Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1000: The black horse

"One more thing, I entered Tianqing Academy not only for training, but also for the opportunity to experience. Tianqing Academy is one of the four major colleges in the Western Continent. There are many opportunities for experience, and one more of my spiritual power. If the cultivation base makes rapid progress, you need to continuously temper your spiritual power. You said how I can temper spiritual power in this Pei family."

After Yun Qianyu finished speaking, Pei Shan nodded: "That's true, then let's go. Grandfather, uncle, and aunt are waiting for us outside the mansion."

"Let's go."

Outside the gate of Pei's mansion, the dark and oppressive people, everyone was waiting for Yun Qianyu.

When Yun Qianyu and Pei Shan appeared, Pei Dongshan led the people over.

"Little Creek, it's almost time to start."

Yun Qianyu nodded, indicating that he knew.

As soon as she raised her head and saw Pei Kang and Lin Xiuwan beside Pei Dongshan looking at her with dissatisfaction, their eyes were red when they saw Yun Qianyu looking at them.

Yun Qianyu walked over, hugged them one by one, and then said in a warm voice: "Daddy, I will be fine, don't worry, you just stay in Pei's mansion at ease, and I will write to you if I have something to do."

"Well, you must remember to write to Daddy."

"If you are not used to staying in the college, come back."

Lin Xiuwan choked.

Yun Qianyu nodded, let go of them, then took a step back and looked at Pei Dongshan and said, "Grandfather, you have to bear with my parents."

Pei Dongshan immediately promised: "It will, you can rest assured."

In the eyes of Pei Dongshan, Yun Qianyu is not much different from his ancestors. How could Pei Dongshan not follow her.

After agreeing to Yun Qianyu, he handed a ring to Yun Qianyu and said, "This is the space ring. It contains the gold coins I prepared for you and some food."

Yun Qianyu took it and thanked him, "Thank you, grandfather."

Although this old man is a bit impersonal, he is not bad.

Pei Dongshan smiled happily, Xiaoxi was willing to call him grandfather, then she would become stronger in the future, so she wouldn't care about the people in Pei's family.

Now he was relieved.

"Okay, it's time for you to get on the road. The students from Baihecheng who are going to Tianqing Academy are all gathered at the gate of the city. Please go there quickly and don't be late."

"it is good."

Yun Qianyu agreed, lifted his foot and walked on the carriage, but stopped and looked back after getting on the carriage.

Pei Dongshan, Pei Kang, and Lin Xiuwan all looked at him.

Yun Qianyu chuckled slightly, although he didn't stay at Pei's house long, but he felt good.

"You take care."

Yun Qianyu said something rare, everyone in the Pei family laughed, and then waved to send them away.

The Pei family was selected by five people this time, Pei Wenjun, Pei Wenxu, Pei Feng, Yun Qianyu and Pei Shan.

Three men and two women, traveling in two carriages.

The carriage went straight to the gate of the city.

At the gate of the city, at this time, the black and oppressive people, the long convoy of carriages.

Outside the carriage, three people in a group, five people in a group were talking, all of them were reminding the children of the family from the head of each family to make them work hard or something.

When Pei's carriage arrived, it attracted the attention of many people.

Because this time the Pei family was regarded as a dark horse rushing up in White Crane City, five people were selected by Tianqing Academy at once, and they couldn't help but be jealous.

Yun Qianyu, Pei Shan and others didn't pay attention to the people outside, just sitting in the carriage talking.

But just after they spoke for a while, they heard the voice of the guard driving the carriage outside the carriage: "Miss Xi, Young Master Lin is here."

Yun Qianyu lifted the curtain and looked out, and saw a handsome Lin Qingyang in a blue shirt walking over with two young sons.

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