Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1008: Hit the opponent hard

Zhao Yueer said slowly.

"It's not impossible for you to stay. I'll give you a chance now. As long as you leave Pei Xi's ugly side and stand on my side, I will not target you. Today I target only one person, then It's Peixi."

Pei Shan and others stayed for a while, and several people quickly looked at Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu said slowly: "If you want to follow her, I won't stop."

But Pei Shan, Pei Wenjun and others shook their heads.

"Our people in Pei's family are definitely not eating inside and outside. We are together. Even if we are all out of the academy this year, we can come again next year. But if we eat inside and outside, this character will be a problem."

Several people stood firmly behind Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu grinned slowly, in a good mood.

No one likes to be betrayed.

Pei Shan and Pei Wenjun stood firmly behind her, which gave her strength and made her believe that human nature still has a beautiful side.

Pei Shan and others stood firmly behind Yun Qianyu, and several people pointed at Zhao Yueer and shouted: "Zhao Yueer, do you think we will be afraid of you? Our Pei family is not afraid of your Zhao family."

"Come on, let them die today without a place to be buried."

Zhao Yue'er yelled, and in the dense forest behind him, several people came out, and these people were also from Baihe City.

Among them are the Chen family and the Rong family.

These people all came together with Zhao Yueer.

Bae Shan, Bae Wenjun and others are almost vomiting blood

"You **** brains are really sick, we are together, and you actually targeted us."

It is a pity that no one pays attention to Pei Shan, Pei Wenjun and others. Zhao Yueer waved his hand, and the people behind her flashed straight to Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu sneered and ordered steeply: "Pei Shan, Wen Jun, you guys step back and let me deal with them."

At Yun Qianyu's order, Pei Shan and Pei Wenjun were stunned for a while, but a few people subconsciously surrendered and drew back.

As soon as Yun Qianyu's figure moved, his footwork was like a ghostly shadow, he rushed to Zhao Yueer and the others.

Zhao Yueer and the others quickly raised their hands and blasted at her.

It is a pity that Yun Qianyu didn't intend to attack them, but directly gave them poison pills.

The smell of poison pills filled Zhao Yueer and the others.

Unconsciously, several people still raised their hands and bombed to their sides, for fear of being attacked by Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu had already withdrawn. After she withdrew, she quickly ordered the Three Spirit Beasts.

"Ao Ming, Diaoye, Xiaoying, kill them."

The three spirit beasts rushed out ferociously and rushed towards Zhao Yueer and the people she had brought.

Zhao Yueer and the people she brought were visibly slowed by the poison of Poison Pill. In this way, they were immediately hit by Ao Ming, Diaoye, and Xiaoying.

Boom boom, pop.


Among Zhao Yueer and others, some were injured, some were burned by Xiaoying’s phoenix fire, and they screamed: "Ahhhhh."

Zhao Yue'er's face changed, she didn't know her well, and she ran out quickly.

"Hurry up, we are poisoned by that ugly monster."

A few people walked away, and a few others were directly killed by Ao Ming Diaoye and Xiaoying and seriously injured.

But after these people were killed and seriously injured, Heifenglin automatically bounced them out.

Ao Ming, Diaoye, and Xiaoying's expressions changed, and they shouted in dissatisfaction: "How come people have not been killed yet."

Seeing those people escaped, Ao Ming and Diao Ye still wanted to chase them.

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