Fate/King Of Swords

Chapter 9 - "Saving" the "Unsavable"

It is the simple things that matter in life.


The Dragon Slaying Hero

Right now in the Emiya house two figures were fighting in the Dojo with Shinai after sometime they stop and take off their helmets.

Taiga: Wow Shiro! you're improving quickly.

Shiro: hah...Thanks Fuji-nee.....hah...

Shiro had found a trait in being a sword Incarnate, he was a natural born weapon master but the thing that truly shone in him the most was when he held a sword, it just felt natural in his hand after a few days of training.

Taiga herself who was a master in Kendo and probably the best in Japan saw how Shiro was improving day by day in his swordsmanship and was proud of her "Younger" brother and frankly a little jealous of his talent since she herself started training at nearly the same age as him and never slacked off but from what she was seeing perhaps Shiro will need less than half her time to reach a similar level or better(Worse!) yet surpass her.

The Heavens aren't fair!!!

Shiro: Don't cry Fuji-nee, I'll get dinner ready soon.

Taiga was now simultaneously crying and laughing both, crying from seeing how Shiro is ignorant on certain subjects and laughing because she'll eat Shiro's food again.

In the end food won.

-Dinner Table-

The three eaters were all eating in silence, Kiritsugu who now didn't look pale and tired anymore regained his past air solemness but his eyes now had some life in them but would hardly soften one of the exceptions were Taiga and Shiro, who Kiritsugu started seeing as his own flesh and blood.

Even if only four months passed since his training Kiritsugu felt rare feelings of Pride for his son who was showing exceptional abillities, along with the two "Teachers" Shiro found his studies were going smoothly.

Shiro not only picked up on Magecraft with his own specialized field but he also shown exceptional results in hand to hand combat especially if you gave him a sword, Kiritsugu saw many talents in his carrier as the Magus killer when he went around the world killing Evil Magi and Dead Apostles but by whatever Gods were left out there Shiro outshine them all with a sword and that was not because he was boasting as a father.

Runes were another thing one of his teachers were teaching him, which honestly suprised Kiritsugu since even though it was a declining art it could be pretty useful in right situations sadly not many people were adverse in it and the Arrogant people in Wandering Sea weren't much help, content on living in their Submarine/Mountain.

Kiritsugu at first wanted to meet these "Teachers" of his since he didn't want to take chances of Magi taking advantage of Shiro but ever since the fire Kiritsugu has developed a soft spot for Shiro especially since he hasn't once lied to him and let the two teachers identity a mystery via Shiro's persuasion.

Kiritsugu: Shiro i want you to pack some necessities of yours since you and i will be going somewhere.

Shiro: Huh?

Taiga: Hey where are you guys going (Curious)

Kiritsugu: Well I thought since Shiro mostly stays in the House he and I could go somewhere, quality time Taiga.

Taiga: Oooh that's nice but Kiritsugu you need to consider what I said before after the trip got it.

Shiro was a bit curious of what these two were talking about.

After Taiga left for College Kiritsugu turned to Shiro with a serious gaze.

Kiritsugu: Shiro you know I told you about my wife and daughter right?

Shiro nodded his head.

Kiritsugu: Well Shiro the trip I or more specifically "we" are going on will be to Germany to save your Sister.

The reason Kiritsugu was bringing Shiro along with him was because he didn't want to take chances that when he was away his son would get kidnapped by some Greedy magus and disected, No! he was going to take any chances with another one of his children.

A month ago Kiritsugu got the courage and confessed his involvement in the Fire of Fuyuki but instead of the blame he expected Shiro hugged him and said the words that saved him a second time.

-1 month early-

"It's not your fault, you had good intentions by destroying that Grail or who knows what would have happened to the world Look on the bright side you practically saved the entire world.....so...Don't keep destroying yourself for guilt that isn't yours"

He thought he lost the right to pursue his dream of heroism.

"You practically saved the world Dad"

He thought he was the Devil himself.

"You had good intentions"

He thought the entire blame was to be his.

"Don't destroy yourself to guilt that isn't yours"

Kiritsugu felt pathetic as the tears flowed, he was an empty man that only lived for his ideals, the dream to make a world without hate and sadness.

