

Kiritsugu woke up half an hour later and sat on the table while Shiro was putting the last of the dishes on it, he still couldn't understand his son's unnatural talent in the kitchen but who was he to complain.

While they were eating, Shiro decided to ask his father something he wanted to ask.

Shiro: Dad can you teach me Magecraft.

Shiro was told by Eva to also learn from Kiritsugu since unlike Merlin and Scathach, Kiritsugu has knownledge about modern weaponry and fighting and his own unique special way of Magecraft and tactics which would be invaluable to Shiro.

Kiritsugu: (Sigh) Shiro, being a Magus is very dangerous there is even a saying "A Magus walks with death" I don't want you to needlessly risk your life, the Moonlit World is traitorous people will stab you in the back and even might get jealous of your success and kill you to take your research.

Shiro: But Dad since you are also a Magus shouldn't you at least teach me enough to protect myself.

Eva had whispered to Shiro to use that reason and it seems to work as Kiritsugu eyes widened and he started thinking and finally sighed.

Kiritsugu: Alright I'll teach you, come to the Dojo after you finish.

Shiro: Thanks dad!

Kiritsugu smiled but hoped he could dissuade Shiro to study Magecraft by telling him about his talent or something along the line.

He was in for a rude awakening.


In the Dojo stood Kiritsugu and Shiro.

Kiritsugu: Shiro first I will use my own prana, which is the energy necessary for Magi to perform their mysteries on you to activate your Magic Circuits afterwards we will try to find a trigger for you to activate them consciously yourself okay.

After Shiro nodded Kiritsugu put his hand on Shiro's shoulder and transferred a bit of Prana to locate and activate his Circuits and activated them.

Taiga arrived at the Emiya household and first started looking for Kiritsugu and Shiro before moochi....--Sharing some of Shiro's cooking, seriously her surrogate younger brother was too good in cooking and she might become addicted.

Seeing they might be in the Dojo see went and opened the door.

Taiga: Good morning! Kiritsugu and Shi---WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!!

Taiga's suprise wasn't unwanted since Kiritsugu was face first pasted on the wall and upside down while Shiro was looking at the display wide eyed.

After Kiritsugu fell from the wall he quickly explained.

Kiritsugu: I slipped on a banana!

Kiritsugu felt ashamed of his excuse and even Shiro was looking at him blankly, if anyone knew the Magus killer said something so ridiculous his reputation will be ruined.

Taiga: Oh okay, just be careful next time Kiritsugu. (Closes)

Kiritsugu/Shiro: (Really Simple minded)

Kiritsugu got up from the floor and once again touched Shiro's shoulder to check his body and felt his legs go weak.

Those 27 Magic Circuits are overlaying.......

Physical Magic Circuits!!!

Is that a Magic core near his ċhėst!!!

No wonder he was blown away the accumulated Prana after release of activation repelled him!

Kiritsugu: (The Magic Circuits are without a doudth a function of Third Magic but since I didn't see anyone use Third Magic on Shiro the option of someone doing it is out. Then this might be a very rare sorcery trait but it still doesn't explain that core, is it because of Avalon)

Kiritsugu was frustrated, so many questions but little answers and the worst part it son is so abnormal that if any normal Magus saw him they might even forfeit their life to capture him and disect him to learn his secrets since this was enough to warranty a Sealing Designation from Clocktower.

Kiritsugu bit his lip in frustration, with such a condition it was literally impossible for his son to live a normal life for he knew aside the dangers with the proper training his son will become a fearful existence in the world perhaps on par with the 27 Dead apostle Ancestors or even Magicians!

He sighed since he couldn't be negligent in his training, he lost one child because of his twisted ideals but he refuses to lose a second.

Kiritsugu: Shiro be prepared Tommorow your training will start.

Kiritsugu said seriously but he was also thinking if Shiro was a member of a ancient family of Magi but looking at the circumstances......perhaps he's the last member in accordance that he doesn't possess a Magic Crest.

Kiritsugu looked at Shiro who looked back and smiled.

Kiritsugu: (No matter even if he is one, he still is Shiro Emiya)

Just for one time the Magus killer will be selfish.

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