But in this moment he felt more alive than more than half of his life after a long time he felt.....human, a man who wasn't empty.

All because of this child he took out of "Hell"

A small child who filled a void inside of him made by his ideals and "Opened" his eyes so that he could stop destroying himself.

All it took....was a simple act of consolation, when he was at his worst to "save" the "unsavable" yet again.

Was he a Hero?

The thought was no longer mocking and a small part of him agreed.

Yes....perhaps.....he was.....

-Present time-

After that time Kiritsugu had already started seeing Shiro not as an Adoptive son but as a real son and he absolutely won't trade one child for another and since he was going to save his daughter, the safest place for his son was right beside him.

Kiritsugu: Shiro when I enter the Einzberns territory I want you to always listen to me and leave the fighting to me.

Shiro seemed reluctant but nodded, which Prompted Kiritsugu to smile gently.

Kiritsugu: Don't worry you're very talented and I'm sure soon you will even surpass me but for now let me handle it okay and besides after we get your sister we can use the rest of the time having fun in need a card to play for breaking Illya's promise haha. (pats head)

-Land of Shadows, Dun Scaith-

Scathach: I see...your training hasn't reached a level where I can deem you worthy for combat so the next best thing you can use is your brain, analyze the Area and the objective and find the fastest way to achieve it and leave fighting to your old man, that's the best you can do currently.

Shiro whose body was bruised hardly but surely got up again and took a stance compared to his teacher's relaxed posture.

Shiro: Hah....thank....you....hah....Shishou!

Scathach: Oh! so you can still stand and fight...Hahaha!! that's my student your spirit is as always admirable, here I come Shiro. (Dash)

-Garden of Avalon-

Merlin: I still can't understand that woman is mercy in that women's dictionary even!

Shiro: Ow!

Merlin was currently healing a heavily bruised Shiro who was laid on his stomach on a patch of dense grass and few flowers, it was like a comfortable bed Merlin had conjured to heal Shiro whenever he returned from his combat training (Which is everytime) After he would start his own lessons.

Merlin: Even if I'm half incubus I know the basic thing that you should go easy on children.

Shiro: You know that if Shishou heard you she might hunt you down right?

Merlin: Hohoho my student that's why I'm saying this for i am completly safe here and no one will hurt me! (Smug)



Fou did the closest thing to a "facepalm" and might have called Merlin a "Coward" mentally. Shiro on the other hand was questioning if his Magecraft teacher was really alright since hiding from a potentially dangerous woman while also mocking her isn't quite manly.

With Greatness comes Craziness I suppose.


After they exited the airport.

The first thing Shiro Noted about Germany was that it was cold.

But Shiro was able to solve that by activating one of his Magic Circuits and quietly circulate Prana(Unlike normal circuit usage which generates heat, Shiro's Circuits give a cooling sensation) in a pattern similar to the time Eva did in the fire, Eva taught him an imitation form of the technique but the current usage was that it only lessens extreme temperatures.

Kiritsugu met with one of his old "friends" who had arranged him a van filled with many containers, after boarding it they went towards a snowy mountain and stopped in a clearing.

Shiro saw that the crates were actually filled with all kinds of weapons from handguns to submachine guns and after stocking himself with weapons, Kiritsugu gestured for Shiro to follow him and stay close.

Since Kiritsugu was healed and his Circuits improved he had a much easier time finding the bounded field of the Einzberns and breaking through it without alerting anyone, when they arrived in the Castle Shiro was awed.

Kiritsugu: Shiro I'm going to vault you onto that window and send you inside, can you do a small task, got to the right wing of the castle and find the garden and the room attached to it Illya is located there can you find her and bring her here at the entrance as quickly as possible.

Shiro nodded but asked.

Shiro: What about You dad?

Kiritsugu still had the gentle smile but his face darkened a little.

Kiritsugu: I'm going to "greet" the household of course.

Shiro didn't see the look and only nodded, after sending Shiro in the smile Kiritsugu had disappeared and a all too familiar look of the "Magus killer" Appeared again.

The Einzberns and more specifically Acht.


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